Accuser got $250k. Attorneys got the rest.
lawyers typically get 1/3 plus fees. so, she should take home $600k tax free. i have to believe that article is incorrect.
Its true, due to Florida's statutes on plaintiff's attorney fees on settlement of civil cases.
BTW - her attorneys today stated the numbers are wrong and they did not get $750. The would not state what they got which makes you believe it's close to what is stated.
It's not confidential. The lawyers disputed their take not the total payout.Or it could be confidential. Also, probably dont want to be publicizing that your client got a boatload of money. People could come after her.
BTW - her attorneys today stated the numbers are wrong and they did not get $750. The would not state what they got which makes you believe it's close to what is stated.
I heard your story a little different. She was with 2 other girls and you tried picking anyone of them up, so you sent 2 of the girls drinks, and the chubby one a ham sandwich.Chubby one it is.I was taken advantage of once - chubby girl on cook campus had her way with me after a few brews. I didn't get $250k, all I got was chocolate chip pancakes the next morning.
If she only got $250k of the money then her lawyer raped her also.
...all I got was chocolate chip pancakes the next morning.
I know almost nothing about the case but didn't she flip flop on her story before, hurting her credibility?
The much bigger issue was most of the cops, Chief of Police, State's Attorney were all alums or boosters. The had major political types, and UF fans, pushing for a no bill.Not really. Multiple officers took her story at different points. Some of the discrepancy is a result of them recording it differently. Her basic story was the same.
The much bigger issue was most of the cops, Chief of Police, State's Attorney were all alums or boosters. The had major political types, and UF fans, pushing for a no bill.
Why was a major power player and Winston fan on the podium of a law enforcement press conference. Why were he and the State's attorney laughing about a rape accusation?
Sounds a lot like Wisc. police investigations here. Cover up in his favor from the startThe biggest problem is that the police screwed up the investigation, and let critical evidence get away. Chris Casher recorded the event on his cell phone, but deleted it a few days later. They also didn't procure the security film from the bar, and it was eventually erased. Plus, they didn't interview any witnesses until the story broke.