Give me a break. They do not call 3 seconds anymore despite fans screaming for it and it has disappeared. Carrying gets called only when blant and an advantage has been created by the offensive player. The cylinder rule is hardly ever called. 3 rules that you can emphasize but are no longer a part of the game. The cylinder rule the most useless one because a foul can be called with contact but 3 seconds needs to be an enforced rule and it is not. Carrying the ball but just dribbling going no where is tolerated even though it isa rule but because no advantage is created it isn’t called
So should they remove 3 second and carry all together?
That was my point.
Just because these rules are not called (when they likely should) doesn't justify removing it from the rule book altogether
In my opinion.
Fir examole : personally, I'd be fine getting rid of 3 seconds. But that's because I think rules restricting "strategy" need to be minimized.
Refs could call every single 3 second violation correctly.
I'd still be in favor of getting rid of it.