Football Rutgers staves off mistake-prone Washington 21-18 at home

Our D Line is going to be the difference this game… and key to the season. Let’s hope it gets going. Fast. From pass rush (none) to stopping the run, it’s the weak link thus far.
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That is what it is and as far as targeting that has been inconsistent for as long as it’s been in effect. I don’t think anyone knows what it is from play to play for sure.

But they’ve also called stuff that killed their drives and gave us a second chance at a TD.

Don’t give up any TOs and we’re in good shape
I would like to see us run them into the ground over the Q3. Wear down their D, as we did several times last season. But let’s see if they insist on packing the box. Plus we’re possibly down a starter on the OL which could be significant.
I’m not complaining about the officials so much as laughing at the inconsistency on the QB hits. The officiating is fine, they’re human and there’;s always inconsistency.
My only complaint was the targeting otherwise been great imo
Our D Line is going to be the difference this game… and key to the season. Let’s hope it gets going. Fast. From pass rush (none) to stopping the run, it’s the weak link thus far.
The D Line and just overall tackling in general by the whole defense needs improvement.
My only complaint was the targeting otherwise been great imo
That’s been one of, if not the, most inconsistly called penalty since it was introduced. I never know what the refs will call targeting. Both guys in the booth plus the FOX official thought that first one was targeting. But for some reason, the replay official said nope. I’d love to know the reason.

But whatever, the refs being inconsistent is how it goes. They definitely aren’t biased against us.