Based on what we have seen doled out to recently, at worst there are some vacated wins.
Well on the bright side we won't have many wins to vacate.
Based on what we have seen doled out to recently, at worst there are some vacated wins.
What wins?Based on what we have seen doled out to recently, at worst there are some vacated wins.
Losing scholarships would hurt though.Well on the bright side we won't have many wins to vacate. will the few remaining "Floodies" please finally understand why I kept saying, and have been saying for 3+ years now, that there was MORE to my stance against Flood than just the on-field issues and recruiting failures? I don't make shit up people. Never have, never will!
(don't worry plenty on these boards, including John and a couple other mods/contributors, can back me up...).
uh-oh..this could be bad..
Steve Politi @StevePoliti 46s46 seconds ago
Reading the dreaded NOA now. 16 players were allowed to compete after flunking drug tests. 16!
the drug testing failure comes from the arrested player who testified in court he had a drug problem,failed drug tests and Flood never did anything about it.then the NCAA took notice..
Flood and Hermann were two idiots..dont forget the posters who also full time backed Julie and on twitter..
this is bad for recruiting..doubt any ban or loss of ships happen..but more negative crap thanks to Flood and 'julie".
You and me both Nuts. We were sounding the horn for how long?
We also owe a debt of gratitude to Julie Hermann. This was on her watch. She left the cat KF running loose in the hen house. They are both culpable, but KF more so.
Already got a snarky e-mail from a friend from UNC of all places.
Julie was totally qualified for that job. There was no agenda to her hiring. You'd have to be crazy enough to jump off a bridge to say otherwise. o_O
I think losing 5 ships for 2 years, no bowl in 2017, and vacating the wins is fair.
Sweeney was the root of this problem. I bet she still thinks she did something positive. "WE DID IT!"
I think losing 5 ships for 2 years, no bowl in 2017, and vacating the wins is fair.
Didn't we know all this already? The drug tests were even discussed here? We self reported all this crap. Nothing comes of this.
@huskersalways it was weed.
5 schollies for 2 years? I would think that's a lot for non-level 1 violations.
Why? They've said time and again they've done nothing wrong.Really? UNC? They are the LAST people that should be talking.
For all the former and current Floodies who said the Barnwell incident wasn't a big deal. This is more proof on just how stupid you were.
goes back to Schianos last year..and part of that year when Flood took over..allowing 16 players to play who failed drug tests is a problem....I think..maybe lose some ships..
bad time for this to come out for recruiting RU has 90 days to respond..this will drag onwards for a while till summer?
I dont think we self reported drug testing violations from 2011 ..did we?
Pretty much this. Admit you're guilty and get the book thrown at you. Drag your feet, admit nothing, and be generally uncooperative and you can keep cheating while still technically under investigation.Why? They've said time and again they've done nothing wrong.
But this sham is nothing new. NCAA = the power schools, the power schools = NCAA. In real life, true self regulation is practically non-existent, let alone in the fantasyland of college sports..No we don't. The NCAA has zero credibility and should be disbanded. It should definitely not be out pretending to be an authority of any kind.