Rutgers vs Washington GAME THREAD

I missed it...what the hell happened after the Cioffi INT?
yeah I think we should see another QB at this point. Laviano has been able to move the ball to some degree but let's see someone else out there.
Another great punt.

When the punter is the best player on the team... you know you are in trouble.
c'mon people, passions run high but no need for the threatening and bravado behavior. We are all RU fans, no need to call people out to lots for fist fights over differences of opinions.

Next home game I am going to scout the lots for a cops tailgate. I'll note the vehicles, what the folks wear.. then invite the belligerent to come see "me" there. (not actually going to do that.. but it would be fun to hear that someone did).
Anyone think that we might see Odin take over by the halfway point of the season? This team has plenty of issues but I cannot see how Laviano is part of the solution under any scenario and if the other non-frosh QBs could not beat him out than that tells me everything I need to know own about them.
So what game is everyone watching? LSU vs. Wisc and A&M vs. UCLA are great matchups.
Until we have the talent to play the game the way this coaching staff wants to, it is going to be much like last year so dampen the expectations. We had one of the worst passing Ds in the nation last year...The offense lost Leonte. WTF guys
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Next home game I am going to scout the lots for a cops tailgate. I'll note the vehicles, what the folks wear.. then invite the belligerent to come see "me" there. (not actually going to do that.. but it would be fun to hear that someone did).
But wait, everybody said Ash was different and wouldn't leave a struggling QB in... You all said that!! We have another Flood
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WTF did Flood do with recruiting when that is our best option on QB? At point, there is nothing to lose, might as well try someone else... for the rest of the season.
this is NOT talent, the talent gap is not what we are seeing here. All of you guys decrying talent as the reason need to get a clue (respectfully), learn the game (respectfully) and be more objective

Ash and staff had this team totally unprepared and in part, that is due to the new schemes etc we employ but holy hell, this is pretty bad
Lucas just said on radio be patient Rutgers fans. How many years is that? 10????
I WISH we had Gary Nova right now.
Final year Nova.. maybe. But it wasn't worth the cost of seeing 3 years of Nova to get that final year Nova. Same is prolly true here. Earlier in the thread I mentioned why no deep balls.... then we saw a lame deep throw.. then we saw the announcers say that Laviano missed a wide open grant 20 yards behind the D alone.. just to dump it down on a 4 yard out.. when we needed 10.