Special BOG meeting called for Friday


Hall of Famer
Nov 28, 2005
to discuss matters "regarding atheltics and anticipated or pending litigation". Per our boy Politi.

Don't like these special meetings. We'll see what happens.
Someone responded to his tweet, a sirius host and a Rutgers alumni, saying its nothing related to Flood, it seems. Lets hope this is true.
Is there some rule prohibiting these meetings from being scheduled on a Monday or Tuesday?
If it is just a meeting to pass a resolution to authorize the $$s to hire external firms to "Lawyer Up" not catastrophic. Who knows? But we should assume that the SL will paint this as a "crisis" meeting. While it might be that, just because SL says so don't make it a fact.
"anticipated or pending litigation" - - that is the kind of stuff that usually has to percolate through extensive & lengthy legal counsel review and analysis before it would be placed before a governing body to evaluate strategies for going forward. My guess - Unlikely to be anything related to very recent events. Likely related to something that may have occurred quite some time ago.
yea, I would think the kids who had his jaw broke mommy and daddy are suing.
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Someone responded to his tweet, a sirius host and a Rutgers alumni, saying its nothing related to Flood, it seems. Lets hope this is true.

Like that will stop our Pulitzer prize winning journalists from innuendo, insinuation and yellow journalism!
Hopefully it's a suit against SL and for its continued agenda of aggravated assault and other heinous acts committed against RU
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Are there any pending lawsuits from Mike Rice, his players, Tim Pernetti, Don Imus, The Tyrees, The lady that got bumped to the black lot after years of buying football tickets on the secondary market?
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I heard it's to hire patent lawyers. Apparently it is unclear if the plans for the Death Star are in the public domain. This surprises me, that thing was originally designed a long, long time ago.
Inside word is that the University is going to take a position on the Pork Roll vs. Taylor Ham controversy and they want to "lawyer up" to anticipate the impending backlash.
It seems to me that in the litigious society we live in you would want to have some kind of plan for the law suits that are becoming common place.
I could be completely wrong but if the agenda is suppose to involve discussion of litigation it may be that the meeting minutes don't have to be made public (given to SL when they make an info request). Normally, under state freedom of information law they would be is my guess. This way, it allows for a much more open discussion of the issues without having to worry that what is said will be on the front page in a few days.
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I could be completely wrong but if the agenda is suppose to involve discussion of litigation it may be that the meeting minutes don't have to be made public (given to SL when they make an info request). Normally, under state freedom of information law they would be is my guess. This way, it allows for a much more open discussion of the issues without having to worry that what is said will be on the front page in a few days.

Would be nice to agree with this, but given RU leaks like a sieve, I wouldn't be surprised if the SL crew gets their hands on something.
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As above- one student had jaw broken by another student. 5 students expelled.

Hire lawyer. Wait for lawsuits.
People are making jokes that it is nothing but the begining of this thread is exactly like the begining of the police at practice thread
Still difficult for NJ.Com to get their hands on something when they have their head stuck up their arse.

If they don't get their hands on something, is it possible that they could just make something up?

For instance they could interview whoever is responsible for cleaning the floors afterward. If he says something to the effect that it got pretty dirty in there during that meeting, that has the potential to make a good headline, quoting an unnamed source. Conveniently skip the part about it pertaining to the tables and floors. The fact that things got pretty dirty during the meeting should be interesting enough to generate some clicks.

Am I sharp enough to be a SL sports reporter, or do I have to come up with better than this?
As above- one student had jaw broken by another student. 5 students expelled.

Hire lawyer. Wait for lawsuits.

Friday's BOG meeting topics are not yet revealed to the public. Therefore, the agenda with regards to athletics and litigation is purely speculative. Besides, much of the action took place off campus and are outside of Rutgers jurisdiction, and presumably its liabilities.

As usual, there is this freakish need to turn everything into a worst case scenario is linking the RU BOG meeting to the recent "athletics matters" and "anticipated or impending litigation." Staffer who reports this news (Kelly Heyboer) is an education reporter, not a sports "journalist." This is smart for the
There's no doubt this is an unscheduled meeting. What its about remains a mystery.
If they don't get their hands on something, is it possible that they could just make something up?

For instance they could interview whoever is responsible for cleaning the floors afterward. If he says something to the effect that it got pretty dirty in there during that meeting, that has the potential to make a good headline, quoting an unnamed source. Conveniently skip the part about it pertaining to the tables and floors. The fact that things got pretty dirty during the meeting should be interesting enough to generate some clicks.

Am I sharp enough to be a SL sports reporter, or do I have to come up with better than this?
You're hired! is linking the RU BOG meeting to the recent "athletics matters" and "anticipated or impending litigation." Staffer who reports this news (Kelly Heyboer) is an education reporter, not a sports "journalist." This is smart for the
Heyboer thinks she 's a sports let me go before I say the wrong thing...this BOG meeting was scheduled some time if it does involve something other than the norm we know where the leaks are coming from ...politically appointed BOG member or would be appropriate to suspect such at Dear Old Rutgers.
If there is 'a' or 'a few' specific individuals who are breaking rules of confidentiality and selectively leaking information for the purposes of damaging individuals and the institution - it would seem that there would be a very good chance that a select group of people already know exactly who the culprits are - and have know for some time. Hope there is a way to nail these individuals in a way that renders them 'radioactive' for involvement in anything to do with RU for the rest of their working life.
New uniform design.
People who bought programs are suing because they cannot read the numbers on the scarlet uniforms rendering their programs completely useless. Seeking relief in the form of one pair of binoculars and punitive damages totalling 6.5 million.
People who bought programs are suing because they cannot read the numbers on the scarlet uniforms rendering their programs completely useless. Seeking relief in the form of one pair of binoculars and punitive damages totalling 6.5 million.

Havent been able to spot numbers since the old uni's.....
Before and after pix for use as evidence:

