The RAC and Masks

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Cloth masks don't work. Only properly fitted surgical masks or KN95's work. A friend of mine is a microbiologist and this is what he told me.
You must have meant N95 instead of KN95. The letter K in KN95 only means that it was made in China. I trust N95 over KN95 and Costco sells top quality N95 online. You may want to share the purchase with your friends since while the $1.50/piece is a great price for such a high quality item, you need to order 100 masks as typical at Costco. It is a great fit, beats any other mask I had, except the military style N99, I used to have at the beginning of the pandemic.
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Some people seem to be throwing around the “selfish“ label if healthy, non-symptomatic, vaccinated people don’t want to wear masks… arguing that they could infect vulnerable people. At some point we need to discuss the selfishness of SOME of the vulnerable folks who don’t take the necessary steps to protect themselves (MANY, not all, can wear N95s, avoid crowds, protect themselves). They want others to mask up thinking that will protect them. It strikes me as the guy that can’t swim forces limiting all swimming pools to a 3’ depth… you know if they can’t swim why should we let others?
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Why does it bother you if someone doesn't wear one.
My answer here bac is I have a daughter who is not yet eligible for vaccination.

So I have to protect her by limiting what I do. Without masks parents of young kids or this who are around Karen's of young kids need to stay away.

This is what the CDC and Biden team failed to grasp when they tried to normalize things this summer.
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Talked to my rep, she said they won’t be enforcing it, but only encouraging it fir the unvaxed. More of an honor system. As for the vaxed, again it’s encouraged but nit enforced
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Oh yes …the infamous “ honor system” which we all adhere to. They have been using the honor system in Hawaii and guess what? It doesn’t work. 1/3 of state still unvaccinated must be a cultural thing?
My answer here bac is I have a daughter who is not yet eligible for vaccination.

So I have to protect her by limiting what I do. Without masks parents of young kids or this who are around Karen's of young kids need to stay away.

This is what the CDC and Biden team failed to grasp when they tried to normalize things this summer.

you know the statistics of under 18 and Covid, I know you do. So does the WHO and most of Europe as they do not recommend masking children
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Talked to my rep, she said they won’t be enforcing it, but only encouraging it fir the unvaxed. More of an honor system. As for the vaxed, again it’s encouraged but nit enforced
That's interesting to me. My guess is the ticket rep is not really in the know, just saying what you want to hear, based on past complaints about ticket reps. You cannot enter a Rutgers on-campus building without a mask currently. I'm not taking sides here, but if they suspend that rule for basketball games, they will not be able to enforce it in other buildings going forward.
That's interesting to me. My guess is the ticket rep is not really in the know, just saying what you want to hear, based on past complaints about ticket reps. You cannot enter a Rutgers on-campus building without a mask currently. I'm not taking sides here, but if they suspend that rule for basketball games, they will not be able to enforce it in other buildings going forward.

Its not so much suspending as letting the crowd dictate..dont worry there will be enough pro mask Karens there shaming others with their morality in their eyes
Bac,...where did you get that I didn't believe in the vaccine ? I absolutely do. I'm not in your science-denier club.

But it's not 100% effective in preventing infection and vaccinated people may still harbor and transmit virus.

Wearing a mask and being vaccinated isn't redundant. And since you don't know who else is vaccinated anyway, wearing a mask is important.
The government has had over 1.5 years to rectify that problem. They show zero interest in doing that.

The overwhelming majority of people I speak to in Ocean County are mentally done with masks. The overwhelming majority of teachers and parents of children who go to our schools are tired of the mask requirements.

Sounds to me like you spend all your time talking to likeminded people in a bubble. Which would make sense ...talking to non-likeminded people is just a big argument waiting to happen. Just don't present your bubble conversations as evidence.
Some people seem to be throwing around the “selfish“ label if healthy, non-symptomatic, vaccinated people don’t want to wear masks… arguing that they could infect vulnerable people. At some point we need to discuss the selfishness of SOME of the vulnerable folks who don’t take the necessary steps to protect themselves (MANY, not all, can wear N95s, avoid crowds, protect themselves). They want others to mask up thinking that will protect them. It strikes me as the guy that can’t swim forces limiting all swimming pools to a 3’ depth… you know if they can’t swim why should we let others?

I don't think it's selfish to not wear masks when in public spaces that don't specifically require them. It absolutely is selfish to ignore mandates put in place by businesses, organizations and individuals, however. Pretty simple, actually.
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I don't think it's selfish to not wear masks when in public spaces that don't specifically require them. It absolutely is selfish to ignore mandates put in place by businesses, organizations and individuals, however. Pretty simple, actually.
This . If rutgers is requiring masks at the RAC all paying customers have this expectation the rule will be followed . If it’s not going to be enforced, it shouldn’t be a rule in the first place
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Bac,...where did you get that I didn't believe in the vaccine ? I absolutely do. I'm not in your science-denier club.

But it's not 100% effective in preventing infection and vaccinated people may still harbor and transmit virus.

Wearing a mask and being vaccinated isn't redundant. And since you don't know who else is vaccinated anyway, wearing a mask is important.
Very few things, if any, can be considered 100% effective and the vax is not a cure all, but a good way to possibly prevent catching the virus and if a vax person does, the effect is far less devastating than a non vaxed person winds up with.
But vaxed people can still catch the virus but have a better chance not to than a non vaxed person when breathing in contaminated air.
Non vaxed make up most of the deaths from the virus .

Some masks protect the wearer from breathing out and/or breathing in contaminated air..
But most cloth masks are only effective keeping the wearer from contaminating others with their breath. They don't prevent being infected by someone who have Covid 19 and breaths out the virus particles
So in essence wearing a cloth mask is for the protection of others in case you're infected , even if slightly, and trying to be a good neighbor .
Sometimes the symptoms can be real mild and you won't know you have it, but if someone catches it from you, what they caught from you might just be life threatening.

The majority of masks worn are more about protecting others while receiving the vax is more about protecting yourself.
Receiving the vax does afford protection, but not 100% worth.
Bac,...where did you get that I didn't believe in the vaccine ? I absolutely do. I'm not in your science-denier club.

But it's not 100% effective in preventing infection and vaccinated people may still harbor and transmit virus.

Wearing a mask and being vaccinated isn't redundant. And since you don't know who else is vaccinated anyway, wearing a mask is important.

if you believe in the vaccine and you are vaccinated what are you worried about, you wont end up in the hospital, you want zero covid, thats laughable. Do you drive a car
Very few things, if any, can be considered 100% effective and the vax is not a cure all, but a good way to possibly prevent catching the virus and if a vax person does, the effect is far less devastating than a non vaxed person winds up with.
But vaxed people can still catch the virus but have a better chance not to than a non vaxed person when breathing in contaminated air.
Non vaxed make up most of the deaths from the virus .

Some masks protect the wearer from breathing out and/or breathing in contaminated air..
But most cloth masks are only effective keeping the wearer from contaminating others with their breath. They don't prevent being infected by someone who have Covid 19 and breaths out the virus particles
So in essence wearing a cloth mask is for the protection of others in case you're infected , even if slightly, and trying to be a good neighbor .
Sometimes the symptoms can be real mild and you won't know you have it, but if someone catches it from you, what they caught from you might just be life threatening.

The majority of masks worn are more about protecting others while receiving the vax is more about protecting yourself.
Receiving the vax does afford protection, but not 100% worth.

oh the women wearing them in your local grocery store are not wearing them to protect others
if you believe in the vaccine and you are vaccinated what are you worried about, you wont end up in the hospital, you want zero covid, thats laughable. Do you drive a car

Perhaps, unlike you, he's thinking about someone other than himself.

Novel concept, I know, but I understand some people do it.
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Perhaps, unlike you, he's thinking about someone other than himself.

Novel concept, I know, but I understand some people do it.


So if someone doesn't want to get vaccinated thats their choice..right..i dont need to worry about them

So if someone doesn't want to get vaccinated thats their choice..right..i dont need to worry about them

Well, except there's still a large percentage who can't get vaccinated whether they want to or not.

Other than that, sure, great logic.
oh the women wearing them in your local grocery store are not wearing them to protect others
Well, except there's still a large percentage who can't get vaccinated whether they want to or not.

Other than that, sure, great logic.

Bs that anyone who wants to be vaxxed cannot

If they cannot be vaxxed because of their health and this is a pretty small number Then they should stay home actually..we are 18 months into this

Covid isnt going away
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Yeah you want to give me the stats about kids and covid..thanks

I couldn't care less about your interpretation of stats, so thanks. Not your decision to make.

Luckily for those who can't get vaxxed and parents who don't want to expose their children, self-absorbed POS like you are a small (albeit loud and obnoxious) minority. Now sit the fk back down and put your mask back on.
I would be ok with the mask if it’s not required when eating or drinking. That way I go in get my frosty ipa and sip it through the last timeout before the half, go down and get my second ipa (lying here I’ve already had my second) go back to my seat and sip it the rest of the game. Woohoo. But seriously I can’t wear a mask and see because I wear glasses so if I can’t dodge the mandate while enjoying a cold one I will have to pass.
I couldn't care less about your interpretation of stats, so thanks. Not your decision to make.

Luckily for those who can't get vaxxed and parents who don't want to expose their children, self-absorbed POS like you are a small (albeit loud and obnoxious) minority. Now sit the fk back down and put your mask back on.

Touched a nerve phony?

Thats funny because i see kids all about in stores and in public not wearing masks. So take the bs elsewhere its phony

Its most definitely every citizens own decision to not fall victim to msm covid fear
We’ll be the only school in the country requiring masks by the time the season starts.
Touched a nerve phony?

Thats funny because i see kids all about in stores and in public not wearing masks. So take the bs elsewhere its phony

Its most definitely every citizens own decision to not fall victim to msm covid fear

Where did I say every kid on earth is wearing a mask, dipshit?

It's most definitely every entity's right to establish its own mask/vax rules. And your right not to frequent them if you disagree. It's not your right to be a whiny hypocrite and ignore those rules because you don't like them.

So, like I said ...sit back down, tighten those mask straps and enjoy the ride!
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Where did I say every kid on earth is wearing a mask, dipshit?

It's most definitely every entity's right to establish its own mask/vax rules. And your right not to frequent them if you disagree. It's not your right to be a whiny hypocrite and ignore those rules because you don't like them.

So, like I said ...sit back down, tighten those mask straps and enjoy the ride!

Ill do what i want..thats the best part..meanwhile you are spastic cursing 2x in 15minutes
They will be required everywhere

Seems there were lot of April vaccinations

Those wear off in nov/Dec so case no's will look bad
Yeah you want to give me the stats about kids and covid..thanks


American Academy of Pediatrics

Summary of Findings (data available as of 9/30/21) :​

Cumulative Number of Child COVID-19 Cases*​

  • 5,899,148 total child COVID-19 cases reported, and children represented 16.2% (5,899,148/36,501,460) of all cases
  • Overall rate: 7,838 cases per 100,000 children in the population

Change in Child COVID-19 Cases*​

  • 173,469 child COVID-19 cases were reported the past week from 9/23/21-9/30/21 (5,725,680 to 5,899,148) and children represented 26.7% (173,469/648,881) of the weekly reported cases
  • Over two weeks, 9/16/21-9/30/21, there was an 7% increase in the cumulated number of child COVID-19 cases since the beginning of the pandemic (380,333 cases added (5,518,815 to 5,899,148))
They will be required everywhere

Seems there were lot of April vaccinations

Those wear off in nov/Dec so case no's will look bad

case numbers may be bad this winter due to virology. Nothing to do with vaxes
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