What is the total 2015 snowfall so far in NJ?


All American
Apr 9, 2010
Curious what the year to date snow fall totals are for Morristown NJ so far this year and how it stacks up to the snowiest years on record. Can anyone suggest a site to research that?

This post was edited on 3/5 11:03 AM by RCTrooper
This has been a very weak Winter for snow in New Jersey. Before yesterday's event our '14/' '15 season snowfall only ranked as the 77th most snowest in New Jersey Last season ('13/ '14 ) ranked as the 2nd most snowfall in New Jersey.
Its not the amount of snow overall but the days with constant snowpack thats impressive. I do not have the exact but since that storm in January that snowpack hasn't gone away
Originally posted by bac2therac:
Its not the amount of snow overall but the days with constant snowpack thats impressive. I do not have the exact but since that storm in January that snowpack hasn't gone away
Agree we have been walking in snow/ice since the January snow fall.
And the unusual amount of "ice" events the weather has brought this season.
The cold temps have caused havoc this season.
I read in Sussex county we are around the average snowfall for the year. Highpoint has reached the avg for the year at 65" Wantage is at 57" which is 2" over the yearly avg.
I know that the snowpack has been constant since the snowstorm on January 26th and 27th. Why? Because we put our Christmas tree out on the curb the weekend of the 24th-25th, and it's never been picked up by the township because it's been buried in snow!
That's a very misleading analysis. Snowfall was way below normal in most of NJ south of 195 (except eastern Monmouth/Ocean), normal in NW NJ and well above normal in most of Central NJ, especially east Central. Before yesterday, I had about 38" in Metuchen vs. the NB 28" 30-year average and with 8" yesterday, I'm now at 46". Yesterday's storm was remarkably consistent for the whole state in giving 6-10" (except NW NJ which got 3-6"), so even South Jersey is about average now. We're probably top 15-20, now in east Central Jersey and NE NJ and close to average elsewhere. It's also been a remarkable run since 1/23, with continuous snowcover for most in Central/North Jersey and deep snowcover for some (I've had >6" on the ground since 1/26).