Food for thought for the Pike supporters… 18 coaches in the Big10. How many would you truly rather have Pike than if you needed to win a game?
In my opinion it’s a very short list
Minnesota - Ben Johnson
Penn State - Mike Rhoades
Indiana - Mike Woodson
Jury still out on Diebler at Ohio state and sprinkle at Washington they are too new into their tenure but even if I split he’s at best 14th best coach in the league
anybody being 14th out of 18 at anything is not up to par
Where is RU in terms of NIL, revenue and resources in comparison to the other 17 B1G schools, the 16 SEC schools and the schools in the Big 12......??
If Pike is 14th out of 18th in your rankings and RU is 18th out of 18 schools in terms of resources, then you have your answer.
If we ranked all B1G schools in terms of revenue (which is primarily generated through an athletic department via football revenue(, is RU higher than 18th in the B1G??
Outside of Northwestern in terms of stadium size, that's it. But Northwestern has a 60 year head start of B1G revenue.
Which school does RU outgain in revenue for its overall Athletic Department, Donations and revenue stream??
If you are saying Pike has bad substitution patterns and poor recruiting from 2021-2023, then no one is disagreeing with that stance.
But I don't know any program that wins without some competitive level of revenue, donations (in today's market that's NIL).
The fact that RU even found the path to land Ace and Dylan is part of the victim of his success at RU. There are better coaches, but in MOST cases, the rosters are better at MOST B1G programs.
I am aware that there's a reason why revenue sharing is a way to help close the gaps for schools that don't have Ohio State, Michigan level revenue generated by their football programs, which gives the basketball program and other sports the abilities to be competitive.
I will go back to the you and others understand.. . If you do not have ELITE football level revenue, it is very difficult to win at a high level in basketball.
I do think or know the reason why the B1G is the model conference (along with the SEC) is because football revenue drives the other sports. It's why the SEC basketball programs are all much better than 5 to 7 years ago. They're able to attract better coaches, pay more coaches and then the players follow.
RU football generates the least amount of revenue in the entire B1G....and there's no indication that season tickets or sales for football or donations are spiking we are in the same space now and probably in 2026, unless the 2025 football season somehow is 8-4 or 9-3.....
Can RU outsmart or win against competition with equal resources?? Sure....but every league of competition is not the same.
I can assure you that if you ask me which of these teams is RU going to be better than in BOTH football or basketball in the next 5 years, you need to explain how that will happen, if the coaching is equal or similar at all B1G schools.
Will RU pass
Ohio State
Penn State
Michigan State
I can safely say that these 9 programs are all likely to be better than RU in the next 5 years and while MSU had a bad year, I can't ignore the laat 20 or so years of winning they have produced.
Here are the other schools that I think RU can catch up or potentially be better than to in both sports BUT we cannot assuredly say "RU will have higher revenue scale or higher NIL"......
This "2nd group", is the group that RU "should" be competitive with in football, so we can compete on a revenue scale in Hoops. Keep in mind, Indiana and UCLA are deemed "Basketball schools", so we are really at best 11th in pecking order, if everything goes well OR another program has a bad coach.
I don't think RU sports has a Top half of the B1G football coach or basketball coach. And I know it's very much a real thing to expect to outspend these schools.
Revenue sharing allows the teams in the 2nd tier, to have a chance to compete with the top half on an annual basis.
NOW, if you want RU to be compared to schools in the ACC, who don't have revenue sharing like Wake Forest, Boston College, Syracuse, Pittsburgh, Georgia Tech or maybe Virginia Tech.....thats a different conversation.