so every paid transfer worked out this year? lot of assumptions on your part. ASSUMING there is a GM in place to find the right guys, make the right decisions. ASSUMING a 22 year old on his second and last check will give a shit about unselfishly buying into a program he doesn't give a shit about. you are naive as hell.
Off top of my head without looking others up: Coleman Hawkins, Dug McDaniel, Johnel Davis, AJ Storr, Malik Mack, Jonas Aidoo.
Talking about entitled 22 year olds. coming up with $5M per year for 5 kids when only 2 or 3 of them will REALLY work out AND make the team better is not going to happen. This is New Jersey, not Chapel Hill. Alumni and fans are not as dialed in, this team is not nearly important enough to the casual fan, not important enough to the more than casual fan who will throw in few hundred per year. Not going to happen here. you are in your own little world.