Beat Nebraska and Everyone will be BACK on the bandwagon

no worries.... it's like a lottery ticket... it scratches off....
Rutgers Football Scratch and Sniff. How does it smell ? (LOL)
(actually I am more interested in going to away games now than home. at least there is something new there to experience)
I've been very critical this week, but I agree with Al, we can redeem our selves. If it's not Nebraska, then at some other point.
2 wins ain't gonna put the wheels back on the band wagon. They came off Saturday.

4 or 5 and you got something.
Pencil in Nebraska, MSU, Purdue, Indiana, Illinois, Maryland, and of course Morgan State as Ws right now. PSU, Mich, OSU are toss-ups. No reason in my magical mushroom world we can't win 8-9 games this year. I can see us turning the corner, this is going to be the year boys, you can just feel it in the air.
Watched replay of N vs. Oregon. They shut out Oregons offense in the second half. And they have a pretty good run game. We'll have to play at least as well as we did vs. Washington. That said, I am hopeful! :pray::grimace::football: