you really need to work on your people skills. Your taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back , best... did any body ever teach you manners?damnit i said i wouldnt respond to you anymore but i will one last time.
You know what purpose they serve? They have minimal overhead. Instead of having to rely on volunteers or paid employees running a massive fundraising campaign you take advantage of viral marketing, social media, tweets, retweets, shares, likes etc. to get your message out in waves. You reach people you never would reach, all for 5% cut for go fund me and 4% first giving who processes transactions. I'd guess the foundation operates at 75% efficiency and that's being generous.
And yes i'm an RU grad...MODERN generation who understands that Viral doesn't mean illness.
This thread will go on until the one(s) who hold the pen are somehow "offended" or "accused" because they agree with those who yell the loudest on here.It seems as some people's natural reaction when things go wrong is that they want everyone and everything associated with RU to burn. Everyone according to these type people have bad intentions, is not qualified, should be fired. And the only solution offered is "well Flood isn't the guy that we know for sure". All the meanwhile disparaging Flood, Hermann, Barchi, Towers, and just about everyone else. These people do not provide any well thought out analysis of the current situation, any potential solutions (and counterpoints) which are based on facts. Facts are documented & supportable numbers or quotes (in context of the topic/conversation).
suggakane,you really need to work on your people skills. Your taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back , best... did any body ever teach you manners?
As I noted, has anyone confirmed that the Foundation has signed up with these sites. To the best of my knowledge this is not true. Could it possibly be that just about anyone could sign up in the name of any organization including the site owners themselves as a piece of general information.
TheRU....since you are so familiar with gofundme can you direct me to the location where they list the names and tax id of the 501c3 organizations/universities that have apparently registered with them. I haven't been able to find it. All I am saying is show me something of solid proof that Rutgers signed up here and who similar folks are. They may be on the list but who at Rutgrrs actually registered them Again I've been told by a very senior person at the Foundation thst have not signed up with gofundme so perhaps we can compare notes as to who may have done this.
I am sure gofundme and others provide a valuable service for certain groups seeking funds; many of which are probably not 501c3 certified or approved. Groups like this definitely can be helped etc. Just how familiar are you with fund raising, 501c3 organizations and what it takes to obtain and maintain that status and other related obligations? From personal experience I can claim to have set up two qualified organizations and worked at the Rutgers Foundation and am very familiar with what goes on and who would give approval or blessing to using an outside source to solicit funds for them and for what purpose. I can't explain it any simplier. I never said these outside organizations are frauds as they too have to be accountable to donors and IRS for any funds they collect and have certain taxes they have to pay on those funds which are not for 501c3 organizations.
I've offered you to share some thoughts off line and perhaps review some facts that both of us may have regarding charitable donations and tax deductibility rules etc. Just leave your contact info and I'll be certain to follow up.
But please, both you and others, don't make it seem like the Rutgers Foundation is run by a bunch of bozos who know nothing and that these outside groups are far superior because that is what seems to come across. I believe you may also be blinded by the agenda regarding the coaching and that you are discounting the mechanics here and even why your source and purpose of the $$ raised is not acceptable to the Foundation. There are certain liabilities and even tax regulations that are involved. It's that simple. I don't think I can explain it any better in a civil manner.
TheRU....since you are so familiar with gofundme can you direct me to the location where they list the names and tax id of the 501c3 organizations/universities that have apparently registered with them. I haven't been able to find it. All I am saying is show me something of solid proof that Rutgers signed up here and who similar folks are. They may be on the list but who at Rutgrrs actually registered them Again I've been told by a very senior person at the Foundation thst have not signed up with gofundme so perhaps we can compare notes as to who may have done this.
i've sent this to you multiple times..
I've also searched and I can set up fundraisers to donate to :
ohio state
michigan state
american cancer society
american heart association...
I can only say the Foundation is certainly looking into this and various legal issues. There obviously is nothing wrong to list the names of 501c organizations. Perhaps to unequivocally state that and they have registered with any group/organization to collect funds on their behalf may be as you say. It becomes a fine line to find out how this was done and by whom. I couldn't agree with you more. The basic question appears to be listing and full registration which I think would require full supporting documentation. Maybe we should both ho on line and try yo "register" and see what the specifics may be.
62, this sounds like another case of RU backpedaling.
I can almost guarantee you that this was done by a social media intern or very junior "social media coordinator" (probably a recently graduated RU student) at RUF after they were directed to build a better social media presence for giving by a mid-level manager, after the mid-level manager was pushed by Senior people to come up with new strategies for giving, or told to reach out to milliennials, or something vague like that.
Now the junior social media people are no longer there and no one knows what happened with crowdfunding because RU never develops proactive strategies to drive process and culture change. They constantly react.
Now someone takes the bull by the horns, RUF doesn;t like what that person has done, and they overreact by trying to discredit both the person and the platform instead of trying to use this as an opportunity to engage small donors.
A simple we can't support this campaign, but here are ways to support RU... would have sufficed.
I can only say the Foundation is certainly looking into this and various legal issues. There obviously is nothing wrong to list the names of 501c organizations. Perhaps to unequivocally state that and they have registered with any group/organization to collect funds on their behalf may be as you say. It becomes a fine line to find out how this was done and by whom. I couldn't agree with you more. The basic question appears to be listing and full registration which I think would require full supporting documentation. Maybe we should both ho on line and try yo "register" and see what the specifics may be.
yes, opt out, yes say no to fund, yes say its not endorsed or sponsored...but they lied when they said it was illegitimate. They attacked the credibility of us all which is just plain wrong.This whole "they are a listed partner so they can't stop my PR stunt fundraising campaign even if they wanted to" nonsense is silly.
Just because they signed up with GoFundMe's partner site First Giving doesn't mean they consent to any and all fundraising done on their sites. It doesn't mean they are powerless to make decisions that are associated with their brand/reputation. Any of these agreements are business agreements and are going to give the charity the ability to say no, opt out, and have a level of control.
This whole "they are a listed partner so they can't stop my PR stunt fundraising campaign even if they wanted to" nonsense is silly.
Just because they signed up with GoFundMe's partner site First Giving doesn't mean they consent to any and all fundraising done on their sites. It doesn't mean they are powerless to make decisions that are associated with their brand/reputation. Any of these agreements are business agreements and are going to give the charity the ability to say no, opt out, and have a level of control.
No one is making that argument, at least I don't think they are.
But Rutgers, being Rutgers instead of taking lemons and making lemonade (hey small donors $8k in 36 hours with no support, hmm let's engage them in a different way) makes a small matter worse by showing how clueless they are.
Someone, somewhere at RU at some point decided a crowdfunding presence made sense.
Someone uses it and instead of saying we don't support campaigns of this nature, here are ways to support RU...
the RUF through the press and back channels tries to make the platform and the person look like a fraud, of which neither one is guilty of.
It 's just another indication of the small minds and limited worldviews that many of the decision-makers at RU have.
This whole "they are a listed partner so they can't stop my PR stunt fundraising campaign even if they wanted to" nonsense is silly.
Just because they signed up with GoFundMe's partner site First Giving doesn't mean they consent to any and all fundraising done on their sites. It doesn't mean they are powerless to make decisions that are associated with their brand/reputation. Any of these agreements are business agreements and are going to give the charity the ability to say no, opt out, and have a level of control.
Get over it. You are presenting an entirely distorted view of how they handled it and should have handled it.
They never called it illegitimate or attacked your credibility. Their release called it unauthorized and inappropriate, and that they would not accept the money. None of that is inflammatory or unreasonable.
You are offended that they didn't call you to talk about it? Look at it from their perspective - you are an angry fan that resorted to an anonymous GoFundMe account. Does that sound like someone you can engage in a reasonable conversation? Plus you weren't even putting your own money.If you called and said I have $8,000 to donate but I'm angry about the coach someone would have talked to you. But instead you anonymously asked other people to put the money up.
Get over it. You are presenting an entirely distorted view of how they handled it and should have handled it.
They never called it illegitimate or attacked your credibility. Their release called it unauthorized and inappropriate, and that they would not accept the money. None of that is inflammatory or unreasonable.
You are offended that they didn't call you to talk about it? Look at it from their perspective - you are an angry fan that resorted to an anonymous GoFundMe account. Does that sound like someone you can engage in a reasonable conversation? Plus you weren't even putting your own money.If you called and said I have $8,000 to donate but I'm angry about the coach someone would have talked to you. But instead you anonymously asked other people to put the money up.
some get it some don't if you dont think viral is worth 8% then thats fine. I work with many companies that master social media and 8% is worth it.GoFundMe skims 7.9% plus .30 cents per donation off the top. That might be better than many charities that pay a professional fundraiser to shake the can for them but why would I want 8% of my donation to go to a for profit firm? Why would RU want to let them keep that percentage when you can make electronic payments today? Is 8% worth being able to name the fund with your at best snarky goal name?
would you rather 100% of little or nothing or 92% of something more?GoFundMe skims 7.9% plus .30 cents per donation off the top. That might be better than many charities that pay a professional fundraiser to shake the can for them but why would I want 8% of my donation to go to a for profit firm? Why would RU want to let them keep that percentage when you can make electronic payments today? Is 8% worth being able to name the fund with your at best snarky goal name?
GoFundMe skims 7.9% plus .30 cents per donation off the top. That might be better than many charities that pay a professional fundraiser to shake the can for them but why would I want 8% of my donation to go to a for profit firm? Why would RU want to let them keep that percentage when you can make electronic payments today? Is 8% worth being able to name the fund with your at best snarky goal name?
would you rather 100% of little or nothing or 92% of something more?
So, what you're saying is that the overhead of the RU Foundation is substantially less than 8%?
And to answer your question, it's allows you, as a fundraiser, to capitalize on the emotion (and the convenience) of those you are targeting. That's why.
Leave that campaign up and watch what would have happened if we get blown out Saturday. Watch what would have happened on the heels of evert coaching blunder, bad play call, fumble, big play surrendered. That's why.
That may seem ugly to you, and that is fine, but that is the power of crowd funding. It is the convergence of emotional ties and convenience. And that is why it is the wave of fundraising's future.
I can sit on my couch watching the game and make a contribution. I can see other's contribute and be excited by that. Their contribution confirms my contribution. I can contribute again. So can they. And I can contribute again. So can they. And it snowballs in ways that check writing or direct electronic contributions to the Foundation can't. There is no viral nature to clicking a direct contribution link.
Why is there such a disconnect over this?
Nobody other than ru62 has ever argued anything contrary to what you've posted.
People carrying Flood's water have made this about the legitimacy of the campaign AND whether or not the funds would make it to the Foundation. Whether the funds were used to fire Flood or buy sanitary cakes for the pissers in the stadium, we didn't care. The donations were made AS SYMBOLISM--with the added benefit that our University could keep the money either way. That was posted in the 22+ page GoFundMe thread here about 1,500 times. It was posted in follow ups on the GoFundMe campaign. There was never any pretense that the university coudn't do whatever they wished with the money. While we're at it, it was never a realistic goal to raise the $1.5M. That was also symbolic.
Stop trying to impugn the character of a guy who got off his arse to put an effort to the incessant bitching here.
A bit off topic but could RU do something like this? Setup a pledge drive for each sport where people can donated based on results on the field:
I pledge $10 per TD
I pledge $100/win
For each round the soccer team advances in the tournament I'll give $100
Why don't they have a public site like a gofundme they can point to so people can crowd source for RU and set these things up themselves?
Edit: Think of the tie in for a sporting site, where rivals could make bets with the loser donating to the winners school.
So then what is the argument? The fact that they didn't try to engage 130 people (most of them donating $20 or less) using silly names and insults to an anonymous crowdfunding site? Is that the argument?
Geeze Louise...what part of Rutgers cannot or will not accept any funds designated or camouflaged as a fire Flood Fund. It's not hard to understand. That's a big issue here regardless how it may be contributed. Now if you wanted to guarantee his salary regardless then that mighy be a different story. But be prepared to pony up at least $3/4 - 1.5 million. And why would you leave $100,000 on the table for a fee that could be constructively used elsewhere. THERU but go ahead with your outside find with whomever you may choose but don't expect it to be tax deductible or for donors to receive priority points because the do not qualify
If last year is an overachievement at 2-5 in the big 10 then i'd hate to see what underachieving looks like.
You saw Grants exploits in that game, He saved Floods ass from another blowout