Football!!-Hansard Has Us in His Group of 7-Decides May 14

Knight Shift

May 19, 2011
Jersey Shore

He revealed a top-seven list that features Florida, Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State, Pittsburgh, Rutgers and Tennessee.
"These schools showed me that I would be huge for their program, and really I've built the best relationships with these coaches," he told Bleacher Report.

"The coaches make sure to contact me like every day. [Head coach Chris] Ash wants to talk all the time, so that's exciting," he said. "I had a great relationship with the old Rutgers staff, but now I'm building a very strong one with the new coaches. They have great energy."

tOSU thinks they have the lead:
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Would be huge. I have no problem getting my hopes up. Seems like a humble kid to be shutting down his recruiting so early and not doing the whole "look at me" circus thing
Be a Jersey kid. Go to RU. Go pro. Then come back and settle in Jersey and be that guy: "That guy over there, Hansard, he dominated during his time at RU. Played some pro too."

The odds of you settling back in Tri-State area after college are pretty good. Be a local hero. Not, "Yeah, that dude played at PSU. Don't know much about him. Must love that 8hrs drive for homecomings."
One disadvantage. Partridge has the Jersey roots (and Gary and Peppers) but never stole players from the Hun coach (no payback).
Would our recruiting benefit if Partridge were to suffer some kind of public embarrassment?

Just wondering...
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Would our recruiting benefit if Partridge were to suffer some kind of public embarrassment?

Just wondering...

Hmm are you thinking set him up with a transvetite hooker? What type of public embarrasment are you contemplating?
Hmm are you thinking set him up with a transvetite hooker? What type of public embarrasment are you contemplating?

Well that's certainly an option, I would think. I mean, there's practically no limit to the scenarios one could imagine.
Would be very impressive if Ash got him given other coaches have been on him for a lot longer. Not holding my breath, but have some hope.
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I am not getting my hopes up just yet. It would be great if he commits, it would certainly say a great deal about this staff but somehow I think there must be better on field results before the elite kids commit.
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Some kid has to be the next Rikki Cook, Brian Leonard or Savon Huggins - hopefully it could be Hansard. Ash just needs one kid to start the ball rolling. Gotta believe and be excited by the staff's approach and energy!