Last night, I received some truly inside information about this. A couple decisions have been made and, trust me, nobody else has this information because it's being held very, very closely by a very few people. And nobody's talking about it.
This information is going to shocking. Some people will be relatively unsurprised by the first decision, or at least some will claim to be unsurprised. I'm positive that nobody will expect the second decision. I didn't see this coming at all. Wouldn't have guessed in a million years.
This is definitely something fans are going to want to know about before they decide what to do with their season tickets.
I have to be very careful about how I reveal this information. So I can't just post it here. This information is priceless. People would gladly pay hundreds of dollars for this information. But today, I can offer this incredible information to all of you for the low, low price of five dollars. That's right, five dollars. This is a one-time amazing offer that will expire at 7pm tonight and will never be repeated. So act now. Please make out your checks to "Mildone Sarcastic Post Fund".