Keith Sargeant: Vivian Stringer will return next year

No surprise at all. It's consistent with comments she made earlier this week, too.
Wonder if she ever made a pledge to the Rutgers Build Fund. Hope she also gets the shooters she needs to return to top 10 status.
She should be fired immediately and a grad assistant at minimum wage should take her place. Let's hope this happens next year.
She should be fired immediately and a grad assistant at minimum wage should take her place. Let's hope this happens next year.

That's disgusting!

Instead HOF HC should be fired today and replace with a volunteer who pays Rutgers money to coach the team and that money most be earmarked for the Football team.

This has to be done quickly! I can't stand the thought of a Rutgers team that is actually respected by the Media even when they lose, makes me sick!
Wonder if she ever made a pledge to the Rutgers Build Fund. Hope she also gets the shooters she needs to return to top 10 status.

Hobbs said all coaches had made a pledge. She just did not make it at the $50k level, like Hobbs, Ash and Jordan.
That's disgusting!

Instead HOF HC should be fired today and replace with a volunteer who pays Rutgers money to coach the team and that money most be earmarked for the Football team.

This has to be done quickly! I can't stand the thought of a Rutgers team that is actually respected by the Media even when they lose, makes me sick!

I have no idea if what you posted above was English or not. In any case, no one watches women's basketball at Rutgers and the resources would be better used elsewhere. Sorry if that offends anyone.
You are going to be in the minority here....... She is the highest profile coach we have.....

I bet you that I could walk on campus and half the kids wouldn't know who she is, let alone the rest of the country. Bottom line is if we never hired her and went with a cheap coach, the money saved would go a long way to accomplishing things like improving facilities. No one besides the 100 people who go to the women's basketball games would have cared that we never went to the NIT or NCAAs.

Stop the bleeding. Fire her and put the money towards a practice facility or stadium upgrade.
I bet you that I could walk on campus and half the kids wouldn't know who she is, let alone the rest of the country. Bottom line is if we never hired her and went with a cheap coach, the money saved would go a long way to accomplishing things like improving facilities. No one besides the 100 people who go to the women's basketball games would have cared that we never went to the NIT or NCAAs.

Stop the bleeding. Fire her and put the money towards a practice facility or stadium upgrade.
I would think the recruits that she brings on campus knows exactly who she is, and that is the most important thing.....
Students could care less about WBB. Very few students have ever been to a WBB game. The majority of the fans are alums and as long as they are donating (doesnt have to be to WBB) AD will prefer not to upset them. To the people who do complain about a down year they wouldn't even notice if WBB won a NC.
Don't waste your time debating him. It's not worth it.

You summed up the attitude of the rest of the football board except for the women's bball koolaide drinkers. You post here instead of the women's board and jerk each other off about how important CViv is and take the vast silence of the football board as acceptance. It's not.

Bottom line, she's been here 20 years and has won 0 championships and has been paid like one of the best coaches in America for it. Any other person would have been run out of town by now, regardless of how many NCAAs they have gone to.

I have no idea if she is a nice person. Let's say she is. She still needs to go. This is a business and bad decisions like this affect the rest of the department
Looks like the Rutgers 1000 ( or less) switched their focus from the FB program to the WBB team.
I wonder if they think some or all of the RU Olympic Sports programs should be dropped because they're not profitable and the funds use to support those programs can be use for the ones the New RU 1000 (or less) feels worthy of receiving funding .

Over the years the RU WBB program has proven to have been the one RU sports program all RU sports fans could be proud of and a winning record isn't enough.
The RU WBB team is expected to be great and when it isn't hell is to be paid because winning seasons are not enough.
When you demand greatness from a program , you care!
You summed up the attitude of the rest of the football board except for the women's bball koolaide drinkers. You post here instead of the women's board and jerk each other off about how important CViv is and take the vast silence of the football board as acceptance. It's not.

Bottom line, she's been here 20 years and has won 0 championships and has been paid like one of the best coaches in America for it. Any other person would have been run out of town by now, regardless of how many NCAAs they have gone to.

I have no idea if she is a nice person. Let's say she is. She still needs to go. This is a business and bad decisions like this affect the rest of the department

20 years and 0 championships? What a joke on your behalf. Besides 1949 Fencing national title what has any other sport at Rutgers done? C Viv did win the BE and appeared in a national championship game along with another final 4 appearance. Stop rewriting history because this is a personal agenda for you. Schiano was paid over $2 million a year and never won anything as much a league title. You can continue to say your piece loud over and over, it still doesn't make it true.

I wasn't agreeing with you and it's not a business as much as people wish. It's not the WNBA, NBA, NFL or any other pro sport.
Looks like the Rutgers 1000 ( or less) switched their focus from the FB program to the WBB team.
I wonder if they think some or all of the RU Olympic Sports programs should be dropped because they're not profitable and the funds use to support those programs can be use for the ones the New RU 1000 (or less) feels worthy of receiving funding .

Over the years the RU WBB program has proven to have been the one RU sports program all RU sports fans could be proud of and a winning record isn't enough.
The RU WBB team is expected to be great and when it isn't hell is to be paid because winning seasons are not enough.
When you demand greatness from a program , you care!

LOL. Rutgers 1000. Typical playbook when there is no way to answer an opponent's argument. Deflect and insult.

I love how you guys make up some huge groundswell of support and love for a program that no one cares about. It's a fantasy that they represent anything to RU sports fans because people barely know that they exist. They could got 30-0 and 0-30 and people would have no friggin idea.

Every sport, except for football and MBB, has to learn to eat what they kill. I exempt those two sports because they are the only ones that many people in this country watch and can bring in tons of revenue if they are good.

If we are one day fortunate enough to not be running a deficit and have a surplus that can be distributed to the rest of the teams, then by all means, it would be great to spend some money to have a winning WBB team. Until then, cut it.
There's no way CVS shouldn't be brought back next season. But, it should be real interesting to see how she makes up for the loss of Hollivay, Copper, and Butts. Next year is looking bleak right now.
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There's no way CVS shouldn't be brought back next season. But, it should ne real interesting to see how she makes up for the loss of Hollivay, Copper, and Butts. Next year is looking bleak right now.

....this has been my line of thinking that these losses, along with downhill recruiting, are going to make her last 2 seasons OTB, let's say, "trying." It's also why I'm not convinced she CAN get those 29 wins to get her to 1,000 in 2 years. I hope she does, obviously, but I think this isn't going to come as easily as some of her staunch supporters think it will.
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....this has been my line of thinking that these losses, along with downhill recruiting, are going to make her last 2 seasons OTB, let's say, "trying." It's also why I'm not convinced she CAN get those 29 wins to get her to 1,000 in 2 years. I hope she does, obviously, but I think this isn't going to come as easily as some of her staunch supporters think it will.
Count me in as one of those who don't just see doom and gloom coming because CVS has been retained.
It's funny how there are many RU fans touting Hobbs as someone who knows what he's doing and won't let money stop him from change, then when it comes to WBB they act like he's either stupid or running it on the cheap because he's bringing Stringer back.

C.Vivian Stringer isn't a Flood or Jordan, stop acting like she is.:chairshot:
Count me in as one of those who don't just see doom and gloom coming because CVS has been retained.
It's funny how there are many RU fans touting Hobbs as someone who knows what he's doing and won't let money stop him from change, then when it comes to WBB they act like he's either stupid or running it on the cheap because he's bringing Stringer back.

C.Vivian Stringer isn't a Flood or Jordan, stop acting like she is.:chairshot:

I don't see "doom and gloom," HOWEVER, with the losses from this team, and the lack of star-power having been recruited lately, things are very likely to be more difficult the next year or two.

...and, really, with the Flood/Jordan comments? Com'on man! [cheers]
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I guess rutgers1 was a former troll with a new name?
Probably just a RU fan that doesn't care for the RU WBB program like a certain few didn't want to spend any funds on the football program. Or just like some of the FB fans that don't really care for WBB but like to complain about Stringer.
There are a few of them around, just like there were some MBB fans that felt RU FB was getting too much of the pie , but hopefully now realize improving that program got RU into the B1G

When it comes to RU WBB and Stringer 1 reminded me of the 1000
I was probably to harsh saying that out loud.
No one would notice if women's basketball went 30-0?

If only our men's team had 19 wins in a down year!!
As I said on the RT last week, there was no way in hell we would or should consider firing the most successful coach in the history of Rutgers sports, who also happens to be in the Hall of Frickin' Fame. I'm certain there were no serious considerations of firing her, just the usual rampant rumor mills on the internet (like this and other threads) by people who have no clue.

Anyone who's read her memoir, "Standing Tall," wouldn't be begrudging her for not always doing some of the "extra" things for RU that others might do - she's had way more than her share of adversity to deal with and I'm just happy we've had this pillar of strength as our coach for many years and have had her and her teams reach the level of success they have. If any other coach had her record at Rutgers, we'd be talking about building statues not tearing down her legacy.
Stringer's guaranteed compensation is $700,000 per year. The median for P5 WBB coaches is about $450,000 per year. So if Rutgers were to get rid of our Hall of Fame coach and replace her with a middle-of-the-road coach, we would save $250,000 per year.

Considering that Rutgers is looking to improve the quality of our athletic programs, not reduce the quality of the athletic programs, replacing a hall-of-fame coach with a middling coach does not seem like a move in the right direction. This also means that when Stringer does finally retire, I wouldn't expect Rutgers to replace her with a low paid coach. I would expect Rutgers to replace her with a highly compensated coach.
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