Mississippi State Recruit Caught on Video Beating Woman

So many people standing around watching. Sad

Should someone have actually stepped in to break up the fight?

Did you see what happened to Leonte Carroo when he tried to do that this past year? In this society it's best just to stay out of it due to over zealous media, law enforcement and litigators.
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You have to appreciate using the word "allegedly" when describing an act caught on video.

lol, yeah, I just allegedly saw him pounding away on her head with my own two eyes.

I'm waiting for an MSU supporter to say he was just defending himself.
As to the giant girl in the video who is also involved in the beating, is RU recruiting her? She looks bigger than some of the current OL we have.

WTF kind of man pummels a woman in the face like that while she is laying on the ground in a fetal position? Not sure how any school could have him on their roster after that.