My Thoughts on Washington


All Conference
Jan 25, 2005
1. We are what schiano said we are. We are tough mentally and physically.

2. We need better fill from our LBs and Dixon badly. We were not gap sound and got gashed at times.

3. Our WRs are getting significantly better. They can make plays, that being said we are leaving plays on the field. Two big drops could have been costly, but were not. Washington dared us to throw, and their secondary was good and stayed with us.

4. AK throws a bit high when he is jacked up. He is learning to control his emotions, but he is the best QB we have had in a long time. That being said we can not have the high passes like we saw on the first 3.

5. KM and SB are legit RBs. Brown is running the best he has in his career here.

6. Our OL is consistent. They are so bought in to doing their jobs. They may not be elite, but they are turning into a very good OL.

7. Our TEs are getting better in the blocking game but we still lunge at times.

8. We miss 1-2 sacks a game, and that will really hurt us against Nebraska if we do not fix that.

9. Washington had a lot of yards, but many of them were check down.
9a. The missed tackle for the long TD on the check down was very, very bad. Unacceptable in my opinion. We can not have that from someone who should be an elite player for us at the LB spot.

10. The culture of our program showed through with how we stayed composed and came up in big situations.

11. The atmosphere was awesome.

12. Good teams find ways to win big games. We are a good team, but we have not proven we are a great team.

13. I expect us to get votes this week, but not crack the top 25. The Nebraska game is going to really show who we are.

14. I still have us as 9-3 or 10-2 before the bowl game. We need to be able to play consistently for 4 quarters to win the big10 games coming up, especially on the road.
1. We are what schiano said we are. We are tough mentally and physically.

2. We need better fill from our LBs and Dixon badly. We were not gap sound and got gashed at times.

3. Our WRs are getting significantly better. They can make plays, that being said we are leaving plays on the field. Two big drops could have been costly, but were not. Washington dared us to throw, and their secondary was good and stayed with us.

4. AK throws a bit high when he is jacked up. He is learning to control his emotions, but he is the best QB we have had in a long time. That being said we can not have the high passes like we saw on the first 3.

5. KM and SB are legit RBs. Brown is running the best he has in his career here.

6. Our OL is consistent. They are so bought in to doing their jobs. They may not be elite, but they are turning into a very good OL.

7. Our TEs are getting better in the blocking game but we still lunge at times.

8. We miss 1-2 sacks a game, and that will really hurt us against Nebraska if we do not fix that.

9. Washington had a lot of yards, but many of them were check down.
9a. The missed tackle for the long TD on the check down was very, very bad. Unacceptable in my opinion. We can not have that from someone who should be an elite player for us at the LB spot.

10. The culture of our program showed through with how we stayed composed and came up in big situations.

11. The atmosphere was awesome.

12. Good teams find ways to win big games. We are a good team, but we have not proven we are a great team.

13. I expect us to get votes this week, but not crack the top 25. The Nebraska game is going to really show who we are.

14. I still have us as 9-3 or 10-2 before the bowl game. We need to be able to play consistently for 4 quarters to win the big10 games coming up, especially on the road.
I thought AK's scramble in the 2nd (?) offensive drive was a key moment. His wheels are just good enough where he can hurt the d.

And I wonder if we could get KM and SB on the field at the same time.
We better be prepared to bring that same physicality and mental toughness a week from today. Nebraska game has the potential to be a disaster for us. Our depth is going to begin to get tested starting right now.
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Prior to the Wash game, I pointed out that on yds per carry in 3 games RU was allowing 6+ yds per carry. Against Wash, RU gave up 7.2 yds per rush. This is a very un-RU , un- Schiano stat. That needs to get fixed fast or it’s going to be a tough go in the B1G. The pass defense overall has been solid.
Is Dixon healthy? He seems like a totally different player this season
Everyone has an off day. I would say Longerbeam had an off day yesterday. But Flip has been practically invisible this season thus far. We need him to step up.
We better be prepared to bring that same physicality and mental toughness a week from today. Nebraska game has the potential to be a disaster for us. Our depth is going to begin to get tested starting right now.

It could be a very long day versus Nebraska. There O and D lines are very good and ours are average (our D line is below average IMHO). If we don't get a pass rush, and nothing suggests that we have the talent to do so, Raiola is going to pick us apart.
1. We are what schiano said we are. We are tough mentally and physically.

2. We need better fill from our LBs and Dixon badly. We were not gap sound and got gashed at times.

3. Our WRs are getting significantly better. They can make plays, that being said we are leaving plays on the field. Two big drops could have been costly, but were not. Washington dared us to throw, and their secondary was good and stayed with us.

4. AK throws a bit high when he is jacked up. He is learning to control his emotions, but he is the best QB we have had in a long time. That being said we can not have the high passes like we saw on the first 3.

5. KM and SB are legit RBs. Brown is running the best he has in his career here.

6. Our OL is consistent. They are so bought in to doing their jobs. They may not be elite, but they are turning into a very good OL.

7. Our TEs are getting better in the blocking game but we still lunge at times.

8. We miss 1-2 sacks a game, and that will really hurt us against Nebraska if we do not fix that.

9. Washington had a lot of yards, but many of them were check down.
9a. The missed tackle for the long TD on the check down was very, very bad. Unacceptable in my opinion. We can not have that from someone who should be an elite player for us at the LB spot.

10. The culture of our program showed through with how we stayed composed and came up in big situations.

11. The atmosphere was awesome.

12. Good teams find ways to win big games. We are a good team, but we have not proven we are a great team.

13. I expect us to get votes this week, but not crack the top 25. The Nebraska game is going to really show who we are.

14. I still have us as 9-3 or 10-2 before the bowl game. We need to be able to play consistently for 4 quarters to win the big10 games coming up, especially on the road.

#2:with an exclamation point
2. We need better fill from our LBs and Dixon badly. We were not gap sound and got gashed at times.
This. I wrote about #2, in my layman's terms, a couple of times last night in postgame discussions on the board.

I'm no football expert. And don't know the right terminology. But even I could see the glaring problem. Some of our D players (LBs or DBs) massively overshot gaps through which the UW RB ran for big gains several times in that game. At least one of those times, our guy blew past the gap so hard he slammed into his teammate on the far side of the gap, taking that player out of the play as well. Dude!

I couldn't tell who it was on any of the gap overshoot plays. Guessing it was more than just one player doing it. But whoever it was, the player(s) need to calm down and play with intensity and composure. We looked like our LBs and a DB or two had been doing half a Lawrence Taylor impersonation. Unfortunately, it was the half where they got all jacked up on coke before the game and not the half where LT somehow made that work for him during the games.

Once again this week, I suspect their will be some player beat-downs during "film" review sessions. Last week, I figured that, since we won, the mockery would be pretty light and friendly. This week, if I were the coach, I'd set a much more serious, much more angry tone when pointing out some of those blown plays on D.

I gotta think our guys know better. Fitting gaps seems pretty basic. And repeating the same basic mistakes is how you wind up blowing great opportunities.

I think we get it fixed pretty soon. But not sure if we get it fixed by the Nebraska game. I hope so.
I'm not sold on Nebraska yet.
Yeah, they don't seem all that great this season. But they do seem to traditionally dominate us up front on both sides of the ball.

Gonna be an interesting game. Not really sure what to expect. For sure we need better LB play though.
I'm not sold on Nebraska yet.

...and I'm not sold on our team yet and I'm a die hard supporter. Have been pleased with our QB and receivers. Continue to be less than pleased in the predictability of our play calling and flat out disappointed in the D line. We really have not been good at stopping the run or pressuring the QB. If Drones had any touch we lose that game last week - he had too much time and their receivers down field were open. Raiola doesn't miss those passes so unless we can pressure Raiola I think he picks us apart. That said, I'm still thinking of jumping in the car and driving to the game (I live in Colorado now, not NJ)
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It could be a very long day versus Nebraska. There O and D lines are very good and ours are average (our D line is below average IMHO). If we don't get a pass rush, and nothing suggests that we have the talent to do so, Raiola is going to pick us apart.
Watch the tape again. I don't see our d line being below average. Wash was getting the ball out quick. Our lbs need to pick it up - one former stud recruit especially.

Also - Nebraskas d line has put up some good stats but I'm not seeing the o line being "very good." They've given given up 7 sacks and are ~90th in the country in rushing. And we don't even know if Illinois is all that good yet. We'll get a better idea tonight.
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1. We are what schiano said we are. We are tough mentally and physically.

2. We need better fill from our LBs and Dixon badly. We were not gap sound and got gashed at times.

3. Our WRs are getting significantly better. They can make plays, that being said we are leaving plays on the field. Two big drops could have been costly, but were not. Washington dared us to throw, and their secondary was good and stayed with us.

4. AK throws a bit high when he is jacked up. He is learning to control his emotions, but he is the best QB we have had in a long time. That being said we can not have the high passes like we saw on the first 3.

5. KM and SB are legit RBs. Brown is running the best he has in his career here.

6. Our OL is consistent. They are so bought in to doing their jobs. They may not be elite, but they are turning into a very good OL.

7. Our TEs are getting better in the blocking game but we still lunge at times.

8. We miss 1-2 sacks a game, and that will really hurt us against Nebraska if we do not fix that.

9. Washington had a lot of yards, but many of them were check down.
9a. The missed tackle for the long TD on the check down was very, very bad. Unacceptable in my opinion. We can not have that from someone who should be an elite player for us at the LB spot.

10. The culture of our program showed through with how we stayed composed and came up in big situations.

11. The atmosphere was awesome.

12. Good teams find ways to win big games. We are a good team, but we have not proven we are a great team.

13. I expect us to get votes this week, but not crack the top 25. The Nebraska game is going to really show who we are.

14. I still have us as 9-3 or 10-2 before the bowl game. We need to be able to play consistently for 4 quarters to win the big10 games coming up, especially on the road.
Well done.Thank you
I'm guessing/hoping that Dixon, Bailey, and Powell are still shaking off some of the rust.
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I should have added another.

I gave Jennings a lot of grief last years but his ability to shed blocks is missed right now.

I don't do coulda shoulda woulda but man we miss Toure. This defense would be very different with him.
Anyone that watched on TV. Did the one Washington TD look like the WR was bobbling it and stepped out of bounds before securing the ball. It was in the North endzone and from section 106, it looked like it wasn't secure.
We better be prepared to bring that same physicality and mental toughness a week from today. Nebraska game has the potential to be a disaster for us. Our depth is going to begin to get tested starting right now.
What is your basis for this opinion?

Currently, Huskers locked in a 0-0 tie with crappy Purdue late in second quarter.
Great analysis.
Anyone know the status of WR Long ?
He got hurt and never came back. Hopefully he is ok…he missed all of last year with his injury.
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Great analysis.
Anyone know the status of WR Long ?
He got hurt and never came back. Hopefully he is ok…he missed all of last year with his injury.
Wow, wondered why Duff got so many plays late last night, missed the Long injury .. agree hope he's OK we need him badly

Dixon, this is the first week he hasn't been on the injury report all year right? Was out the first 2, and questionable last week? He's obviously battling something and hopefully with our trainers they will get him back. Injuries don't just mean missed games don't forget, they also mean missed practice
Great analysis.
Anyone know the status of WR Long ?
He got hurt and never came back. Hopefully he is ok…he missed all of last year with his injury.
Looked like he was cramping as they were trying to stretch his leg out. Maybe just didn't want him to push it with his injury history.
What is your basis for this opinion?

Currently, Huskers locked in a 0-0 tie with crappy Purdue late in second quarter.
1. I’ve watched them play. They are very physical up front.
2. Game is at Lincoln (tough venue) after we had a hard fought physical win vs UW.
3. We've looked like absolute dogshit against the run so far this season and pass rush has been spotty.
4. We couldn’t even beat Nebraska when they were struggling mightily. Ruhle is a very good coach.
1. I’ve watched them play. They are very physical up front.
2. Game is at Lincoln (tough venue) after we had a hard gought physical win vs UW.
3. We've looked like absolute dogshit against the run so far this season.
4. We couldn’t even beat Nebraska when they were struggling mightily. Ruhle is a very good coach.
5. Nebraska has flaws just like Rutgers.
6. Every game is it's own entity.
7. Nebraska lost to Illinois, which is a very good but not great team--maybe they are great-we will see tonight
8. I will be in the stands at Lincoln. I am the X factor.
It could be a very long day versus Nebraska. There O and D lines are very good and ours are average (our D line is below average IMHO). If we don't get a pass rush, and nothing suggests that we have the talent to do so, Raiola is going to pick us apart.
Are you really watching the NU? NU OL and DL have been average at best against competition equal to them or better. We are getting a pass rush, but not the sacks. Our DL against the rush isn't great, but not bad either. The real problem is the LB are not filling their gap correctly. I've seen them overrun gap fits and some of that is the inexperience of DJ and Walker. Powell isn't at full strength, but his smarts have made up for some of it. Also, young DB like Mascoe, Sanders, and Williams (15) have been out of position to keep simple run plays to a minimum. Sanders wiped out Walker on a play that turned into a big gain for UW. You have to hope those young players get better quickly.
5. Nebraska has flaws just like Rutgers.
6. Every game is it's own entity.
7. Nebraska lost to Illinois, which is a very good but not great team--maybe they are great-we will see tonight
8. I will be in the stands at Lincoln. I am the X factor.
I’m not saying it’s an unwinnable game. I’m merely pointing out our depth on the lines will be tested. I’m assuming no Felter along the OL and our DL has looked like shit vs the run. And Illinois will be a tough game for us as well. Even though there’s no OSU, UM, PSU or Oregon on our schedule, there are also no gimmees in this league.
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Are you really watching the NU? NU OL and DL have been average at best against competition equal to them or better. We are getting a pass rush, but not the sacks. Our DL against the rush isn't great, but not bad either. The real problem is the LB are not filling their gap correctly. I've seen them overrun gap fits and some of that is the inexperience of DJ and Walker. Powell isn't at full strength, but his smarts have made up for some of it. Also, young DB like Mascoe, Sanders, and Williams (15) have been out of position to keep simple run plays to a minimum. Sanders wiped out Walker on a play that turned into a big gain for UW. You have to hope those young players get better quickly.
2 blocked and 1 missed FGs by Nebraska in first half against Purdue. I'm like how this is playing out. We could have another UW on our hands, a team that moves between the 20s and does not punch it in.

Geez, looking at Nebraska's Kicker stats 2023 60% on FGs. They just subbed in their freshman kicker had it blocked.
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I’m not saying it’s an unwinnable game. I’m merely pointing out our depth on the lines will be tested. I’m assuming no Felter along the OL and our DL has looked like shit vs the run. And Illinois will be a tough game for us as well. Even though there’s no OSU, UM, PSU or Oregon on our schedule, there are also no gimmees in this league.
I hear you, and the conversations in our seat area last night were that Rutgers was getting outplayed, but was the more disciplined team.
Many fans seem to hyperfocus on their own team's faults, and overlook their opponents' faults. I'm not making any prediction for Nebraska other than it will likely be a hard fought, close game or a blowout.
I hear you, and the conversations in our seat area last night were that Rutgers was getting outplayed, but was the more disciplined team.
Many fans seem to hyperfocus on their own team's faults, and overlook their opponents' faults. I'm not making any prediction for Nebraska other than it will likely be a hard fought, close game or a blowout.
Case in point:

I’m not saying it’s an unwinnable game. I’m merely pointing out our depth on the lines will be tested. I’m assuming no Felter along the OL and our DL has looked like shit vs the run. And Illinois will be a tough game for us as well. Even though there’s no OSU, UM, PSU or Oregon on our schedule, there are also no gimmees in this league.
Didn’t Felter come back in after getting banged up? Which isn’t to say he’s not gonna be held out of practice and the next game. But it might not have been too bad, a mild hyperextension vs a more serious thing.
Are you really watching the NU? NU OL and DL have been average at best against competition equal to them or better. We are getting a pass rush, but not the sacks. Our DL against the rush isn't great, but not bad either. The real problem is the LB are not filling their gap correctly. I've seen them overrun gap fits and some of that is the inexperience of DJ and Walker. Powell isn't at full strength, but his smarts have made up for some of it. Also, young DB like Mascoe, Sanders, and Williams (15) have been out of position to keep simple run plays to a minimum. Sanders wiped out Walker on a play that turned into a big gain for UW. You have to hope those young players get better quickly.
exactly my thoughts. moses out of position. sanders had a tough day .
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I thought AK's scramble in the 2nd (?) offensive drive was a key moment. His wheels are just good enough where he can hurt the d.

And I wonder if we could get KM and SB on the field at the same time.
I have thought about KM and SB in at the same time, but honestly it takes away what we like to do. We like to spread teams out to run the ball. In reality we would take a TE off the field to have SB on the field as an H, but I think we are worried about overworking SB. I think his foot injury is still an issue.
I have thought about KM and SB in at the same time, but honestly it takes away what we like to do. We like to spread teams out to run the ball. In reality we would take a TE off the field to have SB on the field as an H, but I think we are worried about overworking SB. I think his foot injury is still an issue.
I don't disagree with being cautious with SB. But he looked to be 110% on a couple of his runs yesterday.

His balance and lower body and core strength on that one hit he bounced off of and kept going? Shown in slow-motion, that was just physically superhuman.

He keeps doing that sort of thing, and avoids getting injured, and he'll make some pro teams give him a harder look, IMO.
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1. We are what schiano said we are. We are tough mentally and physically.

2. We need better fill from our LBs and Dixon badly. We were not gap sound and got gashed at times.

3. Our WRs are getting significantly better. They can make plays, that being said we are leaving plays on the field. Two big drops could have been costly, but were not. Washington dared us to throw, and their secondary was good and stayed with us.

4. AK throws a bit high when he is jacked up. He is learning to control his emotions, but he is the best QB we have had in a long time. That being said we can not have the high passes like we saw on the first 3.

5. KM and SB are legit RBs. Brown is running the best he has in his career here.

6. Our OL is consistent. They are so bought in to doing their jobs. They may not be elite, but they are turning into a very good OL.

7. Our TEs are getting better in the blocking game but we still lunge at times.

8. We miss 1-2 sacks a game, and that will really hurt us against Nebraska if we do not fix that.

9. Washington had a lot of yards, but many of them were check down.
9a. The missed tackle for the long TD on the check down was very, very bad. Unacceptable in my opinion. We can not have that from someone who should be an elite player for us at the LB spot.

10. The culture of our program showed through with how we stayed composed and came up in big situations.

11. The atmosphere was awesome.

12. Good teams find ways to win big games. We are a good team, but we have not proven we are a great team.

13. I expect us to get votes this week, but not crack the top 25. The Nebraska game is going to really show who we are.

14. I still have us as 9-3 or 10-2 before the bowl game. We need to be able to play consistently for 4 quarters to win the big10 games coming up, especially on the road.
My gripe this week, why are we not stunting at all? It seems our main and only move is one on one bull rush and beat your man one on one. I'm currently watching Indiana stunt on almost every play confusing the Oline and pummeling Maryland's QB Edwards. Is this just our philosophy, because to me it's doing a disservice to the players.
My gripe this week, why are we not stunting at all? It seems our main and only move is one on one bull rush and beat your man one on one. I'm currently watching Indiana stunt on almost every play confusing the Oline and pummeling Maryland's QB Edwards. Is this just our philosophy, because to me it's doing a disservice to the players.
Stunting can result in getting washed. Their OL is huge, and if we got caught it would be an issue. We play gap control and try to let our LBs/extra safety run and fill.