OT - Anyone else run the NYC Half today?


Dec 6, 2013
Great race. Nothing like coming out of Central Park and having 7th Avenue lined with 1000's of people yelling all the way down to Times Square.

Anyone else run?

This post was edited on 3/15 2:46 PM by PhDKnight
I didn't get accepted this year, but ran it last year. At first you kind of question the high entry fee, but once you run thru Times Sq and down 42nd Street, you can see how much goes into the event. I thought it'd be a one-time race for me, but I found myself wanting to do it again. Especially after getting constantly rejected for the NYC Marathon. Definitely a cool experience, although I feel sorry for some New Yorkers who are inconvenienced by the event.

This post was edited on 3/15 3:13 PM by dble00dumb
Originally posted by PhDKnight:
Great race. Nothing like coming out of Central Park and having 7th Avenue lined with 1000's of people yelling all the way down to Times Square.

Anyone else run?

This post was edited on 3/15 2:46 PM by PhDKnight
Kudos to you. I applaud your effort. Did you perform as you expected? What is your age group?
started running competitively at age 9 and continued through HS, college, AAU and masters, always swore I would never run a marathon. Once I hit 50 I wanted to check it off the list so I ran a couple years ago. As I was going through the half marathon mark, seeing people finishing, I was questioning why I didn't opt to run the 1/2 instead of the whole thing. I plan on running my first half this Sept. here in Ocean city. How were the logistics for NYC?? Thats the one reason I'm not sure i could bother, here I just walk out the door and ride my bike over to the starting line. Granted it doesnt compare to NYC but what can you do?

This post was edited on 3/16 6:19 AM by newell138
I only run if someone is chasing me and they are considerably bigger than me.
Originally posted by PhDKnight:
Great race. Nothing like coming out of Central Park and having 7th Avenue lined with 1000's of people yelling all the way down to Times Square.

Anyone else run?

This post was edited on 3/15 2:46 PM by PhDKnight
I did. Awesome race. Cold out there today once we got over to the west side. But overall, had a great time and a great race. NYRR and NYPD did a bang up job.

I think the NYC half is definitely worth a run. Logistics were excellent.

This post was edited on 3/15 8:18 PM by PhDKnight
Speaking of half marathons, be sure to sign up for the RU half on Sunday, April 12
Just starting to get back into running shape as the first run that I'm signed up for is in June. I learned the past few days that I have a long way to go before being in shape again! I have a half on June 20th. Another half the following day on June 21st. Then a full on July 18th.

So... point of this is to say great job! This early in the season, especially after such a cold snowy winter back east, makes it an extra special accomplishment.
Originally posted by _dave_:
Just starting to get back into running shape as the first run that I'm signed up for is in June. I learned the past few days that I have a long way to go before being in shape again! I have a half on June 20th. Another half the following day on June 21st. Then a full on July 18th.

So... point of this is to say great job! This early in the season, especially after such a cold snowy winter back east, makes it an extra special accomplishment.
dave - that's a tough training regiment. if you are going to run 13 on back-to-back days i would treat one and maybe both as training runs. it will be taxing to put in back-to-back tough runs of that distance especially when your marathon is only 4 weeks later.