OT: New York Mets 2023-2024 Off Season Thread

So according to this, Buck wanted Voggelbach gone but Eppler forced this guy down everyone’s throats while keeping Mauricio in the minors.

My apologies to Buck Showalter.

And it looks like according to this that Eppler will stay as GM since he and Stearns are friends (and both actually acquired Volgelbach in the past). Why do I have the feeling that Eppler is the Alonso leaker and Pete will be gone as well?
I assume that is a rhetorical question, because I sure don't have the answer.

On the Vogelbach issue, the obvious (to me, anyway) leaker is Buck. Unless a third party was privy to their private discussions, which I doubt, then only Buck or Eppler could have leaked it, and Buck is the only one with a motive to do so. That motive, of course, would be to make Eppler look like an arse. TBH, at this point anything Buck says about Met management/ownership must be taken with a grain of salt. Maybe an entire shaker.

Pete could well be gone. Stearns' statement "I EXPECT him to be here next year" left the door at least somewhat open. I think he will neither be extended nor traded; the Mets will let him play out the year and then take it from there. But any outcome is possible for 2024.

PLEASE know this though. Whatever happens to Alonso will NOT be Eppler's decision.


At least not if we are looking forward, which is the only sensible direction in which to look.

Can we all agree on that?
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A few thoughts as the off season commences:

- Sign / extend Alonso
- Not really that keen on going after Ohtani.
- Would like Yamamoto and another quality SP to be signed
- Need another solid bullpen arm or two. Preferably 7th and 8th inning guys to compliment Diaz.
- Would be fine with Counsell as manager
Met fans are such crybabies.
The crying is almost enough to make me not wanna add my insightful comments to this particular thread on The Rutgers Football board.
troll post #3, coming from a guy who has cried about, Boone, Cashman,Stanton,Donaldson,Rodon,Hicks, lmfao. Talk about a hypocrite.
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Let's talk baseball. Huge article in post. Sounds like Buck was forced to play vogelbach despite Buck not wanting to. Article sheds light on many of the issues discussed before.

troll post#4. Since you've said you never post in the Yankees thread, who are you a fan of?
I couldn't care less whether fans of other teams post in the Yankees thread...on The Rutgers Football Board.
troll post #5. Loser fan of the 2nd highest payroll in baseball who hasn't smelled The Fall Classic in 14 years, lmfao!!!
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Agree Phil. Rather sign two quality players than Ohtani and what 400 million?
Agreed. Rather two great players at $250M than Ohtani and his $500M. With our luck Ohtani would tear his shoulder and all 3 knee ligaments throwing out the first pitch.
  • Haha
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Agreed. Rather two great players at $250M than Ohtani and his $500M. With our luck Ohtani would tear his shoulder and all 3 knee ligaments throwing out the first pitch.
We should be done throwing huge money at players. Let the dust settle, see who's around to balance out the roster next season. Sign home grown Alonso and if Stearns can work his magic in Flushing both down on the farm and with middle range free agents the Mets will be set for a decade.
You need to think like a billionaire

7:10pm is 8:10 am in Tokyo

Mets could have an entire country become Mets followers. How many SNY apps will be downloaded ??
40-50,000 Japanese in NYC alone

How many times have you seen Ohtani play ?
You awake watching Angels at 12:30am on a Tuesday ?
Ohtani has one new balance commercial ???

Dodgers most likely have advantage but there are many many positives marketing side for both the Mets and Ohtani

And as I posted before Cohen made $2 billion last year, he’s probably gonna make another one or two this year‘s, if the Mets made the playoffs and just lost to a better team, he might not go crazy on spending, but the Mets were an embarrassment last year and I don’t think he will stand for that
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The funny thing is- if any Met fan were to troll like you guys do over here- you would have 3x the number of posts.
So- let's try to keep your panties on this year because no one is doing the same thing over there. You all had been left alone the entire year.
yesrutgers01, and he has the nads to call Mets fans crybabies,too friggin funny. - - -


The issue is not all due to analytics. The issue is leadership decision making and how to properly incorporate the analysis. Cashman has run his course, but will still be here as he was extended contractually through 2026.
The issues were many....including every starter not named Cole going down, Stanton becoming a .200 hitter, Lemahieu becoming a .240 hitter, Rizzo becoming the worst hitter in the league before going down, Judge getting hurt, Gallo and Hicks becoming zeros with bats in their hands, and the unsettling fact that most of the prospects brought up from the minors couldn't produce much offensively...except for the Martian...who quickly got hurt.
Difficult to watch....and IMO impossible to overcome.
Wait 'til next year.
Oh...and go Phillies. 😀
I too agree on Ohtani. Who knows if he will ever pitch again, and if so, how effectively.
You need to think like a billionaire

7:10pm is 8:10 am in Tokyo

Mets could have an entire country become Mets followers. How many SNY apps will be downloaded ??
40-50,000 Japanese in NYC alone

How many times have you seen Ohtani play ?
You awake watching Angels at 12:30am on a Tuesday ?
Ohtani has one new balance commercial ???

Dodgers most likely have advantage but there are many many positives marketing side for both the Mets and Ohtani

And as I posted before Cohen made $2 billion last year, he’s probably gonna make another one or two this year‘s, if the Mets made the playoffs and just lost to a better team, he might not go crazy on spending, but the Mets were an embarrassment last year and I don’t think he will stand for that
Cohen doesn't own SNY.
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You need to think like a billionaire

7:10pm is 8:10 am in Tokyo

Mets could have an entire country become Mets followers. How many SNY apps will be downloaded ??
40-50,000 Japanese in NYC alone

How many times have you seen Ohtani play ?
You awake watching Angels at 12:30am on a Tuesday ?
Ohtani has one new balance commercial ???

Dodgers most likely have advantage but there are many many positives marketing side for both the Mets and Ohtani

And as I posted before Cohen made $2 billion last year, he’s probably gonna make another one or two this year‘s, if the Mets made the playoffs and just lost to a better team, he might not go crazy on spending, but the Mets were an embarrassment last year and I don’t think he will stand for that
Cohen doesn't own SNY.
And They’re not going to be the ones who will be paying $60 for the last row in the upper deck.
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The issues were many....including every starter not named Cole going down, Stanton becoming a .200 hitter, Lemahieu becoming a .240 hitter, Rizzo becoming the worst hitter in the league before going down, Judge getting hurt, Gallo and Hicks becoming zeros with bats in their hands, and the unsettling fact that most of the prospects brought up from the minors couldn't produce much offensively...except for the Martian...who quickly got hurt.
Difficult to watch....and IMO impossible to overcome.
Wait 'til next year.
Oh...and go Phillies. 😀
^^^^ Excellent summary of the 2023 season for the Yankees by Kbee3.
Not a tear in sight BTW.
Wonder who leaked the buck/vogelbach story yesterday. Clearly it was someone pushing eppler out.
Happy Daniel Bryan GIF by WWE
So what does the Alonso/Boras relationship mean?
  • There will be no hometown discount. Boras don't play that.
  • Alonso has told the world that what he values most in baseball is maximizing every dollar, regardless of what team or what city. That is why you hire Scott Boras, because that is what he does. There is no one in the world who does it better.
  • And by the way, there is nothing wrong with that.
Here's what the Alonso/Boras relationship does NOT mean:
  • That there is no chance of an extension in 2023. It is true that Boras and his clients value free agency and are generally unwilling to give it up. But Boras' clients have in several instances signed extensions in the past - IF the team is willing to pay a premium to do so. TBH, it makes perfect sense. Free agency is the greatest asset a player owns. You want him to give that up? It's gonna cost you.
  • That Boras will steer Alonso elsewhere because he holds a grudge against the Mets for the Correa fiasco. Not a concern IMO. By all accounts Boras and Cohen have an excellent relationship. Why wouldn't they? They need each other. Besides, to Boras it's just business, nothing personal.
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So what does the Alonso/Boras relationship mean?
  • There will be no hometown discount. Boras don't play that.
  • Alonso has told the world that what he values most in baseball is maximizing every dollar, regardless of what team or what city. That is why you hire Scott Boras, because that is what he does. There is no one in the world who does it better.
  • And by the way, there is nothing wrong with that.
Here's what the Alonso/Boras relationship does NOT mean:
  • That there is no chance of an extension in 2023. It is true that Boras and his clients value free agency and are generally unwilling to give it up. But Boras' clients have in several instances signed extensions in the past - IF the team is willing to pay a premium to do so. TBH, it makes perfect sense. Free agency is the greatest asset a player owns. You want him to give that up? It's gonna cost you.
  • That Boras will steer Alonso elsewhere because he holds a grudge against the Mets for the Correa fiasco. Not a concern IMO. By all accounts Boras and Cohen have an excellent relationship. Why wouldn't they? They need each other. Besides, to Boras it's just business, nothing personal.
Agree and more so on the last point. No client wants to hear Boras cry about a different client. He will maximize value for this particular player.
With that said- if two offers are equal or close to equal- he will let the client decide.
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