She is thoroughly educated -- B.A. from Yale, Ph.D. and JD from Harvard.
Surprising that she tweeted after her arrest "The police refused to allow me to make a call before my arrest, so that someone would know where I was..." What do they teach at Harvard Law School?
Interesting thoughts on her "What I think" page at Princeton University.
As we drove to school recently I told my sons about the non-indictment for the officer who killed Eric Garner, the manslaughter charge being dropped for those who killed 7-year old Aiyana Stanley-Jones, and we had been talking about Ferguson and the killing of Mike Brown. I told them that we are entering a period of history in which we are going to have to organize, to protest, to speak out, to fight back against our dehumanization and that that's not always an easy thing to do. But we're worth it, our people are worth it.
Protest was a huge part of my early childhood. I remember asking my parents one year, are we going to go celebrate the Fourth of July? They said no, black people were still enslaved then. And then I said, well, could we have a demonstration instead.
My family is filled with people who were known for being smart and know-it-alls, lots of valedictorians, but also creative. I was born into a black Southern Catholic family. But my adoptive father, who passed away in 2014, was Jewish from Brooklyn.