I am well aware that Lakewood along with a number of towns without Orthodox students get significant State aid. The busing issue is a large problem in Lakewood but it is not unfair that Orthodox parents receive reimbursement for busing.You do know that the Lakewood school system is under state purview? You do know they have a loan from the state that they are in default. Tell me how this is not a state problem? The state does not pay for Catholic School busing. The individual towns do. I guess you didn’t read the article I posted earlier regarding the issues and the pending further insolvency of the Lakewood public school system.
N.J. school district says it’s broke, can’t pay teachers without emergency loan
The school district requested a $104 million loan from the state that has not arrived yet, local school officials said.www.nj.com
Let the Orthodox enroll their kids in the public schools in Lakewood and the State aid for the cost of busing will seem like nothing.