OT: So criticizing WBB is against the law?

And the prime example of this is a 3 page thread about it on the FB Board. LOL

You could have a 3 page thread around here on the proper height for the grass on your lawn.

It's mostly the same people arguing with each other every time it's brought up.
I remember Foley suffered a knee injury either her freshman or soph year (she was in one of my classes, remember her hobbling around on crutches). Pretty sure that's who I'm thinking of, it's been a few years.

By the way, what happened to the all time records/rosters that used to be on SK? They are still there for the men's team but I can't find them for the women's team.

yes, when I looked up the seasons there was a gap her soph year so she must have re-shirted that year. great memory.

Don't know if this helps but here's where I found the individual seasons.
RUChip started a thread about CViv that was immediately moved to the WBB board. In a fit of fascism, the WBB moderator (who I gather allows NO dissent) moved it back here and had it locked.

So what gives? If someone thinks that the WBB is a fiscal black hole, that can't be discussed?

That seems wrong.
Thanks Real. I got served a 3 day ban for my post. All I said was " please tell me her contract ends soon and I think she's overpaid". I was banned 3 days because of that. I said I don't even follow basketball and I was legitemetly asking a question. You can still read it on the WBB
You could have a 3 page thread around here on the proper height for the grass on your lawn.

It's mostly the same people arguing with each other every time it's brought up.
Right, on THIS board.

Try it over there and see how long it lasts.
Thanks Real. I got served a 3 day ban for my post. All I said was " please tell me her contract ends soon and I think she's overpaid". I was banned 3 days because of that. I said I don't even follow basketball and I was legitemetly asking a question. You can still read it on the WBB

Even worse, some idiot anonymod kicks your post over to WBB in an obvious trolling and YOU get banned?!? Anonymod needs a timeout too. Of course there's no way to tell who moved it, and they all blame "not me" like a Family Circus cartoon.
Even worse, some idiot anonymod kicks your post over to WBB in an obvious trolling and YOU get banned?!? Anonymod needs a timeout too. Of course there's no way to tell who moved it, and they all blame "not me" like a Family Circus cartoon.

So true. It has become fun to watch, from afar.
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Even worse, some idiot anonymod kicks your post over to WBB in an obvious trolling and YOU get banned?!? Anonymod needs a timeout too. Of course there's no way to tell who moved it, and they all blame "not me" like a Family Circus cartoon.

Yeah, that's the crazy bit. The thread was started on the FB board... it gets kicked to the WBBall board and the OP gets banned, as if he went over to the WBBall board to start trouble.... but he didn't. No problem with the thread getting booted back to the FB board or locked on the WBBall Board... but the ban of a poster is a bit much for what was really Anonymod's action.
There is no such thing as an "Anonymod" when a ban takes place. But you can just start making stuff up about the ban. You want to complain in public, I'll respond in public. I banned chip. It was for the "Please start more stupid useless threads." post towards BeKnighted on the WBB who said absolute nothing towards him. Then I read the CViv "I don't know anything about the situation but I'm just going to start crapping on the program and tell you she's overpaid." Constant negativity without discussion will lead to a ban, no matter what board it's posted to, especially when you have 3-4 other warnings on your profile already. Yes, I didn't know where the thread started. I won't deny that, but it doesn't change my opinion.
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There is no such thing as an "Anonymod" when a ban takes place. But you can just start making stuff up about the ban. You want to complain in public, I'll respond in public. I banned chip. It was for the "Please start more stupid useless threads." post towards BeKnighted on the WBB who said absolute nothing towards him. Then I read the CViv "I don't know anything about the situation but I'm just going to start crapping on the program and tell you she's overpaid." Constant negativity without discussion will lead to a ban, no matter what board it's posted to, especially when you have 3-4 other warnings on your profile already. Yes, I didn't know where the thread started. I won't deny that, but it doesn't change my opinion.

Well you just ruined my plans for Weekend Fun. I had it all lined up.
I've already written in this thread that I don't mind people criticizing a coach's contract. So I definitely wouldn't have banned someone for something as simple as that. Hit and runs aren't cool, though.
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I've already written in this thread that I don't mind people criticizing a coach's contract. So I definitely wouldn't have banned someone for something as simple as that. Hit and runs aren't cool, though.

Ah! Weekend fun rescued.

So... Does the WBB mod get banned for her hit and run attack on me?
There is no such thing as an "Anonymod" when a ban takes place. But you can just start making stuff up about the ban. You want to complain in public, I'll respond in public. I banned chip. It was for the "Please start more stupid useless threads." post towards BeKnighted on the WBB who said absolute nothing towards him. Then I read the CViv "I don't know anything about the situation but I'm just going to start crapping on the program and tell you she's overpaid." Constant negativity without discussion will lead to a ban, no matter what board it's posted to, especially when you have 3-4 other warnings on your profile already. Yes, I didn't know where the thread started. I won't deny that, but it doesn't change my opinion.
Gotcha. So you didn't know where the thread started which means you didn't move it over there in an attempt to feed red meat to a passionate fanbase that is coming off a disappointing season?

My apologies for branding you as TrollMod.
There is no such thing as an "Anonymod" when a ban takes place. But you can just start making stuff up about the ban. You want to complain in public, I'll respond in public. I banned chip. It was for the "Please start more stupid useless threads." post towards BeKnighted on the WBB who said absolute nothing towards him. Then I read the CViv "I don't know anything about the situation but I'm just going to start crapping on the program and tell you she's overpaid." Constant negativity without discussion will lead to a ban, no matter what board it's posted to, especially when you have 3-4 other warnings on your profile already. Yes, I didn't know where the thread started. I won't deny that, but it doesn't change my opinion.

If the moved thread didn't lead to the banning, then that's a whole different story - especially if there were previous warnings. Also agree that hit and runs aren't cool.

The only thing that bugs me is whatever mod (which is where both uses of "anonymod" were directed) threw that particular post over the wall to WBB... which added a heightened level of scrutiny to it, almost daring it to get reported (or daring Diana to take action on it... or just pushing responsibility for it off onto someone else)... it'd be like if a mod moved one of the more noxious posts from the OT board to the FB free board, where it would undoubtedly get whistled a bunch of times.

If it's a bad post, it should be dealt with it on the board where it's posted. Makes no sense to kick it to a board that is even *less* tolerant of that type of post to let some other mod deal with it.
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It was moved because the mod in question (well, and myself) thought it was about WBB, so it should go there. That's pretty much why it was moved. It's legit discussion. Just wasn't presented properly by a guy who's been known to cause trouble with the WBB board. Same with anything crimedog's said in the past. People know when people have agendas. That's why if there's actual conversation behind it ... facts, real debate, etc ... nobody calls you out on any agenda*.

* Shouldn't call you out, that is.
She's not getting her 1000th win next year. She'll get it the year after. So are you willing to pay her 2 more years to get to 1000? Should we fire her after the 1000th win?
She's not getting her 1000th win next year. She'll get it the year after. So are you willing to pay her 2 more years to get to 1000? Should we fire her after the 1000th win?

What are you basing her firing on? The fact that she makes 3/4 of a million and didn't go far in the NCAA tournament? Are you sensing a downward trend? Is there some sort of team controversy?
What are you basing her firing on? The fact that she makes 3/4 of a million and didn't go far in the NCAA tournament? Are you sensing a downward trend? Is there some sort of team controversy?

Yeah, I honestly don't know where all the "fire her now" discussion came from. That wasn't the point of the OP. The point was that once she's gone, once her contract is up, there's a solid business case to be made for scaling back the investment in the program.
What are you basing her firing on? The fact that she makes 3/4 of a million and didn't go far in the NCAA tournament? Are you sensing a downward trend? Is there some sort of team controversy?
I'd rather funnel that money into MBB where it can actually do some good instead of being sent to the endless money pit that is WBB etc. You need to ask yourself where you'll get the best ROI. College athletics is a BUSINESS. It's time to act like it.
1) I can understand the WBB board pushing this to FB board - last year when the previous coaching staff was still around, every week the same threads popped up multiple times a day, it became unbearable to be on the boards. Like incessant little children some posters just had to keep posting the same drivel every day every week - yeah we got it but enough. Even now some posters will bring up the previous staff - frankly I don't care to read the drivel anymore - over and done with move on. I will support RU coaches because they are RU coaches. I am not a Floodite, could care less what Flood does or doesn't do now that he is not at RU - I am more interested in the type of success the current staff can bring.

2) Contract was re-negotiated last year I believe, a poster commented on here earlier in the thread - think it was BAC. 2 years, base salary adjusted to a lower amount with heavy incentives. So this conversation is a mute point. In the past three seasons the WBB team has one 20+ games and this year won 18 - the coaches parent died during the season. I think most human beings can empathize with that, maybe some folks on this board are more animal than human and for those folks it may be more difficult to understand that point.

3) Posters have mentioned in this thread recruiting talent has dropped off however we still turn out WNBA players. Yet some folks say well the coach cant coach - well folks that is coaching.

4) The women's coach does not understand the modern game or newer type game - Stringer is a defensive minded coach. Defense wins championships or do you disagree. If you do, I want to introduce you to the 2015 FB team's struggles and the new HC Coach Ash - defensive minded coach.

The original contract heavily favored the coach - that is on RU not the coach. RU addressed it as best it could last year with base salary being negotiated down by a large percent coming off a 28 or 24 win season and term at 2 years. Most MBB fans would give their first child or a body part for that type of, how should I say, drop-off in wins. Some of you are absolute clowns or just downright misogynistic a-holes.
It's more about the past than the current contract or next year. The $$ investment in WBB where there are low returns. Never made sense.

2) Contract was re-negotiated last year I believe, a poster commented on here earlier in the thread - think it was BAC. 2 years, base salary adjusted to a lower amount with heavy incentives. So this conversation is a mute point. In the past three seasons the WBB team has one 20+ games and this year won 18 - the coaches parent died during the season. I think most human beings can empathize with that, maybe some folks on this board are more animal than human and for those folks it may be more difficult to understand that point.

Yay, more "holier than thou". Nicely done. </sarcasm>

Okay - 2015:

Ticket Sales: $387,462
Coaching Compensation: $1,594,175 (that's $106,000 less than 2014)
Direct Institutional Support: $1,046,526

There's a stunning amount of cognitive dissonance on this board.

Once again - it's not about the record of the team. It's about whether the team is worth the continued investment in coaching, given the fact that regardless of how well they do there's basically no attendance and a persistent budget deficit.

Stringer has a succession of NCAA appearances and NIT appearances. The team gets almost a million dollars a year in Direct Institutional Support.

If, as I said previously, you were to cut the current $1.7 million a year in coaching staff compensation to, say, $800k per year, the program's requisite level of Institutional Support would thereby go to zero. We would save $900k per year.

If they went from an average of 19 wins a year to an average of 10 wins per year, nothing would really change. Attendance can't get much worse. In a year in which they won the NIT, ticket sales were $290k. If the attendance were to drop by 50%, that would mean an overall reduction in revenue of $145k. We'd still come out ahead of where we are now, financially.

My point is simple - the coaching staff of the WBB team is not a sound investment. The program is sunk cost. So when CVS retires, we should reduce that cost as much as possible.

The comment was not addressed to you however since you did point me out I will respond.

1) If you are doing an ROI - the way you are thinking is 2 dimensional. How are you coming up with your ROI? Are you including exposure based on what I am reading from you it doesn't look like it with the comment - attendance and (salary) budget deficit. Thinking is flawed because the analysis is incomplete.

2) You are also excluding record as part of ROI - how can you? That doesn't make sense, follow me, how do you define a successful coach? Would a coach who wins 5 games a year have a contract like the one you are referencing, I don't think so. How do you measure a successful coach - part of the calculation is record not entirely but it is a large part of the equation. Wouldn't the ROI for a specific coach include record - you invest and get what you invested in - meaning you go on the cheap you are likely to not win and not get the same exposure of a wining program. So when you say "There's a stunning amount of cognitive dissonance on this board." I throw that right back at you sir!

So we bring in a coach with less experience to save money - which in RUs history has not been a recipe for success, so I am going to use known RU history here. RU goes on the cheap brings in a more cost effective coach and falls to the bottom portion of the conference. RU gets less exposure but can contain cost from your model above, you are happy as a pig in sh*t. Well I think you would be the first one to pop up and say - hey we haven't been to a tourney in some time and are consistently in the bottom portion of the league fire coach, which we then eat contract. LOL, rinse and repeat. And so RU if we follow your logic brings in another coach on the cheap, rinse and repeat. RU gets smart goes out and gets a better coach and pays the money for it - hmm kind of right back where we started. However maybe this time RU is wise and negotiates a better contract. The one Stinger had was on RU not on her. Its not the coach and agent to turn around and say well RU you know you are overpaying my client and that may not be right. Welcome back from Fantasy Island.

Bottom line your making a mute point - Stringer's contract has a much shorter term now per Bac. Its now heavily weighted on incentives - regardless of what you think the going rate for a coach RU is probably not going to make a move on Stinger until the term runs near and I am confident Hobbs, if still here, will make the right decision. And maybe it he doesn't offer an extension maybe he does for one year who knows.
Because "record" is NOT "part of ROI". That's a ridiculous statement.

You should give up composing your walls of text, as long as buried inside those walls of text are small but significantly stupid statements.
OK you know what call me - 856 430 7152 I would like to explain your idiocy to you directly. You are investing in a program - a coach to lead your program and you are saying coaches record does not impact salary.
Incidentally, the NCAA Financial Reports are extremely compelling and informative and are a "must read" for anyone who believes they can seriously discuss RU athletics.

A couple of tidbits from 2015:
  • The football program showed a "profit" (revenue net of expenses) of $8,099,876
  • The Men's basketball team showed a profit of $897,848
  • BOTH teams did so WITHOUT any Direct Institutional Support.
  • Both teams also did not receive a single penny of the notorious "student fees". All DIS and Student Fees were directed to WBB and the other sports.
OK you know what call me - 856 430 7152 I would like to explain your idiocy to you directly. You are investing in a program - a coach to lead your program and you are saying coaches record does not impact salary.

I don't have time for your attempt at explaining that win loss record is monetarily quantifiable.

You call coach's salaries "an investment".

It's only an investment if, at the end of the day (or season, or contract, or whatever) the team in question has revenue that exceeds expenses, absent any subsidy from the school.

That's the whole point of this thread.

Listen carefully:

Women's basketball will NEVER be profitable under the current model.

So why pay more than we have to to support it?
WBB has won 8 postseason games in the last two years (so far). Care to comment on when MBB won their last postseason game? Or even played in one?

I didn't think so.
I don't have time for your attempt at explaining that win loss record is monetarily quantifiable.

You call coach's salaries "an investment".

It's only an investment if, at the end of the day (or season, or contract, or whatever) the team in question has revenue that exceeds expenses, absent any subsidy from the school.

That's the whole point of this thread.

Listen carefully:

Women's basketball will NEVER be profitable under the current model.

So why pay more than we have to to support it?

By your logic, there should only be 2 sports at Rutgers.

BTW: This would make us the largest violator of Title IX in the country.

I don't necessarily support all aspects of Title IX, that is not the point. Until it is changed there is no choice but to obey it.
WBB has won 8 postseason games in the last two years (so far). Care to comment on when MBB won their last postseason game? Or even played in one?

I didn't think so.

Men's basketball requires no institutional support nor student fees to have revenues which exceed expenses.

One could easily suggest that if the team were actually... ya know... good, that the program's net margin would be even higher than it is.

The same can't be said for WBB.

This is really a simple discussion. Were it not for all the people in this thread furiously manufacturing strawman arguments, it wouldn't be a page long, let alone 4...
By your logic, there should only be 2 sports at Rutgers.

BTW: This would make us the largest violator of Title IX in the country.

I don't necessarily support all aspects of Title IX, that is not the point. Until it is changed there is no choice but to obey it.

Nope - again, you missed the point.

The point is that we have one of the highest coaching staff expenditures for WBB, nationwide.

There's no reason for it. The program might have fewer wins, overall, with a coaching staff that cost half as much, but it would be better off, financially.
Nope - again, you missed the point.

The point is that we have one of the highest coaching staff expenditures for WBB, nationwide.

There's no reason for it. The program might have fewer wins, overall, with a coaching staff that cost half as much, but it would be better off, financially.

Maybe you should learn to make your point better.
"A couple of tidbits from 2015:
  • The football program showed a "profit" (revenue net of expenses) of $8,099,876
  • The Men's basketball team showed a profit of $897,848
  • BOTH teams did so WITHOUT any Direct Institutional Support.
  • Both teams also did not receive a single penny of the notorious "student fees". All DIS and Student Fees were directed to WBB and the other sports."
You fail to mention that every other sport at RU meets the same criteria as WBB, but that you are giving them a pass because YOU don't think they lose too much money. Right?
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Nope - again, you missed the point.

The point is that we have one of the highest coaching staff expenditures for WBB, nationwide.

There's no reason for it. The program might have fewer wins, overall, with a coaching staff that cost half as much, but it would be better off, financially.

Or, the program might have more know, like a lot of the programs that seem to have passed us by during the past few years.

I'm not advocating firing CVS and I doubt that is even under consideration...especially with what is going on in MBB. But when her contract is up, it's time to move on.
Maybe you should learn to make your point better.
"A couple of tidbits from 2015:
  • The football program showed a "profit" (revenue net of expenses) of $8,099,876
  • The Men's basketball team showed a profit of $897,848
  • BOTH teams did so WITHOUT any Direct Institutional Support.
  • Both teams also did not receive a single penny of the notorious "student fees". All DIS and Student Fees were directed to WBB and the other sports."
You fail to mention that every other sport at RU meets the same criteria as WBB, but that you are giving them a pass because YOU don't think they lose too much money. Right?

Because the other programs aren't part of this discussion.

Because the other programs, as far as I know, don't have coaching staffs among the highest paid in the country.

Because the other programs don't have balance sheets with numbers the size of WBB.

Again, if you want to talk about Title IX, how many sports we should have or the individual performance of each of those sports, financially, I'd be happy to be part of that discussion. I think it would be fun. But that's not this thread. And you should familiarize yourself with the NCAA Financial Report.