I don't have time for your attempt at explaining that win loss record is monetarily quantifiable.
You call coach's salaries "an investment".
It's only an investment if, at the end of the day (or season, or contract, or whatever) the team in question has revenue that exceeds expenses, absent any subsidy from the school.
That's the whole point of this thread.
Listen carefully:
Women's basketball will NEVER be profitable under the current model.
So why pay more than we have to to support it?
No worries - continue to be an obtuse moron - your call.
Listen carefully, LOL, your entire argument is flawed and you don't realize it which is the funny part.
Expenses > budget but you throw out Salary. Salary is tied to budget. Salary is based on coaching performance which is measured by guess what - you got it - for the most part record.