OT: USA v Honduras WC Qualifier (Yes, we're talking about the game, LIVE!)

Gotta address our passive style. We may get crushed doing it, but we're going nowhere unless we change the culture and become known as a possess and pressure team
If you want to play that way, you're going to need a generation of kids with the on-the-ball poise of Pulisic. Not necessarily the skill, but they need his anticipation, vision, and guile.

The other thing is ball skills. You need critical mass of players who can properly weigh and lead their passes. Bad passing forces the receiver to adjust to the ball and that gives world-class defenders too much time to recover. It's not too different than watching weak or inaccurate QBs trying to complete passes into tight coverage.

You also need players with good first touch. Watch MLS for a bit and keep an eye on how quickly players can gather a pass and make their first move. Now watch Barcelona or Real Madrid. A football analogy: it's the difference between a WR who catches naturally with their hands vs. with their body.

While our youth system is a mess (compared to other countries), through sheer mass of numbers, our national U14 player pool is more or less on level with the rest of the world.

The issue is that these kids aren't then put into professional environments like in other soccer-first nations.

Let's take a blue chip HS football player. There's a world of a difference between funneling him through Hawaii's program and Alabama's. The main ones being facilities, expectations, and competition (opponents and within the team itself).

It's the same problem with talented soccer players at the HS level.
This surprises you?
Against top competion we never have the ball and never pressure the ball...Honduras is not a top team.
"Puck luck" and long runs is our style...disappointing, boring and void of ball skills.

Yes, I realize all our guys are great soccer players with incredible skill...but so does the 100th ranked tennis player, what happens 99% of the time when they play a top player?
If we arent going to play possession soccer than we need to seriously upgrade our defense...we make way too many ball handling and passing mistakes and give aways on our side of the half...

But, as someone who has played soccer my entire life (and still play twice a week) I'll never understand the strategy of the goalie kicking the ball downfield to give away possession 9 out of 10 times
We simply can't develop and produce highly technical soccer players.

So, we are forced to go to our strengths- fitness and athleticism.

That's American soccer. Part of that is definitely having a stout defense, which has been the biggest problem. Costa Rica game was a perfect example. That first goal, as great of an individual effort as it was, simply shouldn't happen.