OT we have a lot of OT topics on the board.

Decided to start an OT topic about nothing and anything anyway wants to say or show!

Source: And it's about nothing?

Fzacsattac: Absolutely nothing.

Source: So you're saying, I go on and start a thread about nothing.

Fzacsattac: We go onto

Source: "We"? Since when are you a writer?

Fzacsattac: (Scoffs) Writer. We're talking about a blog site.

Source: You want to post with me on

Fzacsattac: Yeah. I think we really got something here.

Source: What do we got?

Fzacsattac: A thread.

Source: What thread?

Fzacsattac: A thread for the blog.

Source: I still don't know what the thread is.

Fzacsattac: It's about nothing.

Source: Right.

Fzacsattac: Everybody's blogging something, we'll blog nothing.

Source: So, we go onto, we tell them we've got an idea for a thread about nothing.

Fzacsattac: Exactly.

Source: They say, "What's your thread about?" I say, "Nothing."

Fzacsattac: There you go.

(A moment passes)

Source: (Nodding) I think you may have something there.
Posts about Rutgers Football stories get 5-15 responses. There are many more salacious and inflammatory things to discuss here like the Princeton professor and where Peyton Manning's testicles were 20 years ago as he sat on an examination table.

This board is f'd up in many ways. Nearly every post, even Rutgers-related devolves into sniping and infighting. To wit:

1. The post about the walk-on from Hoboken--sniping and fighting.
2. The post about the Carlin donation--something to celebrate and be happy about--nope, let's fight.

I hope that the first play from the line of scrimmage against Washington is a touchdown. Otherwise, there will be a full scale meltdown by some and an all out war.
This thread is sort of like watching myself in a mirror watching myself in a mirror watching myself in a mirror, watching... you get the idea. Thread recursion. Who will blow their stack first?
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Posts about Rutgers Football stories get 5-15 responses. There are many more salacious and inflammatory things to discuss here like the Princeton professor and where Peyton Manning's testicles were 20 years ago as he sat on an examination table.

This board is f'd up in many ways. Nearly every post, even Rutgers-related devolves into sniping and infighting. To wit:

1. The post about the walk-on from Hoboken--sniping and fighting.
2. The post about the Carlin donation--something to celebrate and be happy about--nope, let's fight.

I hope that the first play from the line of scrimmage against Washington is a touchdown. Otherwise, there will be a full scale meltdown by some and an all out war.

The have been three responses to this thread since you typed this, meanwhile the article about the Hale center donation has had one response.....
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The have been three responses to this thread since you typed this, meanwhile the article about the Hale center donation has had one response.....
I had read the article, but failed to respond. But you've shamed me into doing so. [laughing]
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No I disagree with both of you that we need to fight, you are both wrong [roll].
OK, that's it. Here you go, the steel chair: :chairshot:

Seriously, though, I don't understand some of the infighting here and dredging up old grudges, etc. We are in a new era. Let's move it forward into more positive territory.
NO, you are wrong, and I have FACTS to PROVE IT. [banana]
I don't use facts. I aggressively state opinions cast as facts. I also take whatever factual, logical, reasonable, plausible argument you might make and respond to it as if you've said something completely different and entirely indefensible while artfully blending in ad-hominem attacks to anger and otherwise distract you.

Thus, you cannot possibly win. Give up now and I may let you survive this unscathed.
OK, that's it. Here you go, the steel chair: :chairshot:

Seriously, though, I don't understand some of the infighting here and dredging up old grudges, etc. We are in a new era. Let's move it forward into more positive territory.

Why does it always have to be positive are you a member of "the sky is blue" club? But yes I see your point people here really focus on seeing how they can twist each others words to initiate an I did earlier today on the F1 Austin thread..but mildone didnt bite...:victory:
I don't use facts. I aggressively state opinions cast as facts. I also take whatever factual, logical, reasonable, plausible argument you might make and respond to it as if you've said something completely different and entirely indefensible while artfully blending in ad-hominem attacks to anger and otherwise distract you.

Thus, you cannot possibly win. Give up now and I may let you survive this unscathed.
@RUtix4me tells me you are soft, and back down from fights, as evidenced in the Austin thread. note that I did not reply to your assertions--I just discredited you and showed you to be not what you say you are. Hence, I win.
@RUtix4me tells me you are soft, and back down from fights, as evidenced in the Austin thread. note that I did not reply to your assertions--I just discredited you and showed you to be not what you say you are. Hence, I win.
I was soft until 4real's first contribution to the thread. Now I'm no longer soft.

Or is that TMI? :D
Are you talking about this thread or the Peyton Manning thread? Why don't you make a cup of tea and think it over.
I drink tea all day, bitch! It helps with the ADD. Poor man's Ritalin.

And I want to know why my "cat got your tongue" response hasn't gotten like a billion likes for it's sheer brilliance yet. Funnest (punniest) thing posted on this forum since the big bang the internet ever!
I drink tea all day, bitch! It helps with the ADD. Poor man's Ritalin.

And I want to know why my "cat got your tongue" response hasn't gotten like a billion likes for it's sheer brilliance yet. Funnest (punniest) thing posted on this forum since the big bang the internet ever!
Because it sucked?
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Because it sucked?
More like licked, but yeah. It was totally awesome. Quite possibly the most brilliant response to a one-word body part post ever in the entire history of the universe. Levels upon levels of puns. A veritable Mandelbrot set of intricately complex word arrangement creatively condensed into a crowning achievement of conciseness.

Ah forget it. I'm totally under-appreciated here. I'm going to put away the internet and head out on the town to find my next ex-GF. And no, @DJ Spanky, I'm not talking about a sheep. This time.
It used to be OTs werent allowed. Now we have everything from lawn care to load bearing walls(my fav) and divorce lawyers. It has to be quite impressive to recruits and their families.......
Decided to start an OT topic about nothing and anything anyway wants to say or show!

usually all the racist and homophobic rants are grouped together on the current events board, so it is easy to avoid ... but they do seem to be taking over the football board now
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This thread is sort of like watching myself in a mirror watching myself in a mirror watching myself in a mirror, watching... you get the idea. Thread recursion. Who will blow their stack first?

I hate to think about what you're doing in that mirror.
It used to be OTs werent allowed. Now we have everything from lawn care to load bearing walls(my fav) and divorce lawyers. It has to be quite impressive to recruits and their families.......

Yeah, just think of how much better our latest recruiting class would have been if we only had intelligent, football-related threads on this board.
Yeah, just think of how much better our latest recruiting class would have been if we only had intelligent, football-related threads on this board.
As a wise man once said : RU fans need to focus .[jumpingsmile]