Hm. Well we know where she gets the headaches from. But the recurrent VM is probably not your fault. :D
Maybe I'm a carrier, lol.
Hm. Well we know where she gets the headaches from. But the recurrent VM is probably not your fault. :D
Thanks. Yea, freezing rain and ice bother me more than snow. Lake Mohawk is a bit higher in elevation and a bit north, obviously, so between that, the hills, and the fact that back roads are less traveled leaves this a question mark. I would just assume reschedule but not sure about that. Thanks again.
No problems over here, black top by 10am on the state and county roads.
Got about 3.5" up by us - just got finished shoveling the drive way. Nice crusty layer on top. The thermometer in the back (our back has a northern exposure into the state preserve), which is in the shade, still registers under 30.
We're going, it's too close to Christmas to get in a fight with Santa. My thermometer here in Piscataway is 32.5 degrees...hopefully north of 33 in lake Mohawk.It's already up to about 30-31F at Lake Mohawk and the precip is over until at least midnight, when it should be above 32F and any precip would be plain rain. That should leave a fair amount of time for all plowed roads to finish melting any glaze during daylight hours (when roads will absorb UV rays and warm up). So your drive should be fine, both ways, except perhaps for any local town roads that weren't plowed and traveled on and could be slushy. Good luck if you decide to go.
Yup, up in Wayne, in the hills where the state preserve is, so we're always a few degrees colder. Just checked, we're right around 32, so we're starting to get some melting. Back roads in our area have been in pretty good shape all day, but they've done a good job of putting down brine and salt so far.Nice - are you still in the Wayne area? Are you higher up in elevation (might explain the low temp)? How are the back roads (thinking about phs73) up there? Great day for a fire. :>)