Fat Koko -- for the Rutgers budget, I used the same source you identified above:
https://finance.rutgers.edu/sites/default/files/2022-08/FY 2023 Public Budget - Unit Financial Summaries.pdf
I looked at Rutgers New Brunswick Units (page 3 of the pdf), since we're talking about Rutgers New Brunswick Athletics, and budgets for Newark, Camden, or the Med School don't fund New Brunswick Athletics.
Based on that document, in FY23 total NB revenue was $1.751 B and State Appropriations were $0.224 B (12.8%). In FY22, those figures were $1.678 B and $0.203 B (12.1%).
As I indicated in my previous post, I am excluding restricted state funding like Fringe Benefits, because those funds cannot be used for discretionary spending like the recruiting trip that is the subject of this thread. Also, as I indicated in my previous post, when people complain about Athletics funding, I don't think they are objecting to a secretary receiving a state subsidy toward health insurance --- at least no more than they would complain about the same for a secretary in the student affairs office.
So that is how I determined that the State funds 12.8% of Rutgers NB's budget, and thus 12.8% of the direct institutional support given to the Athletic Department. (I actually should have used 12.1%, because I used a FY22 figure for Athletics.)
Page 5 of that pdf shows that the Rutgers Athletics Budget received $2.093 B in Allocated University Support in FY22 and FY23, and no State Appropriations (again ignoring fringe benefits).
But, I also looked at the FY22 NCAA Financial Report filed by Rutgers, which provides different breakouts (see
https://rutgers.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/(S(fckltf2qv5ej0pweaiixped1))/BusinessDirectory.aspx ). This document shows Direct Institutional Support as $5,843,641.
I used the higher number from the NCAA Financial Report. Because the two financial reports provide different breakouts, there appears to be some general university funding for Athletics reported on other lines in the Budget pdf document referenced earlier.
12.8% of the $5.8MM is $748K.
As to your other question: I am looking at revenue, not expenses. The question asked is where does the money come from, and what part of that money is provided by NJ taxpayers. And that question is straight-forward. Of the money that Athletics receives, the only part potentially funded by taxpayers (excluding fringe benefits) is the $5.8MM that comes from Rutgers NB general university funds. And since 12.8% of Rutgers NB funds come from the state, it is fair to say that $748K of Rutgers Athletics funding comes from state taxpayers. For 9MM people in NJ, that is about 8 cents per person.