Some in Our Fanbase Suck

Knight Shift

May 19, 2011
Jersey Shore
Can we let 4-5 more games transpire before making any grand pronouncements on Ash's future?

I had a feeling who would have been the most active posters tonight after loss, and I was right.

Some of you are even ready to offload Jerry Kill for his playcalling today. SHM.

Yes, it was a very painful game to watch. Team looked uninspired, and Bolin should have been pulled after the first half. But our receivers did not do a lot to help him out.

What was most perplexing is our secondary got destroyed today by Sergio Bailely II, a JUCO with offers from North Dakota, EMU and Missouri Valley and Antoine Porter, a 2 star with a sole offer from EMU.

Let's see where the coaches and the team go from here before going into a total meltdown. Good evening.

If it makes anyone feel any better, Boston College got crushed and the Fruit lost to Middle Tennessee.
Can we let 4-5 more games transpire before making any grand pronouncements on Ash's future?

I had a feeling who would have been the most active posters tonight after loss, and I was right.

Some of you are even ready to offload Jerry Kill for his playcalling today. SHM.

Yes, it was a very painful game to watch. Team looked uninspired, and Bolin should have been pulled after the first half. But our receivers did not do a lot to help him out.

What was most perplexing is our secondary got destroyed today by Sergio Bailely II, a JUCO with offers from North Dakota, EMU and Missouri Valley and Antoine Porter, a 2 star with a sole offer from EMU.

Let's see where the coaches and the team go from here before going into a total meltdown. Good evening.

If it makes anyone feel any better, Boston College got crushed and the Fruit lost to Middle Tennessee.
I could not agree with you more. Just about everyone was singing the praises of Ash last week. I went to the Washington game and saw a vastly different team than I saw tonight. People don't appreciate how little talent was inherited by Ash so this rebuilding process will take time. And we all know how tough it is to win without a decent quarterback. Bolin played a poor game but so did the receivers. Very little separation from the EMU secondary. The EMU quarterback made the throws when he had to ----but Rutgers failed to pressure him much of the night. The Rutgers defense played well enough to win --the offense needs to score more than one TD a game.....
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Can we let 4-5 more games transpire before making any grand pronouncements on Ash's future?

I had a feeling who would have been the most active posters tonight after loss, and I was right.

Some of you are even ready to offload Jerry Kill for his playcalling today. SHM.

Yes, it was a very painful game to watch. Team looked uninspired, and Bolin should have been pulled after the first half. But our receivers did not do a lot to help him out.

What was most perplexing is our secondary got destroyed today by Sergio Bailely II, a JUCO with offers from North Dakota, EMU and Missouri Valley and Antoine Porter, a 2 star with a sole offer from EMU.

Let's see where the coaches and the team go from here before going into a total meltdown. Good evening.

If it makes anyone feel any better, Boston College got crushed and the Fruit lost to Middle Tennessee.

The defense, in general, was awful today.
fans have every right to be critical how they want after tonights loss...RU has lost 11 in a row...there is a real possibility they go 1-11 this season and it would be 20 in a row vs D1 schools..its not that far fetched as RU is likely to be underdog in every game besides Morgan which really doesnt count.

trying to keep your head above water in recruiting just got much tougher with this loss today which eliminated any pie in the sky bowl talk that some were actually touting for this year.

Let people vent how they want. Ash was not a slam dunk hire by Hobbs, talk of that was nonsense, it was an incredibly risky hire, one that seems to be paying out for Maryland but not RU
fans have every right to be critical how they want after tonights loss...RU has lost 11 in a row...there is a real possibility they go 1-11 this season and it would be 20 in a row vs D1 schools..its not that far fetched as RU is likely to be underdog in every game besides Morgan which really doesnt count.

trying to keep your head above water in recruiting just got much tougher with this loss today which eliminated any pie in the sky bowl talk that some were actually touting for this year.

Let people vent how they want. Ash was not a slam dunk hire by Hobbs, talk of that was nonsense, it was an incredibly risky hire, one that seems to be paying out for Maryland but not RU
If Bolin starts, Morgan will beat us. I'm calling it now.
fans have every right to be critical how they want after tonights loss...RU has lost 11 in a row...there is a real possibility they go 1-11 this season and it would be 20 in a row vs D1 schools..its not that far fetched as RU is likely to be underdog in every game besides Morgan which really doesnt count.

trying to keep your head above water in recruiting just got much tougher with this loss today which eliminated any pie in the sky bowl talk that some were actually touting for this year.

Let people vent how they want. Ash was not a slam dunk hire by Hobbs, talk of that was nonsense, it was an incredibly risky hire, one that seems to be paying out for Maryland but not RU

Accurate and solid post
Knight give it up already .
Ash proved to be a laughingstock last year ( 227-0 ) and this year looks to be another 2 win season (maybe).

Hobbs is a bonehead for giving someone with no HC experience a 5 year Contract.
I would never play Bolin again.
He is useless.
Send Kill up to the press box.

Team is awful but the play calling is as bad as it gets.

RU fans stink, poor support today.

I knew they would lose today early on. EMU is the better team.
We have to give the guy 4 years to try to do his rebuild. Sucks to have to wait so long after the loss in faith from tonight.. but it is what it is. You don't talk about firing a guy after game 2 of year 2 when he has such an insurmountable task on his hands.

It's impulsive crazy talk to say he should be fired right now. I think most level-headed people would agree.
Can we let 4-5 more games transpire before making any grand pronouncements on Ash's future?

I had a feeling who would have been the most active posters tonight after loss, and I was right.

Some of you are even ready to offload Jerry Kill for his playcalling today. SHM.

Yes, it was a very painful game to watch. Team looked uninspired, and Bolin should have been pulled after the first half. But our receivers did not do a lot to help him out.

What was most perplexing is our secondary got destroyed today by Sergio Bailely II, a JUCO with offers from North Dakota, EMU and Missouri Valley and Antoine Porter, a 2 star with a sole offer from EMU.

Let's see where the coaches and the team go from here before going into a total meltdown. Good evening.

If it makes anyone feel any better, Boston College got crushed and the Fruit lost to Middle Tennessee.

You can't blame any one for being upset. We watched a terribly coached Rutgers team today. Our head coach was out coached by a solid MAC coach with a less athletic roster than our team's.
Garybredow, aren't you the Gio guy? Know him from high school or something.
Not that the defense was great, but Purdue won 44-21. You gotta score some points. You can't win every game 3-0.
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Our entire fan base sucks... That's evidenced by the lack of money... if we had a fan base worth a damn they wouldn't have tolerated the piss poor facilities that have left us behind while everyone got rich. The state of NJ and RU are probably the most incompetent run orgs in the history of mankind.
You guys are clueless, this loss can clearly be pinned on the fans. If we fill the stadium, arrive on time, and cheer at the proper times the team wins by 20 points. Ash and his staff have had to overcome by far the worst fan base in all of college football at any level. I give him credit for what he has accomplished to date given the huge disadvantage the fan base puts him and his coaches in every single week. When will the knuckle heads on this board, learn, it always the fault of the fans. We suck, not the coaches, they are doing a great job and under appreciated, understand the message and get with the program.
Can we let 4-5 more games transpire before making any grand pronouncements on Ash's future?

I had a feeling who would have been the most active posters tonight after loss, and I was right.

Some of you are even ready to offload Jerry Kill for his playcalling today. SHM.

Yes, it was a very painful game to watch. Team looked uninspired, and Bolin should have been pulled after the first half. But our receivers did not do a lot to help him out.

What was most perplexing is our secondary got destroyed today by Sergio Bailely II, a JUCO with offers from North Dakota, EMU and Missouri Valley and Antoine Porter, a 2 star with a sole offer from EMU.

Let's see where the coaches and the team go from here before going into a total meltdown. Good evening.

If it makes anyone feel any better, Boston College got crushed and the Fruit lost to Middle Tennessee.

I can tell you right now what Ash's future is. With this cheap a** school he will be here for a long time! That does not mean he doesn't suck. Big mouth staff with no results to back it up. Maybe come in humble until you prove yourself!
Oh yeah, I forgot we are a young team. I heard this for over 40 freakin years.
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I am making no excuses. That was a brutal game to watch and I am frustrated like everyone else.

I must say though, when I was watching on TV (I don't live in the state to make it to the game), it felt like the crowd was getting smaller and smaller. (maybe just me) For a game that close, why are people leaving?! Just because a MAC team is giving us a game and/or we're struggling a little doesn't mean you leave on the team. I was actually at last week's game versus Washington, since it was Labor Day weekend and people already started leaving at halftime. I seriously grow frustrated with our fanbase. Sure, you can say with our results, you can't expect good attendance. Well, it's one thing to not make it to the game. But to attend a game and then leave it when the game is still winnable, ugghhh, sucks the life out of you and is demoralizing...Is there no more school spirit anymore?
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You guys are clueless, this loss can clearly be pinned on the fans. If we fill the stadium, arrive on time, and cheer at the proper times the team wins by 20 points. Ash and his staff have had to overcome by far the worst fan base in all of college football at any level. I give him credit for what he has accomplished to date given the huge disadvantage the fan base puts him and his coaches in every single week. When will the knuckle heads on this board, learn, it always the fault of the fans. We suck, not the coaches, they are doing a great job and under appreciated, understand the message and get with the program.
I see what you did there.
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knight shift--win or lose , it's generally the same people that will feel the need to bitch and moan--so really ,what's new--not worth paying much attention
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I could not agree with you more. Just about everyone was singing the praises of Ash. I went to the Washington game and saw a vastly different team than I saw tonight. People don't appreciate how little talent was inherited by Ash so this rebuilding process will take time. And we all know how tough it is to win without a decent quarterback. Bolin played a poor game but so did the receivers. Very little separation from the EMU secondary. The EMU quarterback made the throws when he had to ----but Rutgers failed to pressure him much of the night. The Rutgers defense played well enough to win --the offense needs to score more than one TD a game.....
Our receivers had a bad game ! The rebuild is STILL on in year 2 despite some saying rebuild was over. But for us not to try some things to get out of our offensive funk is tough to swallow.
It was a disheartening loss --no doubt. But the sad fact is that each team was quarterbacked by a 5th year quarterback and you could see the vast difference in skill level, especially arm strength. Put EMU's quarterback on the Rutgers team and I'm sure the results would have been different. What many of Ash critics fail to appreciate is that Flood left Rutgers without any decent quarterback play. That Ash had to go out and grab Bolin is a stark statement about the quality of our roster quarterbacks. Ash is facing a tough choice. Lewis is obviously the future of the program. Does he start Lewis now and sink or swim with him or continue to go with Bolin and hope he "manages" the offense well enough to avoid disgraceful losses like Michigan last year that impact recruiting? Unfortunately Bolin isn't good enough to win games for Rutgers. I say start Lewis. If the kid truly has the talent that everyone believes then maybe he can succeed like other freshmen quarterbacks have succeeded. Is Kassim Hill at Maryland that much better than Lewis?
I am making no excuses. That was a brutal game to watch and I am frustrated like everyone else.

I must say though, when I was watching on TV (I don't live in the state to make it to the game), it felt like the crowd was getting smaller and smaller. (maybe just me) For a game that close, why are people leaving?! Just because a MAC team is giving us a game and/or we're struggling a little doesn't mean you leave on the team. I was actually at last week's game versus Washington, since it was Labor Day weekend and people already started leaving at halftime. I seriously grow frustrated with our fanbase. Sure, you can say with our results, you can't expect good attendance. Well, it's one thing to not make it to the game. But to attend a game and then leave it when the game is still winnable, ugghhh, sucks the life out of you and is demoralizing...Is there no more school spirit anymore?

I will try to answer this. I was at game. Not only is Rutgers bad but they are the most boring team in FBS. Coach takes no chances, the QB doesn't have a big arm and the only exciting thing RU has is Grant returns and they kicked the ball away from him. If u are going to be a bad team can they at least have a little pizzazz! Also crowd realized midway through 3rd qtr that team is not going to be very good this year and that the Washington game was an anomaly. If the product stinks fans are going to do something else.
Maryland has way much deeper talent level throughout its roster then RU does(not just QB),look at Maryland last two recruiting classes alone.The only real B10 level talent RU put on the field yesterday on offense was Grant. Recievers cant get separation,drop balls. The offense line cant block a low level Mac team that had lost 58 straight games to power five schools.
While you can Blame Bolin,Gio,Odin..whomever you want at QB,its the entire talent level and Coaching that produced that Sun belt like effort on Offense yesterday,not just the QB.
You guys are clueless, this loss can clearly be pinned on the fans. If we fill the stadium, arrive on time, and cheer at the proper times the team wins by 20 points. Ash and his staff have had to overcome by far the worst fan base in all of college football at any level. I give him credit for what he has accomplished to date given the huge disadvantage the fan base puts him and his coaches in every single week. When will the knuckle heads on this board, learn, it always the fault of the fans. We suck, not the coaches, they are doing a great job and under appreciated, understand the message and get with the program.
I agree fans should be in the stadium when the game starts.To say fans are the reason why Rutgers lost the game is absurd.The coaching staff and the players were missing in action against a opponent that should have been one of their two sure wins for the season.
Maryland has way much deeper talent level throughout its roster then RU does(not just QB),look at Maryland last two recruiting classes alone.The only real B10 level talent RU put on the field yesterday on offense was Grant. Recievers cant get separation,drop balls. The offense line cant block a low level Mac team that had lost 58 straight games to power five schools.
While you can Blame Bolin,Gio,Odin..whomever you want at QB,its the entire talent level and Coaching that produced that Sun belt like effort on Offense yesterday,not just the QB.
If the Maryland game were next week I believe they win easy....they have enough firepower on offense to get 30, and it appears we do not......they will just outscore us.
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Can we let 4-5 more games transpire before making any grand pronouncements on Ash's future?

I had a feeling who would have been the most active posters tonight after loss, and I was right.

Some of you are even ready to offload Jerry Kill for his playcalling today. SHM.

Yes, it was a very painful game to watch. Team looked uninspired, and Bolin should have been pulled after the first half. But our receivers did not do a lot to help him out.

What was most perplexing is our secondary got destroyed today by Sergio Bailely II, a JUCO with offers from North Dakota, EMU and Missouri Valley and Antoine Porter, a 2 star with a sole offer from EMU.

Let's see where the coaches and the team go from here before going into a total meltdown. Good evening.

If it makes anyone feel any better, Boston College got crushed and the Fruit lost to Middle Tennessee.
Can we let 4-5 more games transpire before making any grand pronouncements on Ash's future?

I had a feeling who would have been the most active posters tonight after loss, and I was right.

Some of you are even ready to offload Jerry Kill for his playcalling today. SHM.

Yes, it was a very painful game to watch. Team looked uninspired, and Bolin should have been pulled after the first half. But our receivers did not do a lot to help him out.

What was most perplexing is our secondary got destroyed today by Sergio Bailely II, a JUCO with offers from North Dakota, EMU and Missouri Valley and Antoine Porter, a 2 star with a sole offer from EMU.

Let's see where the coaches and the team go from here before going into a total meltdown. Good evening.

If it makes anyone feel any better, Boston College got crushed and the Fruit lost to Middle Tennessee.

Some in EVERY fan base suck. But if you are going to be the #1 sunshine pumper on the board of an absolutely historical trainwreck of a football program in the midst of yet another cluster of a cycle, expect the natives to get more than restless when all the enthusiasm that is able to get mustered when games are not being played disappears when the product hits the field.

BTW, I find it ironic that you once again feel the need to bring up the troubles of other programs to make everyone feel better, while telling another poster "who gives a f&*k/s*$t" when he brings up the early success of Purdue.

I know you are of the position that a fan's job is to be positive and supportive and enthusiastically behind the program at all times, but this is the downside of that. A fanbase being negative, critical, and holding a program to a much higher standard than RU is used to may not be a cure all, but it might not be such a bad thing. Not sure that the RU fanbase is capable of generating enough of this to reach critical mass, but it surely would be a better way to go than what is currently being practiced.