The selection is rigged!


Gold Member
Mar 12, 2009
How can nine sources, all educated at Ivy League schools with pre law degrees and never been accused of throwing a game, come up with the exact 26.5 spread? ok,. 27. Not only that but the over under doesn't vary from one freakin' point? 54 pts. will be scored or all nine of us will go to hell...Any wize guys out there who can explain this thinking. Did the Vegas mob move one of the goal posts two feet to the left, or what? I'll bet that I'm not going to bet until the last month of the season.
I made my first online sports bet last night, putting a couple hundred smackeroos on Rutgers @ +27. Easy moolah.
The lines aren't set by some guy in a dark room anymore, and haven't been for a long time. They all either use algorithms that spit out similar data or they just wait until one book posts their line and then copy it.