The team died with Mag

OMG - this Mag stuff. Our fans and these threads about how much he meant to the team could even be part to blame.

Mag had ZERO to do with us shooting 31% from charity against Michigan and 52% against NW including several missed front ends. We were comfortably ahead of Minnesota. We played very poorly for a 70 second stretch in which Minny also happened to play lights out and hit 6 straight 3s. Again - nothing about this game presented that losing Mag changed everything. Teams have bad streaks. Nevada closed on a 2-4 losing streak with some awful losses in there. He was a 24 minute role player on our roster. To conclude he was our RHJ is garbage.
OMG - this Mag stuff. Our fans and these threads about how much he meant to the team could even be part to blame.

Mag had ZERO to do with us shooting 31% from charity against Michigan and 52% against NW including several missed front ends. We were comfortably ahead of Minnesota. We played very poorly for a 70 second stretch in which Minny also happened to play lights out and hit 6 straight 3s. Again - nothing about this game presented that losing Mag changed everything. Teams have bad streaks. Nevada closed on a 2-4 losing streak with some awful losses in there. He was a 24 minute role player on our roster. To conclude he was our RHJ is garbage.
Stop . We just missed the tourney .
Mag injury ended the season. Zero chance we end the season with that record otherwise

Hawk in the HOF of bad takes whenever he types the word Mag

OMG you're obsessed at this point.....I've ignored you're hideous thread and crying for have no clue about anything related to basketball.

I've explained multiple times that YOU crying like a baby about Mag was irrelevant. The team had OTHER options to make up the difference and it is your ignorance and stupidity on full display.

Let me guess.....the same team without Mag and Caleb won at Wisconsin.....I guess I missed that game....

The same team started up by 7 to 10 points vs Michigan and scored 45 points was also all Mag.....had nothing to do with missing 10,000 Free throws in a row.

Or was it not making FTs at Minnesota and throwing the game away in the last minute....all Mag of course.

How about doing what I suggested FOUR months ago and playing Simpson more minutes....maybe, if we didn't sit on Simpson so long, the injury to the 5th best player, would not be spread through the media as the reason RU wasn't as good.

Maybe it was Mulcahy completely collapsing down the stretch, which I already documented multiple times.

I get are an excuse maker.....congratulations, you win the prize of the year!!!

Let me will be January 2024 the season will half over and starting the B1G remaining schedule and as soon as RU doesn't win, it will be because Mag, coming off a torn ACL, isn't won't be anyone else's fault.....won't be the opponent we play, or missing shots....all Mag of course.

I'm sure your a nice guy and diehard, but please stop one here believes Derek Simpson can't play. It's absurd at this point.

The solution was sitting in front of all of us to see...only you choose to cling onto stale/bad narratives. If Derek Simpson showed you anything at Penn State, vs Michigan and vs Purdue, anyone with a clue would see a completely different ball club in style of play, offense and Simpson actually had more steals than Mag did. I guess that shatters you're other foolish take that Mag held the key to the press.....maybe I didn't see Simpson making those plays.

Don't worry about responding, the evidence is clear as day that I'm WAY more accurate than you're going to ever admit and will die on the Mag hill.....
If you think we miss the tournament if Mag didn't get hurt your takes on basketball should never be taken seriously ever again

That’s not the same thing as what the committtee is saying. I remember when WVU got snubbed back when we were in the BE. They beat the #1 UCLA team when their PG Collison was out hurt. The committee didn’t think that win was as good because of it and that was the difference. Collison was a dang 1st round NBA draft PG. Mag was a 24 mpg glue guy on our team. Very helpful, yes - but do you not see the difference?

Sure an extra player in our depth rotation would’ve made us another point better against Minny which in the end could be said was the difference in missing the tournament. We played plenty of bad games with Mag before that though and many of the things we were doing poorly were things like bricking large numbers or FTs that had nothing to do with Mag. For the committee to announce that his absence is why we were left out is ludicrous.