VA, MD - similar paths to revive programs


Heisman Winner
Apr 1, 2004
See Washington Post linked article "Virginia, Maryland take a similar path to reviving their basketball programs".

Give coaches time to make an impact Find a floor general that fits their style Make free-throw shooting a priority Rely on defense to win games Convince local talent to stay close to home
So far, Rutgers can't check any of these items off the list.
Has Eddie and his staff and/or perhaps AD Hermann espoused a similar list at Court Club meetings?

VA, MD similar path to revive programs
Originally posted by rutger80:
Great article.
I think another good point to add would be: keep players for 4 years.

Also add coaching consistency. Its important that recruits don't have to worry if the guy they commit to is going to be there when hes a junior.
I think the easiest, quickest point is make free throw shooting a priority. Defense is next in terms of something you can turn around quickly. These are short term goals. They can be done now and we could have 1-3 more wins.

Do that and you might get local talent to stay close to home. Getting local talent to stay here are long term goals in my opinion. They take a season or three of a good record.

I think we all see talent in different ways. For me, talent is someone that can shoot the ball correctly because shooting is one thing that is hard to re teach and scoring is very important. Someone can hit a lot of shots, but if their shot is no great they will make the transition and it will be a lot harder to get off that technically ill shot. So for me talent means a good,well balanced shot, someone who loves the game, and someone who is fundamentally sound(Makes the pass rather than dribble, Boxes out with a wide stance and has awareness of intruders instead of trying to jump over people,etc)

Good stuff,twister. Thanks for the post. Definitely some small things that could help out struggling programs.
See I go the other way------my view is there's way too much negativity locally for the good player to want to come to Rutgers.

I would have at least 1 of my Assistants with Midwest ties-----and he would be working working Ohio , Michigan , Indiana and Illinois.

Plenty of players in that part of the country and playing in the Big Ten is important to those kids.

If you watch alot of hoops I'm sure you've seen plenty of guys from the 2nd tier leagues in that part of the country who are better players than Rutgers is lining up with.