Weather for Akron @ RU: Mild and Humid (mid-70s for highs) w/tailgates looking mostly dry, but some showers possible during the game

Do you have a source for dew point forecasts a week ahead? My weather app shows an hourly projection but for only a 24 hour look ahead.
Look at the graphic I posted from the NWS above. That graphic goes out for 7 days. If you click on any NWS office home page, like the one linked below and then click on the map for your local forecast, when that forecast pops up, there's always an "Hourly Weather Forecast" graphic on the lower right side of the page (need to scroll down) and clicking on that gives you the next 48 hours. If you want a different 48-hr period up to 7 days, click on the drop down menu just above the graphic (where it says "48 hr period starting..."), select a starting point and then click on submit. And remember, most weather apps are generally only useful for the next day or so of weather.
Last year, the temple tailgate had those phantom downpours….. that was fun hahah.
That wasn't no downpour!!! That was nearly armageddon in the Black Lot!! We were hanging on to our tents for dear life!!! (Yeah i know, grabbing metal poles during lightning..not smart). Hell the wind & hail wound up collapsing one of the tents.... Crawled out from under that only to get hailed on... So i crawled back That was an experience to say the least!!!
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Ugh, horrid memories of the State Penn 2014 tailgate!
NWS forecast for 0.1-0.25" of rain for the tailgates was spot on (about 0.2" fell during that time) - the issue was most people just don't have an appreciation for what that means. I didn't think it was a big deal, but many weren't prepared.
I pity @RU848789 should that scenario unfold.
I've been IN that scenario many times on the golf course, lol, including stupidly playing during t-storms. I even played a round of golf and a round of disc golf at the RU courses with my roommate when Hurricane Gloria came through in 1987, just because we wanted to see what it was like to play in 30-45 mph winds with gusts to 60+ mph. It was one of the coolest days I've ever played in, watching drives against the wind go 150 yards and with the wind going 400+ (I used to hit the ball about 275-280 yards back then)...and watching wedges sometimes actually stall completely way up in the air and only go maybe 40-50 yards. And playing disc golf was just about impossible as the wind affects frisbees far more than golf balls (surface area/shape effects).
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I've been IN that scenario many times on the golf course, lol, including stupidly playing during t-storms. I even played a round of golf and a round of disc golf at the RU courses with my roommate when Hurricane Gloria came through in 1987, just because we wanted to see what it was like to play in 30-45 mph winds with gusts to 60+ mph. It was one of the coolest days I've ever played in, watching drives against the wind go 150 yards and with the wind going 400+ (I used to hit the ball about 275-280 yards back then)...and watching wedges sometimes actually stall completely way up in the air and only go maybe 40-50 yards. And playing disc golf was just about impossible as the wind affects frisbees far more than golf balls (surface area/shape effects).
I would think that the Allaire disc golf course in the woods may not be too bad in the wind because of all the trees. If you are ever out there on a weekend and see a guy on a black mountain bike with a hunter orange helmet, shout out Knight Shift, and I'll say hello. My normal ride takes me through the part of the disc golf course that runs right up against I-195.
Who said "no rain for the tailgate?"

@RU848789 said: "dry tailgates, outside of a few nuisance sprinkles (maybe 0.01" of rain)" and title says "tailgates looking mostly dry."

Seems consistent.
Agreed, but at least showing the hourly rain percent probability and the likely amount is far better than just showing the percentages, which, yesterday, implied a pretty rainy forecast vs. today (from WU) showing about 0.03" for the tailgates. People generally care a lot more about getting "significant" amounts of rain, i.e., at least 0.05-0.10" over a couple of hours than they do about getting what I would call "nuiscane" amounts, i.e., 0.01-0.02" over a few hours (like a tailgate).

Also, fyi, News12 has come around, now showing little to no rain before about 12-1 pm, then some light showers after that - very similar to the NWS forecast. In fact, every media outlet in the NYC area is showing a largely dry tailgate, i.e., sprinkles of 0.01-0.02", which over a few hours at a warm and humid ~70F are a non-issue for most people.

Having said that, meteorologically, the difference between 0.01" and 0.10" of rain is tiny, so it's quite possible the tailgates are 100% dry and it's also quite possible we get 0.10" of rain during the tailgates - both outcomes are roughly within the margin for error of a 3-4 hour forecast. Only torqued up tailgaters see the difference, lol.

The advice is the same, regardless: have a canopy set up or at least ready to set up (should any heavier showers materialize) for your tailgate and, if 0.1-0.2" of rain during the game is a major issue for you, wear rain gear for the game. I will not be, but then again, rain at 75F and that level of rain simply won't bother me (shorts and a t-shirt for that weather).

And one last thing: we're still 48 hours out from today's 12Z model runs (which initialized around 8 am this morning), which still leaves a lot of time for the forecast to change, at least with regard to the finer details, i.e., we're absolutely not going to get the kind of big storm and rain that was looking likely 3+ days ago and it's not going to magically be sunny, warm and not humid all day, but it's impossible to say with high confidence that we can't get 0.1-0.2" of rain during the tailgates, just like it's impossible to say with high confidence that we can't have a dry game.
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I would think that the Allaire disc golf course in the woods may not be too bad in the wind because of all the trees. If you are ever out there on a weekend and see a guy on a black mountain bike with a hunter orange helmet, shout out Knight Shift, and I'll say hello. My normal ride takes me through the part of the disc golf course that runs right up against I-195.
Allaire, in the woods, certainly shelters players from 10-15 mph winds for the most part, but the woods won't shelter anyone much when winds/gusts start getting to 20 mph or more and definitely not for 40 mph+ winds. If I see a guy dressed like that on hole 8, I'll offer him a free bowl of soup. :>)
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Allaire, in the woods, certainly shelters players from 10-15 mph winds for the most part, but the woods won't shelter anyone much when winds/gusts start getting to 20 mph or more and definitely not for 40 mph+ winds. If I see a guy dressed like that on hole 8, I'll offer him a free bowl of soup. :>)
And be careful in the woods with high winds. A LOT of downed trees this summer, and those scotch (not sure of species) pines, bend and break easily.
That wasn't no downpour!!! That was nearly armageddon in the Black Lot!! We were hanging on to our tents for dear life!!! (Yeah i know, grabbing metal poles during lightning..not smart). Hell the wind & hail wound up collapsing one of the tents.... Crawled out from under that only to get hailed on... So i crawled back That was an experience to say the least!!!
That was a corker of a storm, but luckily that was about it for the rain that day and even more luckily, it hit the tailgates about 30 minutes before we headed over to the yellow lot and was over by the time we got there. You can relive it, meteorologically, in the thread below, lol.
Agreed, but at least showing the hourly rain percent probability and the likely amount is far better than just showing the percentages, which, yesterday, implied a pretty rainy forecast vs. today (from WU) showing about 0.03" for the tailgates. People generally care a lot more about getting "significant" amounts of rain, i.e., at least 0.05-0.10" over a couple of hours than they do about getting what I would call "nuiscane" amounts, i.e., 0.01-0.02" over a few hours (like a tailgate).

Also, fyi, News12 has come around, now showing little to no rain before about 12-1 pm, then some light showers after that - very similar to the NWS forecast. In fact, every media outlet in the NYC area is showing a largely dry tailgate, i.e., sprinkles of 0.01-0.02", which over a few hours at a warm and humid ~70F are a non-issue for most people.

Having said that, meteorologically, the difference between 0.01" and 0.10" of rain is tiny, so it's quite possible the tailgates are 100% dry and it's also quite possible we get 0.10" of rain during the tailgates - both outcomes are roughly within the margin for error of a 3-4 hour forecast. Only torqued up tailgaters see the difference, lol.

The advice is the same, regardless: have a canopy set up or at least ready to set up (should any heavier showers materialize) for your tailgate and, if 0.1-0.2" of rain during the game is a major issue for you, wear rain gear for the game. I will not be, but then again, rain at 75F and that level of rain simply won't bother me (shorts and a t-shirt for that weather).

And one last thing: we're still 48 hours out from today's 12Z model runs (which initialized around 8 am this morning), which still leaves a lot of time for the forecast to change, at least with regard to the finer details, i.e., we're absolutely not going to get the kind of big storm and rain that was looking likely 3+ days ago and it's not going to magically be sunny, warm and not humid all day, but it's impossible to say with high confidence that we can't get 0.1-0.2" of rain during the tailgates, just like it's impossible to say with high confidence that we can't have a dry game.
“Push it back, push it back, wayyyy…okay a little more BACK!”
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That was as bad, but at least that one we knew in advance it was going to be miserable. State Penn was forecast as scattered showers.
Nope, forecast for that PSU game the day of was for showers (0.1-0.2") during the tailgates (and about 0.2" fell) and some sprinkles/light rain (<0.05") during the game and about 0.05" fell. And the forecast 2 days before the game was for even more rain, i.e., 0.25-0.50" from 2 pm to 10 pm, with most being before the game, but rainfall amounts were scaled back in later forecasts. We don't have threads going back to 2014, but I can share what I sent to our tailgate crew on the weather from back then if interested. @mildone should also be able to corroborate this, as he's on those emails, although I'm not sure he's as nutty as I am about keeping every email ever sent or received.
Agreed, but at least showing the hourly rain percent probability and the likely amount is far better than just showing the percentages, which, yesterday, implied a pretty rainy forecast vs. today (from WU) showing about 0.03" for the tailgates. People generally care a lot more about getting "significant" amounts of rain, i.e., at least 0.05-0.10" over a couple of hours than they do about getting what I would call "nuiscane" amounts, i.e., 0.01-0.02" over a few hours (like a tailgate).

Also, fyi, News12 has come around, now showing little to no rain before about 12-1 pm, then some light showers after that - very similar to the NWS forecast. In fact, every media outlet in the NYC area is showing a largely dry tailgate, i.e., sprinkles of 0.01-0.02", which over a few hours at a warm and humid ~70F are a non-issue for most people.

Having said that, meteorologically, the difference between 0.01" and 0.10" of rain is tiny, so it's quite possible the tailgates are 100% dry and it's also quite possible we get 0.10" of rain during the tailgates - both outcomes are roughly within the margin for error of a 3-4 hour forecast. Only torqued up tailgaters see the difference, lol.

The advice is the same, regardless: have a canopy set up or at least ready to set up (should any heavier showers materialize) for your tailgate and, if 0.1-0.2" of rain during the game is a major issue for you, wear rain gear for the game. I will not be, but then again, rain at 75F and that level of rain simply won't bother me (shorts and a t-shirt for that weather).

And one last thing: we're still 48 hours out from today's 12Z model runs (which initialized around 8 am this morning), which still leaves a lot of time for the forecast to change, at least with regard to the finer details, i.e., we're absolutely not going to get the kind of big storm and rain that was looking likely 3+ days ago and it's not going to magically be sunny, warm and not humid all day, but it's impossible to say with high confidence that we can't get 0.1-0.2" of rain during the tailgates, just like it's impossible to say with high confidence that we can't have a dry game.
So, for those curious about the details, the 12Z model runs are out and all of them (Euro, CMC, NAM, UK, RGEM) are showing <0.02" of rain through about noon, except for the GFS, which is showing about 0.1" through noon and most of them are showing no rain at all through noon. Then, almost all of them show some showers during the game, likely totaling 0.1-0.2" from about 12-1 pm through about 4-5 pm. Obviously, as per my post above, there's still time for the timing and amounts of rain to change a bit (but not a lot, outside of a few possible, but very widely scattered heavier downpours).
Nope, forecast for that PSU game the day of was for showers (0.1-0.2") during the tailgates (and about 0.2" fell) and some sprinkles/light rain (<0.05") during the game and about 0.05" fell. And the forecast 2 days before the game was for even more rain, i.e., 0.25-0.50" from 2 pm to 10 pm, with most being before the game, but rainfall amounts were scaled back in later forecasts. We don't have threads going back to 2014, but I can share what I sent to our tailgate crew on the weather from back then if interested. @mildone should also be able to corroborate this, as he's on those emails, although I'm not sure he's as nutty as I am about keeping every email ever sent or received.
I don't kid myself, I'm a tremendous nut.
So, for those curious about the details, the 12Z model runs are out and all of them (Euro, CMC, NAM, UK, RGEM) are showing <0.02" of rain through about noon, except for the GFS, which is showing about 0.1" through noon and most of them are showing no rain at all through noon. Then, almost all of them show some showers during the game, likely totaling 0.1-0.2" from about 12-1 pm through about 4-5 pm. Obviously, as per my post above, there's still time for the timing and amounts of rain to change a bit (but not a lot, outside of a few possible, but very widely scattered heavier downpours).
I'm liking this. So far the "front" has listened to my words. I'll be back tonight and then again, tomorrow, to advise said "front" one more time.
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the wisconsin homecoming was a disaster...all out heavy rain for a noon of the worst ever for a failed to show up and were absolutely spanked like 38-0
Didn't the rain start at like maybe 11:45? For some reason I recall the tailgate being okay then BAMM just absolute hell-on-Earth torrential downpour walking from Purple to the stadium.
People in the south don't complain about weather this much. Toughen up Jersey!
…And every other football game in our area so it’s not just our luck.
Its Raining GIF by Garfield
So, for those curious about the details, the 12Z model runs are out and all of them (Euro, CMC, NAM, UK, RGEM) are showing <0.02" of rain through about noon, except for the GFS, which is showing about 0.1" through noon and most of them are showing no rain at all through noon. Then, almost all of them show some showers during the game, likely totaling 0.1-0.2" from about 12-1 pm through about 4-5 pm. Obviously, as per my post above, there's still time for the timing and amounts of rain to change a bit (but not a lot, outside of a few possible, but very widely scattered heavier downpours).
Not much change in the forecast, as models continue to show very light amounts of rainfall/sprinkles for the tailgates (ranging from about nada to ~0.05") and then some light showers during the game (ranging from 0.05-0.20"). The NWS forecast for P'way is on the low side of those ranges, as per the latest graphic below, showing about 0.01" through 2 pm, then 0.1" from 2 pm to 8 pm (so, <0.1" during the game).

I'd still say to bring a canopy for the tailgate, just in case we get on the high side of potential rainfall or if your group simply doesn't want to endure some sprinkles and I'd still say to wear rain gear into the game (or at least a poncho) if about 0.1" of rain will be an issue. With humid conditions and temps up to 70F by 9 am and in the mid 70s for the game, a bit of light rain is far less likely to make it feel cold. Seems pretty unlikely we won't see at least some sprinkles for the tailgates and a few showers for the game, but this is not "washout" level rainfall at all and if we're a bit lucky, the tailgates will be dry as seen in about half the models.

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Not much change in the forecast, as models continue to show very light amounts of rainfall/sprinkles for the tailgates (ranging from about nada to ~0.05") and then some light showers during the game (ranging from 0.05-0.20"). The NWS forecast for P'way is on the low side of those ranges, as per the latest graphic below, showing about 0.01" through 2 pm, then 0.1" from 2 pm to 8 pm (so, <0.1" during the game).

I'd still say to bring a canopy for the tailgate, just in case we get on the high side of potential rainfall or if your group simply doesn't want to endure some sprinkles and I'd still say to wear rain gear into the game (or at least a poncho) if about 0.1" of rain will be an issue. With humid conditions and temps up to 70F by 9 am and in the mid 70s for the game, a bit of light rain is far less likely to make it feel cold. Seems pretty unlikely we won't see at least some sprinkles for the tailgates and a few showers for the game, but this is not "washout" level rainfall at all and if we're a bit lucky, the tailgates will be dry as seen in about half the models.

Thanks for all the info this week!
6ABC has been backing off everyday this week. At some point it's still going to rain but the amount and duration have dropped dramatically from the forecasts from early this week. The tailgates look to be dry as of today but things can change so check before you leave the house.
dan zarrow


A cold front will interact with a coastal storm system, producing widespread rain across the Garden State. Everyone in the state will probably get wet Saturday — but again, it will not be an all-day affair. Let's carefully run through Saturday's timeline.

There is a good chance for some shower activity around Saturday morning. Having said that, you might eke out dry weather for the first few hours of the day through midday.

The better chance of rain will develop around Saturday mid-afternoon, sweeping from west to east across the state into the early evening time frame. (If I had to guess, around 4 to 5 p.m. looks to be the wettest part of the day.)

Downpours are unlikely. Severe weather is unlikely. There could be some thunder and lightning, which could endanger outdoor events for a little bit.

Rainfall totals will likely end up around a quarter-inch for most. (We really could use some rain, with a third of NJ now classified as "abnormally dry" again.) I could see isolated spots surpassing a half-inch of rain if a particularly heavy shower gets stuck somewhere.

Otherwise, Saturday will be mostly cloudy, breezy, and fairly humid. High temperatures will once again reach the 70s.
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dan zarrow


A cold front will interact with a coastal storm system, producing widespread rain across the Garden State. Everyone in the state will probably get wet Saturday — but again, it will not be an all-day affair. Let's carefully run through Saturday's timeline.

There is a good chance for some shower activity around Saturday morning. Having said that, you might eke out dry weather for the first few hours of the day through midday.

The better chance of rain will develop around Saturday mid-afternoon, sweeping from west to east across the state into the early evening time frame. (If I had to guess, around 4 to 5 p.m. looks to be the wettest part of the day.)

Downpours are unlikely. Severe weather is unlikely. There could be some thunder and lightning, which could endanger outdoor events for a little bit.

Rainfall totals will likely end up around a quarter-inch for most. (We really could use some rain, with a third of NJ now classified as "abnormally dry" again.) I could see isolated spots surpassing a half-inch of rain if a particularly heavy shower gets stuck somewhere.

Otherwise, Saturday will be mostly cloudy, breezy, and fairly humid. High temperatures will once again reach the 70s.
Thank you for your post.
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