What I'm Hearing

P5 coaching record....34 games under .500.

Imagine what that equates to at RU?

We need a guy on the way up!
Guy who failed twice taking a step down. This hire would have similarities to Jordan.

Not sure about the failing twice.

Can you elaborate there?

Sendek has had 4 losing seasons out of his 22 at the Division I level. Over his last five seasons at NC State, he took five consecutive trips to the NCAA tournament with an average record of 21-11... he was fired specifically because of performance against Duke and UNC and failure to get an ACC championship. I'd hardly call that a failure. Over his last three seasons at ASU, he's gone to the postseason three times (2 NIT, 1 NCAA) with a .500 or better conference record, and was fired for going 18-13.

Both of those are light years ahead of where we are right now, or have been for seemingly forever.
P5 coaching record....34 games under .500.

Imagine what that equates to at RU?

We need a guy on the way up!

- overall coaching record is 406-290
- took Miami(oh) to NCAA's in 2nd season
- (2) NIT #1 Seeds and an NCAA at ASU (got screwed not making NCAA's at 22-11 in 2009-10, btw)
- MAC COTY 1995
- ACC COTY 2004
- PAC-10 COTY 2010
NCAA head coaching will be a must. Under-the-radar coaches at FGCU, Northern Iowa, and North Florida will be considered. Program builders, talent evaluators, resourceful recruiters (foreigners, JUCOs, transfers, graduate transfer), successful teams that rely on 3-ball shooting. Solid resumes. The FGCU and North Florida coaches have roots in (West Orange) NJ and (Pittsburgh) PA. The Northern Iowa coach has a strong Midwest background that could help immensely with Big Ten recruiting until sustained winning opens NJ recruiting doors.
Twister, an interesting take on your part.
I didn't recognize several of the names on the list posted way up in this thread, which is probably a manifestation of how my interest in college bball has waned, mostly due to our futility. Was the Providence coach on that list? I can't recall his name but I think he was coaching at Fairfield and was doing a pretty good job there before moving to PC. I see that they are actually back in the Top 25 now (I'm assuming that there hasn't been another coaching change there, but, again, I'm not following things very closely these days). Though the BE has some strong teams this season, I don't see their long-term prospects as being all that great and I'm thinking that the PC coach might be interested in a P5 job. I know nothing about him except that he seems to be a winner (if it's the same guy). He could be a very provincial CYO type of guy who wouldn't be interested in working at a great AAU/P5 institution like Rutgers.

Hopefully someone here will share his thoughts on this idea.

I didn't recognize several of the names on the list posted way up in this thread, which is probably a manifestation of how my interest in college bball has waned, mostly due to our futility. Was the Providence coach on that list? I can't recall his name but I think he was coaching at Fairfield and was doing a pretty good job there before moving to PC. I see that they are actually back in the Top 25 now (I'm assuming that there hasn't been another coaching change there, but, again, I'm not following things very closely these days). Though the BE has some strong teams this season, I don't see their long-term prospects as being all that great and I'm thinking that the PC coach might be interested in a P5 job. I know nothing about him except that he seems to be a winner (if it's the same guy). He could be a very provincial CYO type of guy who wouldn't be interested in working at a great AAU/P5 institution like Rutgers.

Hopefully someone here will share his thoughts on this idea.


Most of these coaches love being at Basketball only schools. The Big East is still a major conference whether we Rutgers fans want to believe it or not. He won't leave his job there.
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well if they were on the fence before the Sanders news, have to think this pushes them more towards moving on..that you say they are putting feelers out seems to indicate they are willing

as for your list, I like no make that love that Sendek's name keeps popping up. He along with Amaker are in my top 2. It looks like they would want to go with a guy with major Power 5 experience even as an assistant. Boals and Alexander are interesting names. Not a fan at all of anybody else and Ewing would be a joke and it probably was a joke
So, other than Amaker and Sendek, who else is in your top two?
Cooley would be a nice candidate but doubt he would want here. He has a good gig at Providence. Amaker would be neat too. Maybe he wants back in with the big boys.
Sendek had to recruit against North Carolina and Duke and still made the tourney... five years in a row.
Then he had to recruit against the University of Arizona and still made the tourney.
He brought a no name Miami of Ohio to the tourney.
Assistant coach at Pitt and Kentucky.
Guy is a proven winner and can coach. If Eddie goes, would be a brilliant pick.

No up and comers, roll the dicers. Need a proven winner!
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I agree------I'd hire King Rice-----don't think he's a great X and O guy but he recruits well and first and foremost the next hire whenever that is HAS to be a great recruiter.

You're not outcoaching guys in the Big Ten without talent pure and simple.
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So, other than Amaker and Sendek, who else is in your top two?

these are my top 2 and no one else besides Longergan from GW is close. Amaker would seem a long shot but its worth to put feelers out. I mean Harvard isn't the big stage and while RU to be frankly is atrocious, its still a chance to get back into the Big 10..all coaches have egos .

I do like the names of the Michigan and OSU assistants because they have experienced at big time in the Big 10. However Im not so sure that you can follow the football model as its a low different in college hoops. I would rather have a guy who won at a lower level but was a head coach.

Obviously some still are disappointed by these names but not sure realistically you could have a better list. no way in hell. He failed at SJU with many red flags. I would assume feelers once again are put out to Hurleys and I think Hobbs would already know if they aren't interested by now. I think with a Hurley you can explain the whole problem here and pitch the facilities better than a guy that doesn't know the situation so that's the advantage with one of them.

Sendek would be the most qualified head coach at Rutgers ever probably, I don't know what Tom Young did before he got here but it would be a substantially upgrade. We desperately need a guy who can coach

I don't know why Fig is arguing against a guy who on coach of the year honos in 3 different leagues..are you arguing just to argue. Sendek doesn't have to get us to the national championship game or even a Big 10 title, he needs to get us competitive again so we can have shots at 20-11/10-8 seasons to make the dance
I agree------I'd hire King Rice-----don't think he's a great X and O guy but he recruits well and first and foremost the next hire whenever that is HAS to be a great recruiter.

You're not outcoaching guys in the Big Ten without talent pure and simple.

nope pass and all his off field incidents make him a no no here. Its trash talking when Monmouth played Iona is not what we want here. We had a Rice and Hobbs had to deal with a Gonzo stain at SHU. This is going to be a cleaner type guy and yes while the Hurleys are fiery they don't go into the stands and mouth off
Fire Masiello!
Fire Sendek!
Fire Lavin!
Fire Amaker!
Fire Boals!
Fire Alexander!
Fire Payne!
Fire Ewing!

Just want to be on record as the first poster who knew he (whoever that he is) wouldn't get it done. No one else can say they knew it before me.

there were a lot of people who didn't want Jordan here. I recall that before Hill was canned I did a list of about 10 coaches names and Jordan was one of them and pretty much everyone agreed he wasn't the right guy for a college job. Fish out of water. I trust Hobbs to finally make a competent hire. Pernetti, Uncle Bob and Fred were not invested in hoops at all. This time we have to do something about it. Part of Hobbs legacy is riding on it
It is more of an issue of him being old. I doubt he has the hunger or strength.

This job has to be all in.

I am sure he can coach.....but it is way more than that.
It is more of an issue of him being old. I doubt he has the hunger or strength.

This job has to be all in.

I am sure he can coach.....but it is way more than that.

Tourney three years ago and fired after going 18-13. I think he would be hungry with a venegence.
It is more of an issue of him being old. I doubt he has the hunger or strength.

This job has to be all in.

I am sure he can coach.....but it is way more than that.

OLD??? Wow, keep making shit up just to fit your agenda, the guy is 52. My Lord man 52 is like 35 just a couple of decades ago. You don't like him, fine, but damn man WTF???
Fire Masiello!
Fire Sendek!
Fire Lavin!
Fire Amaker!
Fire Boals!
Fire Alexander!
Fire Payne!
Fire Ewing!

Just want to be on record as the first poster who knew he (whoever that he is) wouldn't get it done. No one else can say they knew it before me.
Mature post.

Eddie failed. Accept it and move on.
OLD??? Wow, keep making shit up just to fit your agenda, the guy is 52. My Lord man 52 is like 35 just a couple of decades ago. You don't like him, fine, but damn man WTF???

Not coaching his 4th program. With the 4th a step below 2 and 3.

Maybe he is a special guy. 52 year old who has coached forever and is taking a step down has the fire to work 15 hour days. Very unlikely!

Think Schiano. Or what we hope Ash will be....not a guy on his 4th program having failed in his past 2.
Not coaching his 4th program. With the 4th a step below 2 and 3.

Maybe he is a special guy. 52 year old who has coached forever and is taking a step down has the fire to work 15 hour days. Very unlikely!

Think Schiano. Or what we hope Ash will be....not a guy on his 4th program having failed in his past 2.

Again - he did not fail at his last two jobs, certainly not at NCSU.

Sometimes you stay around too long and eventually they turn on you.
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There is more interest beyond ouch's list and names beyond that list. I have heard a few things but that doesn't mean much because nothing is close to finalized or even approaching anything that way. The losing streak has obviously been picked up on the radar of agents representing coaches, coaches working elsewhere and understanding this is still a B1G job, with big pay representing it in comparison to other mid-major jobs.

I don't see anyway Masiello would be a legitimate candidate after his USF/degree debacle, but I could be wrong. It's really a matter of what Hobbs is going to look for in a candidate and whether he's going to give Eddie another year or not is the question. I can't see anyway he earns another year or an extension, so logically speaking a change has to be a strong consideration. There are quality candidates that would do more with this roster on both ends of the floor and RU needs a shot in the arm that shows on gamedays.

Hawk, I know you have a pulse on what's going on, but please don't post this unless you're prepared to give out some names. I agree Masiello has baggage. Thanks.
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while I like Herb, I believe Amaker would really bring class and attention to RU that we haven't seen in awhile. Not to mention respark a fading rivalry with SHU

Amaker failed at Michigan. If you can't succeed at Michigan how can you succeed at Rutgers?

Right now he is 10-14 at Harvard.

He won't be hungry.

This takes a special person who goes all in.
We can talk about all these names....the interview is VERY important. It is up to Hobbs to assess the hunger, ego, CEOness of the candidate.

I could be wrong about Sendek.
We can talk about all these names....the interview is VERY important. It is up to Hobbs to assess the hunger, ego, CEOness of the candidate.

I could be wrong about Sendek.

Someone like Sendek could have a fire lit under their belly to prove their former employer (ASU) wrong.
Not coaching his 4th program. With the 4th a step below 2 and 3.

Maybe he is a special guy. 52 year old who has coached forever and is taking a step down has the fire to work 15 hour days. Very unlikely!

Think Schiano. Or what we hope Ash will be....not a guy on his 4th program having failed in his past 2.

How on EARTH is 5 consecutive NCAA appearances a "fail" at NC State? I'm now convinced: you know absolutely nothing about any of this. You just make stuff up as you go along.