2016 lineup

Forget about the transfer..I want to know who Creedo and grapfan are!!!! And what happens when they meet at Old Queens, do thet wrestle.. Can Creedo get out on bottom? Does grapfan pick top,bottom or nuetral?? LOL Happy Friday!
I can get out my man.I was very hard too keep down and a great rider.
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Yes I think I remember being at ESU. When you get to be 74 you think you were everywhere in the world though.
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@RUCreedo i missed you calling me out. Indeed i wrestled for a year and played lax at another college my first year out of the Navy. I transferred to Rutgers and wrestled in Sacchi's first year with Chris Peake starting ahead of me. Contrary to your assertions, no one will remember be except people like Libro, Cosmo, Sheridan, Semar, Peake, Ligouri, Semar, Golbach, etc. (But those guys didn't wrestle either I assume?)
Then May 15, 1991 I fell asleep driving home and slammed into a telephone pole. I had pulled an all nighter for exams, had not slept in nearly 40 hours, but thought the 30 minute drive to Princeton was in me.. Turns out it was pretty stupid. The pole on Rt 1 South just after south brunswick mall won. Both ACL's, a PCL, and broken eyes, nose, jaw with 14 plates and screws. (No airbag in 1990 crown vic wagon) Got to know Drs. Hosea, Kaminker and Treiser all too well. But that was it for competitive wrestling. So i never achieved my hopes to start and compete as a starter in Division I. You have outed me except that i have never asserted anything different than what is above. My motivation today is to provide mentoring, capital and off-the-mat help for the team and staff to achieve their personal and collective dreams. So what have i claimed other than this?
Please feel free to out yourself. What have you done? So far your claims are crap. Goodale was never going admin. Never. If your transfer assertions are correct all you have done is hurt the program by shooting off your mouth. You assail other supporters hiding behind your little moniker and keyboard. It is a shame you are so caustic and bitter so often. And you don't donate anywhere near your prior claims. I will leave it at that since I would rather leave my efforts to something more positive.
@RUCreedo i missed you calling me out. Indeed i wrestled for a year and played lax at another college my first year out of the Navy. I transferred to Rutgers and wrestled in Sacchi's first year with Chris Peake starting ahead of me. Contrary to your assertions, no one will remember be except people like Libro, Cosmo, Sheridan, Semar, Peake, Ligouri, Semar, Golbach, etc. (But those guys didn't wrestle either I assume?)
Then May 15, 1991 I fell asleep driving home and slammed into a telephone pole. I had pulled an all nighter for exams, had not slept in nearly 40 hours, but thought the 30 minute drive to Princeton was in me.. Turns out it was pretty stupid. The pole on Rt 1 South just after south brunswick mall won. Both ACL's, a PCL, and broken eyes, nose, jaw with 14 plates and screws. (No airbag in 1990 crown vic wagon) Got to know Drs. Hosea, Kaminker and Treiser all too well. But that was it for competitive wrestling. So i never achieved my hopes to start and compete as a starter in Division I. You have outed me except that i have never asserted anything different than what is above. My motivation today is to provide mentoring, capital and off-the-mat help for the team and staff to achieve their personal and collective dreams. So what have i claimed other than this?
Please feel free to out yourself. What have you done? So far your claims are crap. Goodale was never going admin. Never. If your transfer assertions are correct all you have done is hurt the program by shooting off your mouth. You assail other supporters hiding behind your little moniker and keyboard. It is a shame you are so caustic and bitter so often. And you don't donate anywhere near your prior claims. I will leave it at that since I would rather leave my efforts to something more positive.
Blah,blah Josh.I actually think it's pretty pathetic that you resort too insults that rival Youtube comments.Doing the SKWC very proud.I'm certainly not a "keyboard warrior",and you rambling off names,is trivial.Any person can name wrestlers in the past.I don't know how a transfer can hurt a program,seeing is that the wrestlers already there, are the ones making the program what it is.Look man,what you have done for the program is commendable. Because I don't throw my name out there,doesn't discredit the fact that I broke my ass for the program for 4 years.You have absolutely no way of knowing what I have or have not done for Rutgers University ,because none of it was related too the wrestling program,so stop the bullshit.If your an ambassador too this program,your behavior and defensive tone is the one to be ashamed of.My claims are crap? What claims are these? That I know the sport inside and out.That I am extremely supportive of the program.That have great inside info.That I wrestled 4 years,had incredible success,despite how poor our attendance and reputation was.Dude,I don't want too get into a pissing match with you.We are both pretty successful in the financial world,have our own areas of interest in the sport,and support these kids in different ways.Personally,I think it is kind of weird that you are so overly involved with this program,Sounds like alot regret or some other motivation.But,the bottom line is,you have produced very good numbers and do what most people wouldn't. So,let's stop this bickering and bringing stupiditytoo this program.At this point,I would be hard pressed to think this kid would want too be involved in a program,with behavior by a supposed former coach and UFC veteran,acting like Mr Tough Guy,over something he has no barring on,More importantly,the Grand Pooba of the SKWC,getting into a "Neh,neh,neh,neh",5th grade "my dad is bigger than your dad",name calling contest with an anonymous poster over his 1 year supposed back up role too Peake.I really don't care and I am sure that half of the other posters don't either.
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Let's all bow our heads to the new king and know it all of RU Wrestling Mr RUCreedo. BTW when you look up Creedo on Urban Dictionary here is the top definition:
something dumbasses make up because they're gay!

Enough Said!!!!!
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Let's all bow our heads to the new king and know it all of RU Wrestling Mr RUCreedo. BTW when you look up Creedo on Urban Dictionary here is the top definition:
something dumbasses make up because they're gay!

Enough Said!!!!!
Ok.."Mr,Edgar".Lying bullshit artist that you are.You're probably some jock sniffer,who wants too meet at Old Queens bar and roofy my drink.Usually people who make gay comments,that are not ever mentioned,are by guys that are questioning their own sexuality.By the way "UFC Champ",being a historian of this program,up until the last 2 years,is not something too be proud of. Ok "champ",better get back too bed,you have alot of holes too cut out the bottom of your singlets in the morning.
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Creedo i have no affiliation with Mr Edgar. From what I am told he is a huge supporter of the program. So let's keep his name out of this. I do like having fun with you. Your like a child. I post waiting for a stupid response. It's like fishing. I cast the bait and I get my fish. Oh I don't mean as a wrestler you were a fish. BTW I did not mean in my reference you are gay - more had to do with the word DUMBASS!!!!! ✌
Creedo i have no affiliation with Mr Edgar. From what I am told he is a huge supporter of the program. So let's keep his name out of this. I do like having fun with you. Your like a child. I post waiting for a stupid response. It's like fishing. I cast the bait and I get my fish. Oh I don't mean as a wrestler you were a fish. BTW I did not mean in my reference you are gay - more had to do with the word DUMBASS!!!!! ✌
Nice try with the "higher ground" angle.I could care less who you are or what you write too me.You got more problems, with your trying too crawl your way out the ole "gay comment".Seems like once you go that route,you pretty much damage your credibility with anything you write.I'll pass on the beer at Old Queens there,New Queen.So whats was with your buddy ruteelrice,posting a picture of Frankie Edgar then?? So,if your some "nobody",why would my jaw drop,if I met you? You gonna come in with a rain coat,in the buff or something?Just keep quiet "Mr UFC nobody".Don't discredit what I did as an RU wrestler,because you're some lying weirdo posting as some "jaw dropping sausage smuggler"....a-hole!
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Zain almost outscored your 10 qualifiers by himself this year so you guys have nowhere to go but up. Creedo, whoever transfers from Penn State should double your team score.
Creedo I love it. Your the catch of the day hook line and sinker. All you do is discredit and get down right nasty with anyone who post on this forum who does not believe you or your rumor. I don't know if you read the similar PSU wrestling forum because they laugh at you. Just take a look at the PSU poster above. Btw you pretty much have taken shots at two of the biggest donors. But I forgot you know everything.
Quick question RUCreedo, do you like corn cobs and chicken coops and have you ever thought about becoming a Hawkeye fan? You would fit in so well over at the Hawkeye report.
I remain in the anti-creedo camp. I only draw that assessment from what I read here and I continue to think his whole bravado post about an impending PSU transfer was more about him than the program. IMO he should have just let that happen on its own timelime which clearly was not as imminent and as certain as he initially lead us to believe. The fact that WNG indicates there has been no contact with our coaches speaks volumes to me. It may still happen but that will never validate his approach in my mind. Yeah he has some clever and funny lines. I am not doubting his knowledge of the sport and believe he cares the program to some degree but there seems to be a lot of self promotion in his comments.
Creedo I love it. Your the catch of the day hook line and sinker. All you do is discredit and get down right nasty with anyone who post on this forum who does not believe you or your rumor. I don't know if you read the similar PSU wrestling forum because they laugh at you. Just take a look at the PSU poster above. Btw you pretty much have taken shots at two of the biggest donors. But I forgot you know everything.
Down right nasty?? Calling me gay,based on a forum screen name is considered something admirable? Pretending too be some "jaw dropping" athlete,or person affiliated with the program is commendable? Asking to meet a random stranger at a bar,with no credentials of your own, is not odd? Lying and saying you talked too my source,too my identity,is something people would respect? I never get nasty,I only speak the truth.Camp,Coop...there's enough proof right there,too what I know.The Penn State faithful will be quite silent,when our boy comes.Just go over too the and read the " Transfer" section.Plenty of Penn State wrestlers and starters are going "Adios".I don't loose too much sleep,over what posters on a Penn State board say.I must of stirred enough of their singlets,because several wrestlers( including my guy) got the staff worried enough,that coaches questioned them if they where leaving.What do you think my guy is gonna say? "Yes coach,I'm giving up my full scholly,because you have another kid coming at my weight that maybe a bit better than me"? Some kids don't like being involved in a "meat market" program like Penn State.Yes Retherford,Nolf and Nickal are chips off the ole Cael,but there are others that are of equal ability, too the aforementioned.I'm starting too think the posters on here are as dumb as the ones on the Penn State board.Read what I wrote too Josh again,and with some sort of thought process.Based on an incredible stroke of great luck,a friend of mine,very close too both programs ( Penn State and Rutgers) told me that a kid on the team,who is top shelf,wants to leave the program and come too Rutgers.I told everyone that I didn't want to reveal the source,because I promised this friend of mine ( who also gave me the Coop and Camp info) that I wouldn't give up the lead until it was lock solid...and sure enough I'm getting hammered,like I knew I would.Now, the kid is getting brow beaten too death by both sides,which maybe why he's delaying coming,and might sway his decision .Hence the reason posters on here are ignorant .Josh,in his infinite wisdom,decided too discredit me as a poster and more importantly as a former RU wrestler,because I wouldn't give up my contact or myself.I figured,since he was ranting about his illustrious days as a 4th stringer,and holding me too the fire about my career,or lack of as he said,I decided to ask a friend too forward me the lettermen,from inception to the current roster.His name was not on there.This was my original gripe with him.Having some guy,who put less than year in as a wrestling partner or round robin guy,when I took it on the chin for 4 years,and destroyed my body for this program,is the problem I had with him,Not what he does for the SKWC.It is honorable what he does,and for the life of me,I can't understand why a man who developed such a program,would make up things or make assumptions ,because I was protecting the welfare of our program first,and my contact second.To me,respecting a persons requests is admirable.
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Quick question RUCreedo, do you like corn cobs and chicken coops and have you ever thought about becoming a Hawkeye fan? You would fit in so well over at the Hawkeye report.
Look at the Hawkeye success and their fan base.Pretty successful..huh?
I remain in the anti-creedo camp. I only draw that assessment from what I read here and I continue to think his whole bravado post about an impending PSU transfer was more about him than the program. IMO he should have just let that happen on its own timelime which clearly was not as imminent and as certain as he initially lead us to believe. The fact that WNG indicates there has been no contact with our coaches speaks volumes to me. It may still happen but that will never validate his approach in my mind. Yeah he has some clever and funny lines. I am not doubting his knowledge of the sport and believe he cares the program to some degree but there seems to be a lot of self promotion in his comments.
What am I promoting?? Do you see business promotions next too my screen name? Do I get money for posting on So whats with the self promotion excerpt? What I see,is me bring life too a bunch of boring "same ole,same ole" posts.Heaven University promoting overpriced tshirts.Obrats promoting,his and some other dudes "Wrestling Stat" website. That's promotion and soliciting my friend,not me amp'ing a bunch of "never was beens" on a second rate wrestling forum
Guys, let's all be friends and only worry about RU wrestling which is what we all love and want to move forward. I am sure Creedo wanted only the best regarding the PSU transfer and hope it happens. I doubt he made it up and the source was on target. It has not happened yet so let's wait for when he contacts SG.
Guys, let's all be friends and only worry about RU wrestling which is what we all love and want to move forward. I am sure Creedo wanted only the best regarding the PSU transfer and hope it happens. I doubt he made it up and the source was on target. It has not happened yet so let's wait for when he contacts SG.
Thank you! Bill Garbarini,the most sensible man out there.
....Based on an incredible stroke of great luck,a friend of mine,very close too both programs ( Penn State and Rutgers) told me.... I told everyone that I didn't want to reveal the source,because I promised this friend of mine ( who also gave me the Coop and Camp info) that I wouldn't give up the lead until it was lock solid...and sure enough I'm getting hammered,like I knew I would.Now, the kid is getting brow beaten too death by both sides,which maybe why he's delaying coming,and might sway his decision .Hence the reason posters on here are ignorant .

Let's say what you are saying is true...

1) You're "friend" isn't much of a friend to spread rumors about someone transferring right before this kid goes to the NCAA finals.
2) You aren't much of a friend to go around spreading these rumors.
3) You must like the attention since you recognized you'd get hammered.
4) "The kid is getting brow beaten.." So you recognize that you spreading this rumor has put his transfer in jeopardy?
5) And you call others "ignorant"?

You need some self reflection.
Down right nasty?? Calling me gay,based on a forum screen name is considered something admirable? Pretending too be some "jaw dropping" athlete,or person affiliated with the program is commendable? Asking to meet a random stranger at a bar,with no credentials of your own, is not odd? Lying and saying you talked too my source,too my identity,is something people would respect? I never get nasty,I only speak the truth.Camp,Coop...there's enough proof right there,too what I know.The Penn State faithful will be quite silent,when our boy comes.Just go over too the and read the " Transfer" section.Plenty of Penn State wrestlers and starters are going "Adios".I don't loose too much sleep,over what posters on a Penn State board say.I must of stirred enough of their singlets,because several wrestlers( including my guy) got the staff worried enough,that coaches questioned them if they where leaving.What do you think my guy is gonna say? "Yes coach,I'm giving up my full scholly,because you have another kid coming at my weight that maybe a bit better than me"? Some kids don't like being involved in a "meat market" program like Penn State.Yes Retherford,Nolf and Nickal are chips off the ole Cael,but there are others that are of equal ability, too the aforementioned.I'm starting too think the posters on here are as dumb as the ones on the Penn State board.Read what I wrote too Josh again,and with some sort of thought process.Based on an incredible stroke of great luck,a friend of mine,very close too both programs ( Penn State and Rutgers) told me that a kid on the team,who is top shelf,wants to leave the program and come too Rutgers.I told everyone that I didn't want to reveal the source,because I promised this friend of mine ( who also gave me the Coop and Camp info) that I wouldn't give up the lead until it was lock solid...and sure enough I'm getting hammered,like I knew I would.Now, the kid is getting brow beaten too death by both sides,which maybe why he's delaying coming,and might sway his decision .Hence the reason posters on here are ignorant .Josh,in his infinite wisdom,decided too discredit me as a poster and more importantly as a former RU wrestler,because I wouldn't give up my contact or myself.I figured,since he was ranting about his illustrious days as a 4th stringer,and holding me too the fire about my career,or lack of as he said,I decided to ask a friend too forward me the lettermen,from inception to the current roster.His name was not on there.This was my original gripe with him.Having some guy,who put less than year in as a wrestling partner or round robin guy,when I took it on the chin for 4 years,and destroyed my body for this program,is the problem I had with him,Not what he does for the SKWC.It is honorable what he does,and for the life of me,I can't understand why a man who developed such a program,would make up things or make assumptions ,because I was protecting the welfare of our program first,and my contact second.To me,respecting a persons requests is admirable.

And who's fault is that? This is why I've been telling you that you should have sat on it... Its also the "HARM" to the program that Josh was referring to, because your making this public could possibly have changed the course of what was going to happen.. So if the kid has now changed his mind, then you have HURT the program.... I along with plenty of others, do enjoy the majority of your posts on here...But lets remember, were all fans of the program and want to see it succeed at its best...Lets not let our egos get in the way of that!!
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Let's say what you are saying is true...

1) You're "friend" isn't much of a friend to spread rumors about someone transferring right before this kid goes to the NCAA finals.
2) You aren't much of a friend to go around spreading these rumors.
3) You must like the attention since you recognized you'd get hammered.
4) "The kid is getting brow beaten.." So you recognize that you spreading this rumor has put his transfer in jeopardy?
5) And you call others "ignorant"?

You need some self reflection.

And who's fault is that? This is why I've been telling you that you should have sat on it... Its also the "HARM" to the program that Josh was referring to, because your making this public could possibly have changed the course of what was going to happen.. So if the kid has now changed his mind, then you have HURT the program.... I along with plenty of others, do enjoy the majority of your posts on here...But lets remember, were all fans of the program and want to see it succeed at its best...Lets not let our egos get in the way of that!!
jd..are you kidding me my man? I have been nothing but positive in this process.Its the peanut gallery,with their "he's not coming" and "you're lying about this transfer" that is bringing this negativity,and giving the Penn State fans the ammo to poke fun at this.How is my revving up everyone with this kids arrival negative?
Let's say what you are saying is true...

1) You're "friend" isn't much of a friend to spread rumors about someone transferring right before this kid goes to the NCAA finals.
2) You aren't much of a friend to go around spreading these rumors.
3) You must like the attention since you recognized you'd get hammered.
4) "The kid is getting brow beaten.." So you recognize that you spreading this rumor has put his transfer in jeopardy?
5) And you call others "ignorant"?

Read your first line..pretty much answered our boys potential.These aren't rumors my friend.I've never once said anything that was untrue.Got hammered for saying Cooperman was leaving,before anyone else knew it,and he and the staff maintained that he was here too stay.He was already intending on leaving then and gone in less than 2 months.Campollatano..Geez,I took the most crap for that.He came here..right? I get hammered,because like most wrestling boards,the posters want instant results.You can't make some kid think or do what fans want.This kid has alot too loose,and will be in new surroundings.The brow beating and negativity has not been perpetuated by me.Apparently you and yourcrew of Penn State croonies are worried enough too battle amongst yourselves,and get the staff involved.Shows how smart you guys are and puts a little worry into ole Happy Valley.
Read your first line..pretty much answered our boys potential.These aren't rumors my friend.I've never once said anything that was untrue.Got hammered for saying Cooperman was leaving,before anyone else knew it,and he and the staff maintained that he was here too stay.He was already intending on leaving then and gone in less than 2 months.Campollatano..Geez,I took the most crap for that.He came here..right? I get hammered,because like most wrestling board,the posters want instant results.You can't make some kid think or do what fans want.This kid has alot too loose,and will be in new surroundings.The brow beating and neagativity has not been perpetuated by me.Apparently,you and your Penn State croonies are worried enough,to spend countless hours debating who it is,concerning the coaching staff to ask wrestlers individually if they are staying.Shows how smart you are.All is not happy in Happy Valley I guess
Weird how u were able to post about Cooperman and Campy but only joined in December. Beacon of credibility.
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jd..are you kidding me my man? I have been nothing but positive in this process.Its the peanut gallery,with their "he's not coming" and "you're lying about this transfer" that is bringing this negativity,and giving the Penn State fans the ammo to poke fun at this.How is my revving up everyone with this kids arrival negative?

If you truly believe that, then you do have some serious issues bro... You posted an unverified rumor on a public message board.. Yes I know according to you, they aren't rumors.. Because according to you, your source is extremely reliable... But just because you say this isn't a rumor doesn't make it so... You are just an anonymous poster on a public message board.. Especially since you don't want anyone knowing who you are... Now i'm not saying that your source is wrong.. He very well may have heard something.. But at the end of the day, its just a rumor, posted by an anonymous person, on a public message board.. You're quick to blame others for bringing the "negativity" But just think for a moment.. If you are having issues with multiple people... Is it really all of them that are the issue?
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Zain almost outscored your 10 qualifiers by himself this year so you guys have nowhere to go but up. Creedo, whoever transfers from Penn State should double your team score.
Let's say what you are saying is true...

1) You're "friend" isn't much of a friend to spread rumors about someone transferring right before this kid goes to the NCAA finals.
2) You aren't much of a friend to go around spreading these rumors.
3) You must like the attention since you recognized you'd get hammered.
4) "The kid is getting brow beaten.." So you recognize that you spreading this rumor has put his transfer in jeopardy?
5) And you call others "ignorant"?

You need some self reflection.
Go away! Our board is definitely more fun then yours. Don't try and bring it down with your childish psu is greater posts. You sound like a 10 yr. old, you add nothing of substance to this forum. Simply go back to dysfunctional land, there's no reason for you to come here. My apologies if you are 10 yrs. old.
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On a side note.. This exhibition match between Creedo/Rugrap/ just got upgraded to a steel cage match!!
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Go away! Our board is definitely more fun then yours. Don't try and bring it down with your childish psu is greater posts. You sound like a 10 yr. old, you add nothing of substance to this forum. Simply go back to dysfunctional land, there's no reason for you to come here. My apologies if you are 10 yrs. old.

Yes, my first post was childish. But if you see no substance with the second post then you have some credibility issues like Creedo.
Yes, my first post was childish. But if you see no substance with the second post then you have some credibility issues like Creedo.
Who the f*ck do you think you are calling out my credibility. I built my own successful business from scratch and my word is one of the aspects which has made me successful. You come on here demeaning our wrestling program and call me out. Mods sorry for the curse word but I am beyond pissed right now. Sir, please remove yourself from this board now, you came here for no reason other then to flame Scarlet Nation posters. PLEASE LEAVE!
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Racpack,not giving out names of my contacts,because I respect their privacy,does not discredit the RU program or the wrestlers.My contacts remaining anonymous,also does not give or take away any validity too my prior posts about this potential transfer.

Let me clear things up.I posted on the about Cam and Coop.The logistics of when I signed up for is accurate.I have a question for you.Are you one of the coaches,or at the very least someone close too them? Your prior post seem to indicate that you have some sort of personal or vested interest in the program.You are simply not "just a fan".

I can get out my man.I was very hard too keep down and a great rider.

OK, I know RU isn't an Ivy League school, but come on, we have to use the correct version of too/to. Good grief, that's just embarrassing.
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RU credo should be banned or just ignored. Clearly not helping the RU cause
Thats a little over the top. Creedo is a passioate RU fan and as an ex college wrestler knows his $hit (His P Gonzo remarks were on
He just some times lets his mouth get a little bit ahead of his brain sometimes, no biggie