Bradley U. vs Sportswriter


Despite protestations to the contrary, I'm sure the writer in question was no saint covering the program 100% impartially. I'm also sure there was some frustration/anger on the part of the athletic department that led them to try to stonewall this guy. But choosing to block him was really dumb.... I guess they never heard the old saying "never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel".
I think some people at Bradley University are total idiots and should find new professions.
I have worked as both an SID and as a sports journalist in the past, and unless they have very specific examples of something he said that went against some kind of journalistic integrity or specifically attacked players for no good reason, this is asinine. You can't hold a grudge over negative coverage from the year before. And yeah good luck getting them to come back when you suck again.
Talk about short-sighted stupidity by Bradley's AD, coach and president of the university. You just can't do that and expect that the matter will somehow go away. How petty and vindictive they all are.

Here is a quote from the writer of the article, "We’re talking about Dave Reynolds here. The three-time Illinois Sportswriter of the Year who has covered Bradley for 29 years. A guy patient and generous in his approach to coverage."

How stupid and tone deaf do you have to be Bradley?
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This is actually very relevant and instructive for us. Every year we have several posts saying that football should restrict's access. While I would love to see that happen in a vacuum, the national response would look a lot like this. None of us went back and read the last 10 years of Dave Reynolds's writing about Bradley bball before speaking on the matter, and similarly, no one would try to hunt down unfair reporting by if RU were to restrict their access. RU would just look petty. We'd look even worse if we were still in the dumps when we did it. "Perennial cellar dweller restricts media access over negative coverage," yeah, that sounds reasonable to … no one...
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