COVID-19 Pandemic: Transmissions, Deaths, Treatments, Vaccines, Interventions and More...

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Particularly interested in this part, below from your post above. Is it saying that these various combinations could potentially induce a mutation and thus wouldn't be allowed to be used? I could imagine a huge outcry if there's a study that shows some combo is 90+% effective in reducing viral loads to non-symptomatic levels (and could be a preventative) and wouldn't be allowed to be used.

The study also noted treating COVID-19 carries the risk of inducing a viral mutation that “can either be beneficial or harmful to humans”.

For the time being, the World Health Organization (WHO) said hospitals can only treat the symptoms of COVID-19 and not the source of infection.

Article below sounds very skeptical of the role of the WHO/CDC in recommending CV2 treatments. Tells story of of a New Jersey healthcare worker who was on the verge of dying but was saved.

He was only saved because Chinese family members reached out to doctors in Wuhan who told them to begin immediate treatment with either chloroquine or Kaletra.

He said “Fortunately I have the resources and knowledge about it. I would be dead and gone already. Most medical providers here don’t know about it. Medical providers need to communicate with Chinese medical teams.” (actual article is on by adrian bye, but medium doesn't seem to allow links to be pasted)

Kaletra is an AbbVie drug and AbbVie MDs and scientists have known about it's ability against corona. Chloroquine, as referenced in the study I linked above was also studied (by the CDC), regarding it's properties against corona.

Nonsense that the Chinese would take credit for these drugs.
Anyone know protocols for testing in the workplace ? Is an employer allowed to require a sick employee to test negative before he/she returns to work ? Is an employer permitted to disclose positive results with employees that may may be at risk ?
I assume it's up to each employer
People with Type A blood are MORE likely to catch coronavirus than those with Type O, study claims

That's interesting, although upon closer inspection it looks like a pretty weak correlation: 41% of deaths vs. 34% expected for type A and 32% vs. 25% for type O.

Of the 206 patients in the study who died, 85 had type A blood, equivalent to 41 per cent of all deaths.

In the healthy Wuhan population, a city of 11 million people, 34 per cent of people are type A.

In the study cohort, 52 of the people who died were type O, making up a quarter of all deaths. Under normal conditions just 32 per cent of people are type O.
i think this stat is skewed due to the seattle cluster, no?
Don’t know if there’s anything to skew. It’s just basically a listing of known facts about the people who died like which states, age, possible health’s not of everyone but whatever is known to this point is there.
summary? anything more about full lockdown?


1)Major concern is the taxing of the medical system. Expanding beds in hospitals as well as putting beds in non hospitals was topping his list. 50K beds.

2)the most vulnerable need to be isolated. Used his mother as an example.

3)There is a disconnect between the seriousness of the situation, and how we are seeing the world handle it.

4)In conjunction with Trump he is bringing in a big federal ship to use as a floating hospital.
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I just went to Mcdonalds on rt 1
In Edison and like the past 5 days went
To the drive thru, no eating in. So like i have all week i passed by Home Depot
On the way out and was shocked
To see a hundred people in line
Waiting to go in.Turns out, only 50
People are aloud in at a time. Just
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I just went to Mcdonalds on rt 1
In Edison and like the past 5 days went
To the drive thru, no eating in. So like i have all week i passed by Home Depot
On the way out and was shocked
To see a hundred people in line
Waiting to go in.Turns out, only 50
People are aloud in at a time. Just
I believe you but I don't see anything on their website about that. Wonder if that's everywhere or something that manager decided to do locally.

I just see store hours will be shortened and they will close at 6pm.

edit: found a tweet online seems like it might be everywhere. they should mention that in their press release. Might drive the biz to Lowes (assuming they don't have the same policy which I didn't notice anywhere). In all the years I've shopped at HD I've never seen it so crowded to not be able to keep distance. Supermarket can get much more crowded than whatever I've ever seen in a home improvement store.

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Follow up on some earlier posts by @RUfubar and me and others...

Now for some possibly good news. Breaking results on hydroxychloroquine (malaria treatment) in combo with azithromycin (antibiotic often used in pneumonias) show significant reduction in viral load in patients in a study in France. Don't think this is a peer reviewed yet, but it is a placebo controlled field study and these can be very important in emergencies like this.

In addition, remdesivir is showing some promising results as are some other anti-viral compounds and remdesivir completes a major phase III clinical trial on 4/3.

And lastly, the first patient was enrolled today in a vaccine clinical trial, which will last 6 weeks (this is a preliminary trial just to gauge whether it's worth going to larger trials).

Update from Medscape on the potential treatment "breakthrough" with the anti-malaria treatment HQC (and HQC with azithromycin antibiotic). Experts appear to be divided on this, since the French study by Raoult was open label, but it was controlled with placebo and showed some startling results. Some didn't like that the results were released on YouTube, but this guy Raoult ia a world virology expert, so shouldn't be dismissed.

Larger trials are needed, but for people who are at death's door, I would think they'd start screaming for his drug, if other options haven't worked; in addition, if it can greatly reduce/eliminate the virus, doctors will be screaming for it, so they can get patients out of the ICU. On the flip side, hope is good but false hope is very painful, so let's not celebrate yet, as there have been false starts before on "cures." First of 3 pages of article is reprinted below. Stay tuned.

Could the old generic malaria drug hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil, Sanofi-Aventis, among others), which is also used for the treatment of rheumatic disease, be an essential treatment for COVID-19?

This hypothesis, put forward by some, including Professor Didier Raoult of the IHU Méditerranée Infection in Marseille, was dismissed by other eminent infectious disease specialists and dismissed as fake news recently by the Ministry of Health.

Yet it resurfaced yesterday with the presentation on YouTube by Prof Raoult of positive results in a non-randomised, unblinded trial of 24 patients.

This follows encouraging in vitro results obtained by a Chinese team led by Xueting Yao, from Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing, China, which were published online by the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases on March 9th. However, the data were deemed insufficient by the infection community to recommend the compound as a treatment.

Moreover, chloroquine is not listed among the four treatments studied as part of the recently launched European clinical trial piloted by Inserm, which includes 3200 severe hospitalised patients, including 800 French patients.

Chloroquine was ruled out due to the risk of interactions with other medications for common comorbidities in infected patients, and because of possible adverse effects in patients undergoing resuscitation.

The Marseille Study
The European Union Clinical Trials Register shows that the Marseille study was accepted on 5th March by the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM). It could include up to 25 COVID-19 positive patients, comprising five aged 12–17 years, 10 aged 18–64 years, and 10 more aged 65 years or over.

While the data have not yet been published, and should therefore be interpreted with caution, this non-randomised, unblinded study showed a strong reduction in viral load with hydroxychloroquine.

After 6 days, the percentage of patients testing positive for COVID-19 who received hydroxychloroquine fell to 25% versus 90% for those who did not receive the treatment (a group of untreated COVID-19 patients from Nice and Avignon).

In addition, comparing untreated patients, those receiving hydroxychloroquine and those given hydroxychloroquine plus the antibiotic azithromycin, the results showed there was "a spectacular reduction in the number of positive cases" with the combination therapy, said Prof Raoult.

At 6 days, among patients given combination therapy, the percentage of cases still carrying SRAS-CoV-2 was no more than 5%.

Azithromycin was added because it is known to be effective against complications from bacterial lung disease but also because it has been shown to be effective in the laboratory against a large number of viruses, the infectious disease specialist explained.

"The aim is not to be right but that our patients get better. No treatment is magic and the publication of the results raises questions but between doing nothing and repositioning drugs based on their adverse effects, interactions, etc, we try things as we go."
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I didn't know that azithromycin had anti-viral properties. Very interesting results.
I didn't know that azithromycin had anti-viral properties. Very interesting results.

Macrolides for years have been known to have anti-inflammatory effects. we use it more for that then it's efficacy as an antibiotic. So I think more specifically the The antiviral effect is more due to an anti-inflammatory effect. Something to do with macrophage and tumor necrosis factor I think.
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Macrolides for years have been known to have anti-inflammatory effects. we use it more for that then it's efficacy as an antibiotic. So I think more specifically the The antiviral effect is more due to an anti-inflammatory effect. Something to do with macrophage and tumor necrosis factor I think.
Interesting. I'll have to do some more reading. Thought one of the references said that there were distinct anti-viral effects (in vitro of course) but the anti-inflammatory properties were not mentioned.
Didn't read it but my surface retort would be, why are more bureaucratic health care systems doing a better job with this?

Because 1) they are not a sue happy society so their "FDA" version were less risk averse to approve less robust testing and 2) more importantly, they (like Korea and Taiwan), already went through their episode of testing and pandemic response debacle during SARs. They learned from that episode, ergo, they were better prepared. Hopefully, we can too.
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Hopefully this is true, we need Remdesivir ....... invitro studies have suggested it is more effective than Chloroquine and Kaletra.

Gilead's Covid-19 drug may get quick FDA approval
Mar. 18, 2020 3:34 PM ET|About: Gilead Sciences, Inc. (GILD)|By: SA Eli Hoffmann, SA News Editor

Gilead’s (NASDAQ:GILD) treatment for coronavirus “could be approved for Covid-19 very soon,” a Piper Sandler analyst says.

“We now believe the remdesivir clinical trial results are likely to be positive,” analyst Tyler Van Buren says of GILD's experimental medicine.

“If successful, it could be approved for broad use in the coming months considering it’s safe, the bar for efficacy in the context of the ongoing global pandemic is low.”
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I just went to Mcdonalds on rt 1
In Edison and like the past 5 days went
To the drive thru, no eating in. So like i have all week i passed by Home Depot
On the way out and was shocked
To see a hundred people in line
Waiting to go in.Turns out, only 50
People are aloud in at a time. Just

I just came back from BJs - they have toilet paper!!! Tons of water and other food supplies. Not busy at all. Then I went to Walmart and it was the same thing.

I think people are looking at their stashes at home and are starting to realize ..... oh crap.
I just came back from BJs - they have toilet paper!!! Tons of water and other food supplies. Not busy at all. Then I went to Walmart and it was the same thing.

I think people are looking at their stashes at home and are starting to realize ..... oh crap.

I was at Target around lunchtime in Brick, and this was not the case. Most frozen foods and a lot of their fresh foods were gone, or almost gone. Worth a trip if you are completely out of food, but if you are hoping to do your weekly shopping there it would be tough. TP and paper towels totally gone. I hope people don't start flushing paper towels - that would be very bad news.
Hopefully this is true, we need Remdesivir ....... invitro studies have suggested it is more effective than Chloroquine and Kaletra.

Gilead's Covid-19 drug may get quick FDA approval
Mar. 18, 2020 3:34 PM ET|About: Gilead Sciences, Inc. (GILD)|By: SA Eli Hoffmann, SA News Editor

Gilead’s (NASDAQ:GILD) treatment for coronavirus “could be approved for Covid-19 very soon,” a Piper Sandler analyst says.

“We now believe the remdesivir clinical trial results are likely to be positive,” analyst Tyler Van Buren says of GILD's experimental medicine.

“If successful, it could be approved for broad use in the coming months considering it’s safe, the bar for efficacy in the context of the ongoing global pandemic is low.”

Is this a vaccine or anti-viral?
Hal Turner just claimed that a USA city will be placed under Martial Law at 7 AM Thursday.He says that he'll announce it tonight on his 9 PM show.Talk about letting it all hang out.
Hal Turner just claimed that a USA city will be placed under Martial Law at 7 AM Thursday.He says that he'll announce it tonight on his 9 PM show.Talk about letting it all hang out.
I refuse to listen to any host who pulls this stunt.
I didn't know that azithromycin had anti-viral properties. Very interesting results.
It shouldn't - it's simply a macrolide antibiotic. Presumably the HCQ has the anti-viral properties and I imagine the zithroymycin works to clear the bacterial infections from the pneumonia resulting from the viral infection, but might also have anti-viral activity, since it obviously has biological activity on cells (protein synthesis and cell reproduction).

Edit: I stand corrected - the Medscape article I linked earlier says,

Azithromycin was added because it is known to be effective against complications from bacterial lung disease but also because it has been shown to be effective in the laboratory against a large number of viruses, the infectious disease specialist explained.
Numbers many people do you think are infected here in New Jersey ? Double the amount of reported confirmed positives ? Triple ? Ten times ?
I refuse to listen to any host who pulls this stunt.
Yeah, there is a lot of good stuff in this thread but it’s occasionally interrupted by that guy and some other You Tube profiteers using this to drive subscribers to their websites.
Since the yearly flu shot is typically 40-60% effective per my quick google search, is there any chance that this forthcoming vaccine will not be 100% effective like other vaccines? There are obviously a million variables that me, a non medical person, has no clue about.
Yeah, there is a lot of good stuff in this thread but it’s occasionally interrupted by that guy and some other You Tube profiteers using this to drive subscribers to their websites.
I've been watching his videos from the beginning. He doesn't push his website all that much. Regardless, he's been pretty much on the mark in terms of how this would go right from the beginning. There's been lots of good information in his videos.

But to each his own.

Edit to add - I'm talking specifically about the peak prosperity site. Have not watched the other one (Hal Turner).
I've been watching his videos from the beginning. He doesn't push his website all that much. Regardless, he's been pretty much on the mark in terms of how this would go right from the beginning. There's been lots of good information in his videos.

But to each his own.

Edit to add - I'm talking specifically about the peak prosperity site. Have not watched the other one (Hal Turner).
Sorry he tries to lead folks to subscribe and he’s not breaking any new ground with his intros or should I say enticements? And the guy is not a scientist. But as you say, to each his own.
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Numbers many people do you think are infected here in New Jersey ? Double the amount of reported confirmed positives ? Triple ? Ten times ?

I think it has to be exponentially higher. I know individuals who are sick and show some symptoms (dry cough, fever) and can’t approved for testing. Up until yesterday I think the state had only tested around 400 people, of which half came back positive. We do not have the testing capability to truly determine how bad this is which is worrisome.
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