Crowd of 46,093

At some games the exodus begins at half time after some fans arrive in the middle of the first quarter.Tail gating seems more important than being in the stadium before game starts.This isn't a new phenomena but just the norm at football games.
When Temple played at the Vet especially for HC there never was a mass exodus because the students wouldn't go in at all.
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The first half was a legit crowd but it was disappointing to see in aflsr game on tv the lower bowl corners were vastly empty and it still bothers me that our students bail on the game before it ends...if the students don't take pride in staying until the end they certainly won't when they come back as alumni
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If the weather is good this Saturday , I expect a good crowd based on the teams good showing vs U Wash.
E Mich should be an interesting litmus test, a decent MAC team that went to a Bowl, but still a team we should be favored by a TD or a bit more to beat.
Our players must be excited as the fans to see the team take the next step .
Excellent crowd and the lots were full. Came up from the shore so didn't pull into the Yellow lot until 7:40 and it was near capacity which got me excited.

Couldn't last the entire time with two young kids, but a much better feel than last season.
I was wondering where the heck you were.
The students always bail early. It's never been any different and it probably will never change. Different culture here in NJ.
It WAS an excellent crowd and looked and sounded great on TV.

I was surprised to see many empty seats in the upper deck at yesterday's Texas-Maryland game. I thought that they would definitely sell out.

-Scarlet Jerry
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Why don't people understand that the student endzone has bench seating and they squeeze their skinny asses together tightly. The blank benches in the corners are people sitting elsewhere. It would be nice to fill it all up.. but I think that would mean over-selling the section to students.

When the south section opened vs Cinci in 2009 the endzone looked full and attendance was 53,737. Was it really only 7K less this game.. doubtful... but maybe everyone was more excited for football then and got to their seats early. There could have been a few thousand roaming around and more late entries (as other noted).
The students always bail early. It's never been any different and it probably will never change. Different culture here in NJ.
Not only here in NJ. We have this discussion every year on this board. I go to at least two other conference games a year and usually one Georgia game. They all have the same issue we do unless it is a major game. Kids come in late and leave early if the team is down big or even up big on a non rival.

Georgia has to recruit the frats, sound familiar? I was one of people who worked with Athletics to get "The Alley" up and running , problem was it was too successful. Until RU finds a solution for students and Greek Life we will have issues. Having the police carding everyone that looks under thirty will not do the job. That is unique culture here at Rutgers.
Gave up my season tickets this year after 19 years nothing to with on field performance as I'm more excited now than I have been since 2006-2008
Can we please have these discussions without spiraling down into name calling? I've deleted those posts, and if the same people continue I'll ban them from this thread. Really, sometimes this sounds like 7-8 year olds on the playground. So help me god, if you don't stop right now I'm going to turn this message board around and change the language to Ayapaneco. Or Swahili. Or LISP.

This crowd exceeded my expectations. I thought it would be smaller due to the following factors:
  • Holiday weekend, the last weekend of summer.
  • School has already started for some kids.
  • 2016: 2-10, 5 blowouts, 4 shutouts (224-0), 78-0 and 39 yards of offense against UM.
  • Still some bad vibes from Flood's last year.
  • Season ticket sales are significantly down.
  • Huge resentment from a large part of the fanbase over the venue for the Maryland game.
  • Very last minute advertising for the game by the athletic department.
So I was pleasantly surprised with the turnout. Was it a sold out, rocking night game like some in the past? No. But it was pretty damn good given the above factors.

The mass exodus at the start of the 4th when we still had a shot should tell you something about our "fan base".
We had no shot at that point.
A number of factors so I'm not surprised. We did have a shot, but.......although those punts on 4th down were probably the best strategic option, to a lot of fans it said: "Hey, we're gonna play it safe and not take any overt chances." (And I don't want to derail this discussion about attendance on this subject, as there's at least one other thread where we get into these decisions.) And to come back against a team like Washington with their stellar defense, you really, really have to take chances.
Mass exodus was very telling.

Still a lot of fair weather casual fans.
I disagree - I think it is more the mindset of being a fan in the NYC metro area.
Crowd was pretty good but there were not 46,000 there IMO.
I think there was overall. Perhaps not all at the same time. People come and go - they come in late, leave after halftime (and I know a few of those, doesn't matter how the team is doing, they leave for various reasons), or leave later in the game for other reasons.
The Johnson Park effect?
I think so - also I think we have less pay lots this year, plus there are less season ticket holders this year, so more walk-up fans who don't have parking passes.
Ha! Yes, was going to try and hook up with your nephew as well, but just couldn't swing it. We will be back in full force next game in our usual spot.
Good, 'cause you and I need to share a good single malt. Or 2. Or 3!
were all the students back from summer????
No, only the ones who could move in early. This weekend is move in weekend.
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If the weather is good this Saturday , I expect a good crowd based on the teams good showing vs U Wash.
E Mich should be an interesting litmus test, a decent MAC team that went to a Bowl, but still a team we should be favored by a TD or a bit more to beat.
Our players must be excited as the fans to see the team take the next step .
RU favored by 2.5 over EMU.
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The announced average attendance last year was 44,000 but the actual average scanned tickets was only 28,000 per game according to Dunleavy's report the other day.
I see Dunleavy's back on the crack pipe again. I went to every single home game and every game had way more than 28,000 people there. I call bullsh*t, 28,000 is basically half empty. Dunlevy should really switch to glue sniffing.
I see Dunleavy's back on the crack pipe again. I went to every single home game and every game had way more than 28,000 people there. I call bullsh*t, 28,000 is basically half empty. Dunlevy should really switch to glue sniffing.
So you're saying he made up the numbers that he said were provided to him by Rutgers through an Open Records request? Yeah, okay.
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attendence for EMU should be solid..nice saturday afternoon game with sun and students all here...its the Morgan State game which will have bad attendance
BTW - UCLA student section at the Rose Bowl tonight, easily 80% empty at the start of the game, still 50% empty midway through the first quarter, and probably about 75% full by second quarter. Never filled in 100% however.
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Actually better than Saturday of Labor Day weekend.

Exactly. There would have been a good 5K less - maybe more - had the game been scheduled for Saturday afternoon. Sat night, with the remnants of Harvey hitting, FORGET ABOUT IT! Student section would have been empty!

To be honest I really wish we would stop scheduling HOME GAMES on LDW. Start off on the road, then 3 straight at home, IMHO.
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Not only here in NJ. We have this discussion every year on this board. I go to at least two other conference games a year and usually one Georgia game. They all have the same issue we do unless it is a major game. Kids come in late and leave early if the team is down big or even up big on a non rival.

Georgia has to recruit the frats, sound familiar? I was one of people who worked with Athletics to get "The Alley" up and running , problem was it was too successful. Until RU finds a solution for students and Greek Life we will have issues. Having the police carding everyone that looks under thirty will not do the job. That is unique culture here at Rutgers.

U. Mich also, many students leave at halftime. They're so wiped out from tailgating at the frats/sororities starting at 8 in the morning that they can barely keep their eyes open by halftime.
Agreed. We were absolutely still in it st that point. 2 score game. Far, far crazier scenarios happen nearly every week in college football.

The exodus began at the end of the 3rd quarter which was pathetic, and student section looked like the game had been over for 30 minutes.

HONESTLY, they should get some tshirt launchers and ONLY give tshirts/towels/whatever to fans who stay for the entire game. When the crowds disappear, it tells every kid on the field playing their hearts out that they should throw in the towel too. You'd never see this at a big-time program. Hopefully we'll get there one day.

Yes you do see students and fans do that at other programs... at programs that have given the fans way more reason to stay. (Also, we ARE a big time program)
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Actually better than Saturday of Labor Day weekend.

I'm thinking traffic jams. On a Friday, with people scooting from work to go wherever, I don't want to get in the car for a 3 hour drive to go to a football game. If someone is close to stadium its no doubt better,
Yes, it looked like a major college game on TV. packed lower bowl. Nobody on TV can see the random pockets of empty seats that I'm sure were there.
And it sounded loud on TV as well