Google News - "Rutgers" search, relevance


Heisman Winner
Apr 1, 2004
I routinely do Google News with search term Rutgers, sorted by Relevance, then sorted by Date. Amused that today's most relevant article was lost Rutgers service dog Moe was found in Edison. Rutgers Athletics has a long way to go. A missing dog trumps Rutgers in the Google world. Would never be the case for our Big Ten brethren or even Seton Hall or Syracuse.
I routinely do Google News with search term Rutgers, sorted by Relevance, then sorted by Date. Amused that today's most relevant article was lost Rutgers service dog Moe was found in Edison. Rutgers Athletics has a long way to go. A missing dog trumps Rutgers in the Google world. Would never be the case for our Big Ten brethren or even Seton Hall or Syracuse.

wouldn't you rather be in the news for a lost service dog than any number of other things RU has been in the news for in the past?

it wasn't just a service dog. It was a dog trained and cared for by RU volunteer Companion Animal Trainers, who take rescue dogs and train them as service dogs for PTSD and autism. Moe was going to a Veteran with PTSD.

Were you also aware that Rutgers has a Seeing Eye Puppy program where students train dogs to be seeing eye dogs for the blind?
That's a great human interest story. (Yes, I get the irony of "human" here.) No shame at all in that being on top of Rutgers searches.
Relevence is a debatable thing here. For example on "Law and Order-Special Victimus Unit" a few minutes ago an assault victim identifies him as an ex acquaintance from Rutgers who has been stalking her from college.

1) Is THIS relevant? (I bet you can search on this later tonight).
2) Is it necessarily positive-I think not.
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Relevence is a debatable thing here. For example on "Law and Order-Special Victimus Unit" a few minutes ago an assault victim identifies him as an ex acquaintance from Rutgers who has been stalking her from college.

1) Is THIS relevant? (I bet you can search on this later tonight).
2) Is it necessarily positive-I think not.

I cringed when I heard it. Every episode there is an issue with a college it's Hudson University. Why, all of a sudden, was it Rutgers?
Maybe more "cringeworthy" (for those in the job market) was a social media "expert" saying she knew of at least one company where job candidates were rated on a "social media score" that was one's facebook "friends"-combined say with the number of likes.
Wasn't exactly this but it was terrified if one doesn't have a facebook account or related.
I cringed when I heard it. Every episode there is an issue with a college it's Hudson University. Why, all of a sudden, was it Rutgers?

It could just be that they wanted out of New York as part of the plot-some of the locale was in NJ. On the more paranoid front t's been discussed that lots of powerful media types in the NY area are Syracuse grads-thus anything "anti-RU" could help them.

Over the years I've also seen/learned:
1) Many RU grads in TV and the media. Meaning could have been a positive or negative publicity intent. As there have been at all schools there have been assaults on and off campus. On the other hand I've met at least one young lady who transferred to RU from a "more dangerous" campus-specifically Temple.

2) I've seen "secret" wink-wink type reference where a TV show has used inside info at a company-and used it on TV. I once scored a second interview with Humana because I read (and repeated to an interviewer-freaking him out that I knew)
that inside info from Humana was being used on the then TV show "St. Elsewhere".

The "X-Files" used to make such references and jokes regularly. Unbeknownst to me until this year Producer Chris Carter is from NJ. On the 2nd season there was a "wink-wink" joke where a "fluke monster" lived in the (waste) sewers of Newark
killing and attacking people who either wound up at the equivalent of UMDNJ or Robert Wood Johnson NB.

Even more freakish I was watching the last year (not this past year) and the given monster in an episode was a "mosquito man" from Manahawkin. This was a real good joke to the people such as myself whose families who had houses in Village Harbor (or maybe even down highway 9 on the bay) as the Forsythe Wildlife refuse was adjacent to the Village Harbor land. There were plenty of mosquitos and aggressive flies- it was rare occurence NOT to be attacked by aggressive, stalking like flies as I jogged adjacent to the refuge-or out crabbing in Manahawkin Bay.