Harvard cancels remainder of men's soccer team schedule


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Aug 1, 2001
Ocean City NJ via South Brunswick and Denville
Their was a 4 year running log of the incoming freshman on the women's soccer team and a rating of each one. I guess their crime was putting it to paper and getting caught. We did the same thing on the RU track team and I'm sure a lot of the women on the track team were doing the same to the incoming men. We just didnt put it on paper.

When will people learn not to put these things on email? (see Hillary Clinton)
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welcome to the 21st century..



Is it wrong that I don't see the problem here? I can't even wrap my head around how this results in a Division 1 sport being cancelled. What an injustice. Unless there was more to the story, this is a result of taking things too far. In the real world people aren't nice, and everyone (especially the type of people who graduate from Harvard) will be ranked on everything, including their looks. Harvard students and administration ought to be smart enough to understand that.
Is it wrong that I don't see the problem here? I can't even wrap my head around how this results in a Division 1 sport being cancelled. What an injustice. Unless there was more to the story, this is a result of taking things too far. In the real world people aren't nice, and everyone (especially the type of people who graduate from Harvard) will be ranked on everything, including their looks. Harvard students and administration ought to be smart enough to understand that.

I dont see the problem. Guys and girls have been doing it since time began.
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Is it wrong that I don't see the problem here? I can't even wrap my head around how this results in a Division 1 sport being cancelled. What an injustice. Unless there was more to the story, this is a result of taking things too far. In the real world people aren't nice, and everyone (especially the type of people who graduate from Harvard) will be ranked on everything, including their looks. Harvard students and administration ought to be smart enough to understand that.

I dont see the problem. Guys and girls have been doing it since time began.
Because we need participation trophies for everything now and can't say one person is better at something than another, including physical appearance.
Part of the problem seems to be that when confronted the athletes denied and gave the university the run around before they admitted to it. Not sure if being honest in the beginning would have changed the outcome but seems to have been an issue.

It makes the team, the boys, and the school look bad. That is the problem.

I would flip out if my players ever did this. I would be livid at the stupidity.
I believe the ratings also contained sex acts the girls would allegedly do. It's inappropriate but doesn't seem worth cancelling the rest of the season for.
From the Harvard newspaper.. "Last week, The Crimson reported that the 2012 men’s soccer team created a “scouting report” of that year’s women’s soccer recruits, rating them numerically and assigning each a hypothetical sexual position."
DEFINITELY MUCH MORE TO THIS STORY THAN MEETS THE EYE. This was a top national soccer team at a school known for lampooning people and movies. Likely has to do with sexual assault/attempted sexual assault. This is a school with the highest endowment in the country who considers itself #1 and wants to remain such. By announcing such and the reason they help to prevent word on all getting out on worse. Just look at:

1) Penn State-we now all call pedo U. JoePAs legacy, as good as any-marred.
2)UVA-long history of sexual assault in frat system (even songs) and failed to catch predators on staff. Rolling Stone comes in and gives much bad publicity. Then, creates a false story based on a lot of things that typically go on at UVA.
3) Dook-spoiled, d-bag Northeastern "privileged" do much but are supposedly accused of things that failed to occur. Counter lawsuits-Dooks rep is sullied/even more if you considered many students are spoiled brats/"princes"/Princesses (including a few literally) BEFORE DOOK LACROSSE.
4)Baylor-haven't followed much but much sexual assault
5)Michigan State-still ongoing scandal about staffer molesting teenage and underage girls trying (and who DID) represent the US n the Olympics/else.

Given the above seems like a smart coverup to protect Harvard's rep while punishing the guilty. Maybe wrong but from R recruitment of Bridgewater kicker I don't think Harvard hands out sports scholarships so they don't have to take them away/get sued for such (plenty of endowment to pay for the aid packages if they want)
have no real issue with what they did really. So they rated the girls on looks and sex acts, I can think of reasons why it's not smart for them to have compiled the list but at the end of the day, much ado about nothing
This is immature and silly, and I'm sure the girls get together and rate the boys also. Their mistake was putting it on paper. But, to cancel a season and act like they committed some crimes is a monster overreaction and quite ridiculous.
+1 on the facebook rating comment.

Crazy. Reprimanded, yea. Canceling season? No way. If there were specific comments along the lines of "Grab her by the pussy" in addition to ratings... Then you are talking suspensions. If the whole team is suspended, then what?

I assume this is automatic wins for their opponents. Not really fair for the teams they already played.
I believe the ratings also contained sex acts the girls would allegedly do. It's inappropriate but doesn't seem worth cancelling the rest of the season for.

It was first discovered in 2012 and the team got a slap on the wrist and was instructed to discontinue. They didn't and tried to cover it up during the recent investigation. In school or the workplace the boss makes the rules and you either follow them or face the consequences.
It was first discovered in 2012 and the team got a slap on the wrist and was instructed to discontinue. They didn't and tried to cover it up during the recent investigation. In school or the workplace the boss makes the rules and you either follow them or face the consequences.
It was first discovered in 2012 and the team got a slap on the wrist and was instructed to discontinue. They didn't and tried to cover it up during the recent investigation. In school or the workplace the boss makes the rules and you either follow them or face the consequences.

Or like R frat system " PHI" when ~1986 when "FIJI" was banned (story I got)) for doing, at a minimum, what the Dook players were accused of doing with the strippers. Knew both of the FIJI brothers-one fairly well-good guy- and spent time socially with him (believe he got into steiroids senior year in HS as he was a 99 lb weekling and won a Mr. Rutgers title. Worked out with his friend who won Mr. Rutgers in an adjacent year. That guy bragged about steroid usage (sister a tippy top Cook student year before me) to gym members before denying in the local press.

His high school friend (both year after me in HS) was more likely the culprit. Always a bit of a troublemaker (smug type-kind of like the Dook lacrosse players). Settled down seemingly after 27 when he met his then 19 year old hot future wife. Was my childhood friend's (son of big Pharma alum) best man at HIS wedding. Dad helped him get into AT&T and seemingly made the most of it.
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Listening to a few women on the issue this AM; does it happen? yes. has it happened since the beginning of time? yes? Is that an argument to make it right?

Anonymously or not, its locker room talk, you would be embarrassed for your mother to hear it. Why, because deep down you shouldn't speak like that. As human beings you need to be more under control and refrain yourself from acting on or expressing you darkest thoughts.

I agree with Harvard. In no way could they send their team, THAT IS REPRESENTING HARVARD, on the field with their thoughts on women in print. If they did nothing, it is basically condoning the behavior.

I am not throwing stones. I winch when I think about some of the things I am have said in my lifetime.
Harvard did the right thing. There doesn't need to be more news to come out. If only $ schools punished 1/10 of what happened here.
Or like R frat system " PHI" when ~1986 when "FIJI" was banned (story I got)) for doing, at a minimum, what the Dook players were accused of doing with the strippers. Knew both of the FIJI brothers-one fairly well-good guy- and spent time socially with him (believe he got into steiroids senior year in HS as he was a 99 lb weekling and won a Mr. Rutgers title. Worked out with his friend who won Mr. Rutgers in an adjacent year. That guy bragged about steroid usage (sister a tippy top Cook student year before me) to gym members before denying in the local press.

His high school friend (both year after me in HS) was more likely the culprit. Always a bit of a troublemaker (smug type-kind of like the Dook lacrosse players). Settled down seemingly after 27 when he met his then 19 year old hot future wife. Was my childhood friend's (son of big Pharma alum) best man at HIS wedding. Dad helped him get into AT&T and seemingly made the most of it.

DEFINITELY MUCH MORE TO THIS STORY THAN MEETS THE EYE. This was a top national soccer team at a school known for lampooning people and movies. Likely has to do with sexual assault/attempted sexual assault. This is a school with the highest endowment in the country who considers itself #1 and wants to remain such. By announcing such and the reason they help to prevent word on all getting out on worse. Just look at:

1) Penn State-we now all call pedo U. JoePAs legacy, as good as any-marred.
2)UVA-long history of sexual assault in frat system (even songs) and failed to catch predators on staff. Rolling Stone comes in and gives much bad publicity. Then, creates a false story based on a lot of things that typically go on at UVA.
3) Dook-spoiled, d-bag Northeastern "privileged" do much but are supposedly accused of things that failed to occur. Counter lawsuits-Dooks rep is sullied/even more if you considered many students are spoiled brats/"princes"/Princesses (including a few literally) BEFORE DOOK LACROSSE.
4)Baylor-haven't followed much but much sexual assault
5)Michigan State-still ongoing scandal about staffer molesting teenage and underage girls trying (and who DID) represent the US n the Olympics/else.

Given the above seems like a smart coverup to protect Harvard's rep while punishing the guilty. Maybe wrong but from R recruitment of Bridgewater kicker I don't think Harvard hands out sports scholarships so they don't have to take them away/get sued for such (plenty of endowment to pay for the aid packages if they want)

Is it just me or is anyone else having trouble following what is being said in these posts?
Listening to a few women on the issue this AM; does it happen? yes. has it happened since the beginning of time? yes? Is that an argument to make it right?

Anonymously or not, its locker room talk, you would be embarrassed for your mother to hear it. Why, because deep down you shouldn't speak like that. As human beings you need to be more under control and refrain yourself from acting on or expressing you darkest thoughts.

I agree with Harvard. In no way could they send their team, THAT IS REPRESENTING HARVARD, on the field with their thoughts on women in print. If they did nothing, it is basically condoning the behavior.

I am not throwing stones. I winch when I think about some of the things I am have said in my lifetime.

Well in that case by your reasoning, thank you to the moderators for NOT attending Harvard. By your reasoning I should have been banned calling my local Bridgewater cheerleaders cute while putting a good word in for RU re prospects (unbreknownst to me R hopefully future kicker).
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Is it just me or is anyone else having trouble following what is being said in these posts?

Being a bit wise. Thought poster was a bit preachy. Assumed his monikor a frat reference and I went to school with the two guys who supposedly got FIJI banned in 1986 for "activities" involving a stripper-and I assume with many brothers (what I heard and probably not a crime to hire a stripper per se).

So just a couple of years ago, it was ok for the Harvard Crimson to objectify some freshman. But it's wrong for, I'm guessing, the privileged white male dominated, soccer team for doing it?
Puuuuuulease, especially in college, everyone does it. Sorority chicks rated our pledges, we rated theirs, I'm sure the sport teams rated each other too. It's not wrong because yes, it's what everyone does. No need to ride the moral high horse on this issue.
And no, I wouldn't want my mom to listen to my friends and I rate women, but I'm not naive enough to think mom and her friends didn't do the same things when they were younger.
People need to stop being offended and outraged for absolutely NOTHING.

So just a couple of years ago, it was ok for the Harvard Crimson to objectify some freshman. But it's wrong for, I'm guessing, the privileged white male dominated, soccer team for doing it?
Puuuuuulease, especially in college, everyone does it. Sorority chicks rated our pledges, we rated theirs, I'm sure the sport teams rated each other too. It's not wrong because yes, it's what everyone does. No need to ride the moral high horse on this issue.
And no, I wouldn't want my mom to listen to my friends and I rate women, but I'm not naive enough to think mom and her friends didn't do the same things when they were younger.
People need to stop being offended and outraged for absolutely NOTHING.

...My thoughts pretty much which is why I made my replies-and believe there's more to this than meets the eye (even if they were told not to do).
Being a bit wise. Thought poster was a bit preachy. Assumed his monikor a frat reference and I went to school with the two guys who supposedly got FIJI banned in 1986 for "activities" involving a stripper-and I assume with many brothers (what I heard and probably not a crime to hire a stripper per se).

Spot on - my screen name is a reference to my fraternity days.
In a few of his posts Ash has shared with us that he has fallen on hard times.

Nothing really top do with it but (seriously, after referral from a b*tchy young social worker 5 years ago) I am forced (via county help requirements) to see two social workers. The one said I have "forced speech" when I talk about the negatives/past so her therapy is -more talking! I'm older than many here and have stories and sometimes relevant experience. Some just want expository writing 1-2 line edited posts that are only pro RU or their opinion.
Listening to a few women on the issue this AM; does it happen? yes. has it happened since the beginning of time? yes? Is that an argument to make it right?

Anonymously or not, its locker room talk, you would be embarrassed for your mother to hear it. Why, because deep down you shouldn't speak like that. As human beings you need to be more under control and refrain yourself from acting on or expressing you darkest thoughts.

I agree with Harvard. In no way could they send their team, THAT IS REPRESENTING HARVARD, on the field with their thoughts on women in print. If they did nothing, it is basically condoning the behavior.

I am not throwing stones. I winch when I think about some of the things I am have said in my lifetime.
Thing is without the suspension nobody even knows about this. Granted, if they were told to stop it and didn't there is extra blame to go around but it's still silly.
It is wrong and Harvard took a stand. You may not agree with the severity of the punishment but they are making sure it doesn't happen again.

This is from 2012 and it contunued until today and it is sexist and degrading.

Each woman was assigned a hypothetical sexual “position” in addition to her position on the soccer field.

“She seems relatively simple and probably inexperienced sexually, so I decided missionary would be her preferred position,” the author wrote about one woman. “Doggy style,” “The Triple Lindy,” and “cowgirl” were listed as possible positions for other women.

The author also assigned each woman a nickname, calling one woman “Gumbi” because “her gum to tooth ratio is about 1 to 1.”

“For that reason I am forced to rate her a 6,” the author added.

“She seems to be very strong, tall and manly so, I gave her a 3 because I felt bad. Not much needs to be said on this one folks,” the author wrote about another woman.

Concluding his assessment of one woman, the author wrote, “Yeah… She wants cock.”

This 'scouting report' is just as bad as the Trump locker room talk. Both are disgusting.
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It is wrong and Harvard took a stand. You may not agree with the severity of the punishment but they are making sure it doesn't happen again.

This is from 2012 and it contunued until today and it is sexist and degrading.

Each woman was assigned a hypothetical sexual “position” in addition to her position on the soccer field.

“She seems relatively simple and probably inexperienced sexually, so I decided missionary would be her preferred position,” the author wrote about one woman. “Doggy style,” “The Triple Lindy,” and “cowgirl” were listed as possible positions for other women.

The author also assigned each woman a nickname, calling one woman “Gumbi” because “her gum to tooth ratio is about 1 to 1.”

“For that reason I am forced to rate her a 6,” the author added.

“She seems to be very strong, tall and manly so, I gave her a 3 because I felt bad. Not much needs to be said on this one folks,” the author wrote about another woman.

Concluding his assessment of one woman, the author wrote, “Yeah… She wants cock.”

This 'scouting report' is just as bad as the Trump locker room talk. Both are disgusting.
Yes, those students were stupid to put in writing but this is a over the top reaction, IMHO. They were acting like iceholes for sure. But cancelling the whole season is a bit over the top.

And some people here actually think that Rutgers is a liberal college... no folks this is what a real liberal college looks like.

Rutgers is moderate. Now you know.
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LOL the latter is what I was thinking. I didn't want to post because overnight I was told by a moderator political threads here=banning.. . Maybe its due to a lack of experience but I think I'd be happy with a 19-35 year old girlfriend dubbed "Gumby" (at least if I gave her the nickname).
Here's the "catch". It's not September 1st-it's November 4th. How many more games were there anyway? After all the comments I still thought and think that, at worst, players who did such deserved a game or two suspension. WELL THERE ARENT THAT MANY REGULAR SEASON GAMES LEFT ANYWAY. Now that I think about it its a smart move by Harvard:

1) Players get punished-Harvard admin looks really good.
2) Besides a postseason ban (bad enough) the team only fails to play a few more games.
Were they gonna win the NCAAS anyway?
3) Therefore Harvard can argue the players "got their due" while
4) Harvard avoids any scrutiny by the NCAA and builds up possible goodwill with such for later.
It was first discovered in 2012 and the team got a slap on the wrist and was instructed to discontinue. They didn't and tried to cover it up during the recent investigation. In school or the workplace the boss makes the rules and you either follow them or face the consequences.
So you're warned once before yet you do it again. You also make it worse by trying to cover it up in the internet/wide open media age...which in turn could make the PR even worse for Harvard.

And they're supposed to be the smart guys?
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