Let's go METS 2016 thread ......Just get in and anything can happen!

Like I said in the other Mets thread, eickhoff & velazquez both look like 2 solid young pieces of the philly rotation. Eickhoff was very impressive tonight, his curveball is dynamite. Unfortunately for him he so happened to be facing syndergaard, who's just out of this world.

Mets lineup is starting to heat up watch out!!
Let's go ! David hitting ,Ces too! Jake is coming back and child is coming home healthy ! By the way.... we ain't the F-in Padres !!!!!
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Just a heads' up, but figure the Mets fans to wake up after the Metsies "wake up" during back-to-back series next week vs. the MLB teams ranked last (Philly) and next-to-last (Braves) by ESPN.
One can't help but wonder what percentage of their schedule the fortuitous Amazins get to play vs. the two worst teams in MLB ?

Did I call this one or what ?
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But they do have three big time young starting pitchers. Mets got to one of them last night.
But they do have three big time young starting pitchers. Mets got to one of them last night.

"Big time" young starters ? Please.
Maybe they should actually do something at the big league level before you call them that ?
Besides, why would everyone project them as being the worst team in MLB if they had three "big time" starters...young or old ? I actually feel sorry for Phillies fans.
Now, tell me how good the Braves are. How many "big time" young starters do THEY have ?
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"Big time" young starters ? Please.
Maybe they should actually do something at the big league level before you call them that ?
Besides, why would everyone project them as being the worst team in MLB if they had three "big time" starters...young or old ? I actually feel sorry for Phillies fans.
Now, tell me how good the Braves are. How many "big time" young starters do THEY have ?
It's fun to lift your arms in the air as the table spins and, when done, watch the Yankee fans on the other side now reduced to no more than intermittently burping out pot shots at the Mets. Each of these type of posts is a moment to lean back and smile. It'd be great to have another summer of this.
Meanwhile, Yankees still draw over 5k more per game than the Mets at the gate this season so far.

And that's even with declining Yanks attendance since Jeter retired.
See, there goes another one.

I'm sure, in his research to make this point, he saw the trend, and it isn't good for him. But no matter. Just enjoy the view from this side of the table, and the fact that Yankee fans are scrambling to make these types of points. It's only April, and this is where they are. It's fun.
It's fun to watch the Yankee fans on the other side now reduced to no more than intermittently burping out pot shots at the Mets.
It's fun to lift your arms in the air as the table spins and, when done, watch the Yankee fans on the other side now reduced to no more than intermittently burping out pot shots at the Mets. Each of these type of posts is a moment to lean back and smile. It'd be great to have another summer of this.

Huh ?
"intermittently burping out pot shots" ????
Now you're making ME laugh. Gracias.
Where are all the chirpy Yankees fans? And by chirpy, the ones who like to cast stones at the Mets?
They are hiding under a rock because their great and all powerful AL East has only one, yes I say, only one team playing over .500 baseball. Sure it's early, but even in this over rated division, the Stankees are dead last, and the Phillies,who some of the 'experts' on here called one of the 2 worst in ALL of baseball, would be in 3rd in the great ALEast. I think it's time to say the Twins and Braves are clearly the 2 worst in baseball, and there is NO, I repeat, no concernable difference between any division at this point,none. That is all.
Just a heads' up, but figure the Mets fans to wake up after the Metsies "wake up" during back-to-back series next week vs. the MLB teams ranked last (Philly) and next-to-last (Braves) by ESPN.
One can't help but wonder what percentage of their schedule the fortuitous Amazins get to play vs. the two worst teams in MLB ?

I'm right so often I sometimes amaze myself.
That was a nice 10 game stretch by the Mets, particularly with Harvey still struggling, de Grom out for a while, and Cespedes missing for a couple of days. Harvey's velocity, reaching over 95 infrequently, and deGrom's velocity today and since the WS are a concern, though. So is the bullpen. We'll see.

It could be worse, though. We could be in last place with a losing record against a schedule that also had a combined losing record. That'd be bleak. Phew.
That was a nice 10 game stretch by the Mets, particularly with Harvey still struggling, de Grom out for a while, and Cespedes missing for a couple of days. Harvey's velocity, reaching over 95 infrequently, and deGrom's velocity today and since the WS are a concern, though. So is the bullpen. We'll see.

It could be worse, though. We could be in last place with a losing record against a schedule that also had a combined losing record. That'd be bleak. Phew.
Reasons for optimism in no particular order.
1.Thor is scary
2. After a terrible first outing, Matz is on.
3. Bart is being Bart and doing OK.
4. de Grom looks OK. His newborn had a health scare, and he needs to get his head right.
5. Bullpen looks pretty solid.
6. Bats have come alive. Grandy, Duda, Walker, Cabrera all contributing when Cespedes is out.
7. Neil Walker is nice pickup.
7. Solid infield defensively.
Harvey has some issues to work out. Hopefully Warthen helps him figure it out--countdown to the guy who got his lunch money stolen by Harvey to get chirpy.
Familia has me worried right now. His pitches are up and not many swings and misses. Harvey is also a concern but was limited in spring training as was all the starters so he should pick it up.

So far Walker is filling in nicely for Murphy but ..I WOULD have signed Murphy. He was always a solid hitter but something just clicked for him late last year after he tweaked his swing. And Gotta love Conforto, our future All Star.
De Grom's velocity was down in the post season, all spring and the starts he's made this season. It's not a recent thing. Not all lineups are the Braves. Let's hope it's not permanent.

Familia's velocity is still there, and at least Harvey's fluctuates. I'm more concerned about DeGroms consistent drop for some time now.
The Mets always look good when they play AAA teams! Luckily for them, their division has 3 of them this year.

Dear troll,

Then explain how the Mets demolished the best teams in the NL on the way to the WS last season. Did they look good then??

This is the definition of an idiotic blanket statement. Made by none other than the resident NY baseball troll.

Now make your way back underneath your bridge loser!
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Dear troll,

Then explain how the Mets demolished the best teams in the NL on the way to the WS last season. Did they look good then??

This is the definition of an idiotic blanket statement. Made by none other than the resident NY baseball troll.

Now make your way back underneath your bridge loser!
You are living in a dream world. The Mets won a historically bad division last year. Three putrid teams and one of the biggest underperformed teams in the history of baseball. They got matched up against a garbage LA team and hit it rich with a once in a lifetime performance by Murphy (who the Mets then dumped) to beat the Cubs.

And what happened when the Mets played a good AL team? Crushed.
You are living in a dream world. The Mets won a historically bad division last year. Three putrid teams and one of the biggest underperformed teams in the history of baseball. They got matched up against a garbage LA team and hit it rich with a once in a lifetime performance by Murphy (who the Mets then dumped) to beat the Cubs.

And what happened when the Mets played a good AL team? Crushed.

Interesting perspective.

De Grom's velocity was down in the post season, all spring and the starts he's made this season. It's not a recent thing. Not all lineups are the Braves. Let's hope it's not permanent.

Familia's velocity is still there, and at least Harvey's fluctuates. I'm more concerned about DeGroms consistent drop for some time now.

Agreed with all of this. I was hoping the time off would help but I'm worried about his arm. Velo drops like that are always a sign of injury.
You're actually playing a AAA team in the Rays but you're making fun of the Mets?

Who is making fun of the Mets ? What I did was accurately point out that fortuitous scheduling was enabling them to play a series of games vs. what ESPN at the time had rated the two worst teams in MLB. And also that this would cause fans of the Metsies to get all excited. And THAT is exactly what has happened.
Who is making fun of the Mets ? What I did was accurately point out that fortuitous scheduling was enabling them to play a series of games vs. what ESPN at the time had rated the two worst teams in MLB. And also that this would cause fans of the Metsies to get all excited. And THAT is exactly what has happened.

Dear jerk,

Mets fans are excited because baseball is awesome, the Mets have a well put together team (way better than the Yankees top to bottom), and have been playing well despite injuries and some players underperforming so far.

This is why Yankees fans are widely known as the biggest pr*ck fans in sports. I guess I could've "predicted" the Yankees would have a losing record and in the basement 2 weeks ago too, do I win a cookie?

This a Mets thread big guy... Take your 27 rings and shove em- no more Mo, Jeter, pettite etc. and the Mets now have the best team in the area. GET OVER IT!! You and your butt buddy t2kplus need to scram, seriously.
You are living in a dream world. The Mets won a historically bad division last year. Three putrid teams and one of the biggest underperformed teams in the history of baseball. They got matched up against a garbage LA team and hit it rich with a once in a lifetime performance by Murphy (who the Mets then dumped) to beat the Cubs.

And what happened when the Mets played a good AL team? Crushed.

Ok I'm living in the dream world, haha funny. That's highly laughable with the insane sh*t you post here.

Pretty sure anyone would've lost to the Royals, they're a great team. They still would've beat the Cubs Murphy or not- in case you did not notice they SWEPT them. Let me explain...the series wasn't close.

A "garbage" Dodgers team. Lol this guy. You speaking in absolutes & extremes does absolutely nothing but worsen your "argument."
Well, that Dodgers team was clearly overrated because they couldn't even beat the Mets, the luckiest NL pennant winners in modern baseball history.

One NY team has what is probably the deepest starting rotation in MLB. The other has the best back of the bullpen once Chapman is back from his suspension. I would rather have the dominant starters. Better chance of having leads to protect.
Well, that Dodgers team was clearly overrated because they couldn't even beat the Mets, the luckiest NL pennant winners in modern baseball history.

One NY team has what is probably the deepest starting rotation in MLB. The other has the best back of the bullpen once Chapman is back from his suspension. I would rather have the dominant starters. Better chance of having leads to protect.
One cogent paragraph out of two. That's .500, which for this thread is actually quite good.

Either your definition of "modern", or your knowledge of baseball history, is very limited. Luckiest NL pennant winners? This team was far from the luckiest MET pennant winners. That would be the 1973 "Ya gotta believe" team managed by Yogi Berra. 82 regular season wins. Then they knocked off the Big Red Machine and took Charlie Finley's A's to seven.
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Who is making fun of the Mets ? What I did was accurately point out that fortuitous scheduling was enabling them to play a series of games vs. what ESPN at the time had rated the two worst teams in MLB. And also that this would cause fans of the Metsies to get all excited. And THAT is exactly what has happened.
"What ESPN at the time said were the 2 worst teams" as it turns out, the Phillies are far from that.
Not really that far.
I believe the same statement applies to the Astros and Rays, who have both played the Yankees already. Yet the Yankees continue to remain below .500.
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Yankees need the steroid guys, Clemens, Jeter, Mo and Pettite, to come back and show the new guys how to get it done. ARod just doesn't seem to have the connections he used to have.

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