Football LIVE GAME THREAD: Rutgers Football vs. Michigan

the penalty was a killer and our QB play is just too spotty to count on. Still the team has incredible heart and we have improved so much in so little time. No moral victories but no reason to feel down about this one either. Big picture says everything is looking good for the future.
Hated those play calls in 3OT. Gleeson just gets too cute, too often. Our last two plays were designed throws to RBs when they couldn't stop our WRs most of the night.
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Vrdrel shoul have ran the last play..the middle was open...i really thought he should have ran more tonight...
Great effort.
The 1st OT was our moment .
1st play gets 2 yards. Next 2 plays is Minus 5. Horrible play calling there.
Made the FG longer than it had to be.
Exact scenario last week and Vedral threw an INT and people hated that we didn’t just run it.
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Refs were the difference
agreed.. that PI call; was BS. The lack of hold or PI calls on Michigan... that stupid facemask that in slow-mo was nothing worth calling.. the attempt to stop our last regulation drive with that oddly discussed motion penalty... which on film showed he moved with everyone else... on the snap.. just BS... and the worst.. that pick play TD pass for them.. OBVIOUS pick play.. WR sought contact.. did not just stake out a spot to get in the way..
the crossing patterns were there or isolate a RB on linebacker ...not a RB in the end zone...
There should be a website independent of the leagues that impartially grades officiating. The data from there would be interesting.
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