Even more model mayhem at 0Z (7 pm EST data inputs, which is just about 4 days out from the start of the event Sunday afternoon). Could be anything from 0-6" and we're not going to have a good handle on this one for at least the next 12-24 hours. Figured I'd start a thread though just to alert folks to this weekend's wintry potential, as opposed to continuing to track and discuss this in the pattern thread. The only certainty is that it's going to get freakin' cold from Monday through Friday of next week, with highs below 32F (and well down into the 20s Mon/Tues/Weds) and lows in the teens (maybe single digits Tues/Weds). There might be another chance at snow around 1/22-23.
- The CMC is much more amped than the other models putting down 6"+ just NW of 95 and beyond, with 6" down to 1" as one goes from NWS Middlesex County to SE Middlesex (incredible gradient) and nada SE of there, due to warmer temps and rain.
- The UK shows a general 2-4 (3-6" if we factor in potential high ratios with temps in the 20s).
- The ICON shows a general 1-2" and maybe up to 3" if we factor in potential high ratios with temps in the 20s.
- On the flip side the GFS and Euro are nearly identical with precip much further offshore, so just some snow showers and <1/2" for almost everyone.
- It's also worth noting that the Euro and GFS ensemble mean (the average of 20-50 runs of each model with slightly varying data and assumption inputs to evaluate model sensitivity) shows maybe an inch to 2 inches of snow for this event, which implies that perhaps the Euro/GFS Operational model runs, above, are outliers.
- In addition, the Euro-AIFS (the AI version of the Euro, which has been quite accurate this winter) is showing about 3-5" for the area.
- Note that snow ratios greater than 10:1 would be favored if we have the colder solutions, but not if the warmer solutions, like the CMC verify, which could decrease ratios; also even in a cold solution high ratios aren't a given if we don't get good dendritic growth aloft, which is a major key to high ratios.
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