Not sure if you are being serious but I'll bite. The China Olympics was just a couple years ago, I don't think you were in grade school at that time, or maybe I'm wrong, so your analogy of support of Alzheimer's research kind of falls flat, I figure it was made in jest? Human rights violations are serious no matter who is committing them, I think we can agree on that. The organizers of the Olympics and the World Cup are all adults and knew of the atrocities China was committing against the Uyghurs, just as FIFA and the world knows about Qatar and treatment of gays, they were not grade school age (maybe just in intellect, definitely adults in greed). FIFA accepted the bid from Qatar because of money (They had no issues back when they accepted the bid), just like everyone accepted the China Olympics, no one wanted to offend them (Money, Money, Money), seems like hypocrisy to me.
If the USA wants to show support, then fine, ok, just as I said, seems a little hypocritical to me to pick and choose which Human Rights Violations one stands up to, the relevance.
I know of one player from France that made a statement where he said he will not wear the rainbow flag. It's not that he agrees with Qatar's treatment of gays, but as he stated when people come to France, they are welcome, just follows our rules/laws, and he has received some flak for his statements. I bet Brittney Griner, wishes she had followed laws of Russia. Qatar has many laws that I do not agree with, one is that they told people coming into their country do not bring a bible, don't bring porn or drugs.
So, no hookers and blow to be had. 😉
Thats my opinion and I'm sticking with it. 😉