The Plainsboro side is hardly affluent as it's mostly renters and immigrants here on a visa to get education. My school is a Title 1 school and on the Plainsboro side. It also has the highest concentration of special ed. students as they are located here due to the resources being housed here for the most part.
I agree the parents caring is the biggest factor in school success. Also, if we could drop this school district in Camden I doubt the same performance would happen. However, isn't that the point of why teachers get pissy when everything about public school is criticized? You need all 3 components of education clicking to teach a student (admins, parents, teachers). Plus, you need student buy in. If any of those components are off, results deteriorate. This is why private school do well generally, they limit the problems they need to tackle.
I'm a huge proponent of doing what you feel is best for your child, public or private. I also am not against school vouchers because it should be all about the child learning the best they can. I'm only one voice and only there for 180 school days in their development.
I have a student this year who has major speech issues and it's impacting every facet of his development. Parents refuse to budge on getting him tested because speech is considered "special education'. Another one of my student came from out of district and attacked his old principal and my student teacher. There's no official support we can give him because his grades aren't in the tank. I have 2 other students who are classified and are in and out of the room for academics and special services. If these parents refuse to sign a document or give consent, I just have to do the best I can teaching them. This is the reality of a teacher nowadays. If a parent wants to screw up their kid, it's their choice and I have to live with it. So excuse us if we're tired, cranky or get burnt out. I'm glad I get paid well because it's a great reason to keep on coming back, haha.
On a side note, I'm not typing this while teaching. I had to take a half personal day for my daughter's confirmation. So I don't want to hear I'm slacking.