Folks , they are not a culture with much class. Sorry to say that for the PC libs on the board. It is what it is. The Portuguese down neck Newark actually cringe at the brazilians and their antics . They speak Portuguese but that is where similarities end.
Russia faced the majority of the experienced battle hardened German forces. Allied forces often faced green German soldiers many of which were less than 17yrs old. Not the same at all. They weathered the brunt of the attack. Any other theatre of war was ancillary to the eastern front.
The aid that the allies provided Russia was very marginal and had little impact. In fact Churchill wanted the Germans to annihilate the Russians because he feared Communism so much. All the propaganda talk about the US "saving the world" in WWII is utter BS and just total revisionist history and hollywood dramatization. As the saying goes, the victors write the history....
This false sense of bravado and machismo is unwarranted and is a by product of the propaganda that the US school system, hollywood and the US media like to feed the sheep that are the majority of the American people.
A couple of questions come to mind after reading this thread.
1) Is RUbacker originally from Newark? I ask this because I am and I have only heard Newark natives use the term "down neck". Most people call it the Ironbound but those of us from Newark remember when it was down neck.
2) Why does Blitz hate America so much and what does all of his ramblings have to do with Brazillian fans booing Hope Solo?