Thirteen pages of the most astonishing, unhinged and ungrounded retardation this venue has ever seen.
No, offshore wind development isn't magically killing whales.
Forty percent of them are killed by ships.
The rest die from disease and starvation. Then they wash up on the beach, because that's what dead marine mammals do. A sudden spike in occurrences, you say? There are two likely reasons for that. One, there are simply WAY more whales than there were just a few decades ago. And two, persistent higher than normal SSTs equate to reduced food supply for plankton-feeding whales. When their natural migratory patterns interact with consistently warmer (and therefore less nutrient-rich) waters, die-offs are the result.
Nobody is going to see a wind farm while standing on the beach. Even if they're faintly visible from higher vantage points, so what? They will appear, from 15 miles away, as dots on the horizon. This hysteria is 100% fabricated by people who are simply prone to hysteria (like T2k, for example).
Remember - simply complaining about potential solutions without offering additional solutions is, by definition, whining. It's what we expect from 2 year-olds (like T2k). It is not, however, adult behavior.