OT: Has Anyone Else Watched the B!G's Rutgers Classics (5)...Over / Over


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jun 24, 2001
Rutgers & NJ @ Heart
We need more classics. We need more wins.

I've noticed in the Maryland game (2014) there was a speedy back named either Likely or Lively?. I've also noticed that RU was penalized for tackling by using the face mask. Watch this guy tackle Grant on at least 2 occasions. He grabs him by the helmet and throws him out of bounds using a face mask.

We didn't get either call and it seemed to be a non issue. We won. But the play was dirty (imo).

Here's hoping we add some classics to the vault this year: regardless of whether we keep or can Ash!

Didn’t you say this a few weeks ago? Someone did. Yes we need more wins and classics.
Need to start showing the win at Tenn, the wins over Michigan State, the win at Penn State, various wins against Louisville and South Florida, the great comebacks vs Virginia Tech and Vandy, and even the tie with Florida and the close loss vs Alabama
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I remember someone said it lol.

Yeah and the scary part is it might have been me....?

But I remember thinking about the Michigan game and the Kick Returner / coverage man who as fast, arrogant and nasty (don't remember his name).
Not sure if I posted it or not.

Regardless, I remember Turray's block....and Flood mouthing something like " BOOM" / or "KEMOKO".

That's what happens when you can place all of your classics on the head of pin.


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