I never understood why people feel a ballpark should have "character", whatever that means. The original Citi Field had "character" and it led to some bizarre baseball. We tend to focus on the Great Wall of Flushing, and rightly so. But remember the "Mo's Zone" in right? What was a homer in right center became an out in right. Unless, you managed to drop it into the front row of the Pepsi Porch (now Coca Cola Corner) which actually was a slight overhang over the Mo's Zone.The shit of it is that they had to move them in for just about everyone. As for David- I am going to say his back hurt him more than the fences did and it was a problem well before we all found out about it.
I love Citi Field but whoever first designed that field was an idiot. We saw some bad baseball when that new stadium went up. During those years- Beltran and the others had dramatic drops as well. I think our last year at Shea we had just over 170 HR and dropped to the 90's low 100's in those first few Citi years.
And even with David's drop and injury, when he was on the field, he still ended up being pretty good. I would still rather have him over Reyes. But I don't think it was the field that was the real issue with him
Modern ballparks are great for fan experience. But for the actual park dimensions which dictate the play of the game, give me old school symmetry and eight foot fences. That's the perfect height for one of the most exciting plays of the game - the outfielder robbing the home run.