What the flaming F are you rambling on- there are time I will bust balls like all fans do. there are times I talk baseball- there are times I may say something and someone corrects me and I admit my mistake(hmmm- who doesnt do that) - I love NY/NJ sports- when my favorite team isn't winning- I would rather another NY/NJ team win.
I enjoy when both teams in town are doing well- makes the season a lot of fun.
You are still butt hurt when you ignored me when I said that Judge was a rare talent that I hoped to watch to have a full season healthy. But, at that time, I said I was not sure I would see it so he couldn't qualify in my eyes as one of the best.
You cried and ignored me. And your little mind didn't even understand I complemented him.
When you are at a light and it turns green but you are looking at someone's post that doesn't agree with you, and the car behind you gives a tap on the horn, I bet you call THEM the asshole.
And you know I am right...
Just enjoy the magical season your team is having. Stop looking at the trough and wishing you had a private urinal.