OT: Official Women's World Cup Thread

It would be more disrespectful to just pass the ball around....also goal differential can be important for the knockout stage...several of the players got paid by Hulu for that goal’s a long story but you can look it up on social media.
I just found it it was 13 goals. I stopped watching at 3. 13 is ridiculous. I hope they substituted liberally. But Alex Morgan with 5 goals, including 3 after the 70 minute mark, doesn't really speak to that.

I would not want to be an American tourist in Thailand today.

Perhaps they should cap goal differential per game. Make it a 6 goal advantage is it.. anything beyond that doesn't count.
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I just found it it was 13 goals. I stopped watching at 3. 13 is ridiculous. I hope they substituted liberally. But Alex Morgan with 5 goals, including 3 after the 70 minute mark, doesn't really speak to that.

I would not want to be an American tourist in Thailand today.

Perhaps they should cap goal differential per game. Make it a 6 goal advantage is it.. anything beyond that doesn't count.

Only allowed 3 subs, they used all three
Here’s the thing about the subs. They were all offensively minded, especially Pugh for Ertz. When that happened, we went from a four woman backline to three.

I’ve heard the goal differential argument. Our only competition in the group is Sweden. Chile and Thailand are two of the weaker sides in the entire tournament. We already knew that Sweden had beat Chile by two. To say that we needed to put up double digits, let alone thirteen, to protect goal differential is absurd.

IMO, the US could have handled this in a much classier way and that’s on the coaching staff. I’m not going to fault the players for competing hard. That being said, I’m squarely behind the USWNT and still want them to bring the fourth cup home.
As little as I know about soccer, you'd think the coaches could have had them work on specific tactics and situations after going up 6-0 or so. Like maybe tell them to generate corner kicks. or possess the ball for 3 minutes straight... before going in for a scoring attempt.. you never know when you might need to use those tactics.. maybe they did do that.. its just that 13-0 looks bad.

Maybe if you are up 6 goals in the 2nd half they should wave sub limits for both sides... for the sake of "sport".
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Here’s the thing about the subs. They were all offensively minded, especially Pugh for Ertz. When that happened, we went from a four woman backline to three.

I’ve heard the goal differential argument. Our only competition in the group is Sweden. Chile and Thailand are two of the weaker sides in the entire tournament. We already knew that Sweden had beat Chile by two. To say that we needed to put up double digits, let alone thirteen, to protect goal differential is absurd.

IMO, the US could have handled this in a much classier way and that’s on the coaching staff. I’m not going to fault the players for competing hard. That being said, I’m squarely behind the USWNT and still want them to bring the fourth cup home.

It's really not absurd though with how the rules are structured. We play each team in our group round-robin. Obviously, if Sweden puts up 14 against Thailand (who was frankly pretty awful), and we have the same result against Chile, and tie Sweden, they win the group. The rules need to change but don't blame the team for that.
Not the way to start. Between the poor sportsmanship & annoying Rapinoe I hope the girls go down now. They are a little too cocky
You would never see this discrepancy in talent in the men’s tournament. Simply put the woman’s field lacks parity. Only a small number of teams have any chance.
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You would never see this discrepancy in talent in the men’s tournament. Simply put the woman’s field lacks parity. Only a small number of teams have any chance.

More this year than prior world cups
Completely embarrassing your opponent is not the way to go at any level of competition. They deserve criticism for letting the match get this far out of hand.
Haha some very interesting responses.
Thought the board was full of mostly old-school tough love posters who hate the “participation trophy generation”.

Don’t want to lose 13-0? Then stop them.

This isn’t the town rec league.
It’s the biggest tournament in the world being played by adults/professionals.

We have whole threads of adults (both football and basketball) calling college kids losers for transferring but all of a sudden adults can’t handle getting blown out?

Not the US responsibility to worry about the feelings of the opposition.
Maybe some of the US players should have sat down on the field and played 6 on 11?
Head Coach Jill Ellis had to pull the victim card. When asked she said I have to wonder if this was the mens world cup and they were up 10-0 would they be getting the same criticism. I just lost respect for her. Yes Jill they would if the celebrated after all the late goals. Its not about scoring goals thats causing criticism, its the celebrations that got carried away late.

I give Carli credit for going to the goalie at the end and hugging her and talking to her.
My daughter's HS team had a couple of games like this - one in a state tourney game. They subbed out pretty much everybody but still scored a couple. You can't ask subs to not try to impress and play hard and Ellis wanted her 3 best subs to get PT, regardless of position. But, the coaches can change the formation to something like a 4-1-5 and players should not go nuts celebrating. Most players do find it more humiliating for the other team to play keep away BTW. What if Morgan got hurt in the 88th minute ala Booby Miles?
In soccer it would be considered very disrespectful to take it easy on a team if you are winning. Since that would be considered showing off and being cocky that the other team will never come back. This isn't college football.
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This is a little devils advocate but I kind of look at the Rapinoe goal and cheering similar to when the college b-ball backups hit a 3 at the end of a blowout and everyone cheers.
Sure she’s a star/starter for them but her job is primarily to create opps for others so when she finally gets a goal of her own, they’re all excited.
I didn't like the piling on.. but considering the comment above about the lack of competition.. maybe this score differential will signal the government of Thailand to support girls and womens sports more. I suppose it could go the other way as well.. why pay them to go to the World Cup if this is what happens?
A couple things here.
1. This is the world cup, not some local 12u girls tournament.
2. Goal differential plays a large role in standings and making it through to the next round.
3. There is a limit to how many subs a team can use (3) so you can't sub out entire starting team.
4. With subs, they want to show they deserve more playing time so they are going to go all out.
5. In soccer, it can be more embarrassing for one team to play keep away as opposed to just keep playing.
Great win BUT Rapinoe’s celebration, at 9-0, was downright embarrassing.
It is the World Cup isn't it? The top 24 teams in the World! They don't play these games for respect it's Win Win Win!!! Shove it down thier throats! until we are dethroned USA Women's team sets the standards for how to be winners not the losers or...
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I hated the excessive celebrations

Especially Rapinoe

Really turned off by her antics, especially with her history of kneeling for the anthem.

How about acting like you have been there before?
When you are demolishing an overmatched team, how can you act like you just won the whole tournament?

It’s like a youth game when 1 side is crushing the other.
Sure, celebrate the early goals.
But when it is 10-0?
Imagine the backlash against a team captain doing a cartwheel after goal #11.

IMO, the team cost themselves a lot of good will going forward.
They have with me.
It is the World Cup isn't it? The top 24 teams in the World! They don't play these games for respect it's Win Win Win!!! Shove it down thier throats! until we are dethroned USA Women's team sets the standards for how to be winners not the losers or...

It probably should be a 16 team tournament.
And I used to think that this board was filled only with FB experts.

We have quite a few soccer experts telling us like it is in this thread.

Celebrating the last 5 goals after being up 8-0? Not a good look imo.
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Video of Carli Lloyd's game winning, magnificent goal against Thailand:

I am all for winning 13-0
This is the World Cup!!
Now, if USA ties against Sweden, they get the 1st place in group stage due to goal differential.
Is the USA team not supposed to care about finishing first?
You never know what can happen in a big tournament.

Oh, If you don't like the celebrations, play better Futbol.
Similar arguments have been made against UCONN women basketball teams in the past. What did the other teams do? They got better and now they occasionally beat the UCONN team.

Note: I have never seen a team that refused to play offense. Thailand may have had one offensive move the whole game. They immediately cleared the ball and did not try and possess the ball. It looked like Thailand thought they were playing hockey and were clearing the puck trying to kill a penalty,
Its just as embarrassing having the opposing team play keep away while they chase them around the field as it is losing 13-0. ITS THE FRIGGIN WORLD CUP, not U8 rec soccer.

Sure hope the Thai coach still took the team out for ice cream after the game.

I guess the US players should have taken a knee every time they took possession.
I have no problem with keeping on scoring. The problem is with low class individuals like Rapinoe celebrating like she just scored the goal to win the whole tournament, when it was 9-0. Act like you've been there.

This. You would’ve thought she just scored the game-winning goal in the final, 2nd OT, moments left before PK’s.
So it’s ok to run up the score if we are on the winning side?

Lord knows that we bitch like hell when others do it to us.
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So it’s ok to run up the score if we are on the winning side?

Lord knows that we bitch like hell when others do it to us.

Do you watch soccer much or at least the World Cup?

This is not college football or a US sport. It is very insulting to stop playing just because you are winning, which is what they said during the broadcast.
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I'm fine with it and loved every minute of the game.. My question is, how the hell did Thailand qualify? We made them look like a high school team.

I think the celebrations had more to do with the overwhelming American crowd going nuts.
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I have no problem with the scoring. It's the celebrations like they just won the world cup on the goal that was way over the top. After the 7th goal, it's a bit much. And yes rainbow warriors, I would have said the same thing if it was men.

Thailand was like a rec team.